The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1461: Si Ye is still afraid of Lord Rong

   Chapter 1461 The Fourth Master Is Still Afraid Of Lord Rong

  After the little darling put forward the idea of ​​wanting to be in the entertainment industry, everyone was silent.

  At dinner, everyone was sneaking at the little darling, and then everyone used a variety of exaggerated tones to scare the little darling, saying that the entertainment industry is not fun, it is dangerous, the water is deep, and there is trouble!

  The little darling said that the more dangerous she is, the more she likes it.

  Song Junlin: "Exactly the same as Lord Rong back then!"

"It's okay to enter the entertainment industry. Let's talk about it when Lord Rong comes back." Li Ruhua said, "You are only three years old and haven't arrived yet. What kind of entertainment industry is it! When I grow up, let's talk about it. Need to enter the entertainment industry to make money!"

  People with a lot of money are almost moldy. Why not enjoy life?

  Why are you so young and lost your childhood to enter the entertainment industry?

  The little darling is not. The little darling hummed: "Life is so short, so I should experience it more. I will go to the entertainment circle to play, and then go to other circles to play..."

  Li Ruhua: "……"

  Tang Luo: "..."

  Fuck grandpas: "..."

  Sure enough, the little guy always thinks differently, but he is a bit similar to Rong Ye. Does a mother have a daughter?

  Little Rongrong was out of control after she grew up a little bit, but the little darling, who was less than three years old, had already begun to be out of control.

  The three-year-old is already worried that life is too short. She wants to live what she wants to live earlier?

  Everyone looks very complicated.

   Suddenly felt that each one was not as clear as the little darling, and they seemed to have not done what they wanted to do.

   "Mommy shouldn't leave another world yet, I'll call Mommy as soon as possible!"

  The little darling said enthusiastically, she took out her mobile phone, and then called Rong Ye. Ye Rong was in a hotel and received a video call from the little darling. She was very happy.

   "My beloved, do you miss Mommy?" Ye Rong sat with Fourth Ye Mo, looking at the phone.

   "Well, miss Mommy! Mommy, are you going well?" the little darling asked obediently.

   "It's going well." Rong Ye said, "What about you? I saw that Huahua posted on Weibo. Going to play in the haunted house?"

   "Yes." The little darling said happily, "Mummy, the darling wants to ask you something!"

   "What's the matter?" Rong Ye asked curiously.

"Can the little darling want to enter the entertainment industry?" The little darling said with a frown, "the darling told Huahua and the others, but everyone said that they want to ask your opinion. The little darling wants to go to the entertainment circle to play, and then go to other Play with the industry, otherwise, it’s so boring!"

   "Yes, Mommy has a lot of friends in the circle anyway. If you want to go in, ask your uncles and godfathers for help!" Rong Ye said lightly.

   Then he felt a scorching gaze next to him.

   "What are you doing looking at me like this?" Ye Rong glanced at Fourth Master Mo.

  "My favorite has not yet arrived at three years old." Is it appropriate to enter the entertainment industry?

   Fourth Master Mo frowned.

   "What's the problem if you haven't reached the age of three. Some children go abroad when they are born. Moreover, the little darling is so powerful and smart, and he can protect himself even in the entertainment industry."

  Master Rong felt that this was not a problem. If she hadn't taken care of her godfathers, she would have been more lawless when she was a child.

  Isn’t it just to enter the entertainment circle? She has many friends in the entertainment circle, so let them take care of the little darling.

  It’s a good thing to have a dream!

  I’m tired of playing, I’m sure I’m going to retreat!

Moreover, the little darling said before that she is not only interested in the entertainment industry, she has other things that interest her, little darling is more powerful than her, she is also interested in some science and technology, and people from the country want to train her. Up.

  Although for other children, being so busy since childhood may have no future.

   But for them, doing nothing is boring.

  The little darling should have the same personality as her, and she likes to enter various industries to play. Anyway, the family is not without money, and it is better not to go home and inherit the family property.

  Hook up if you want, but if you can’t get on, go home and inherit your property.

  Rong Ye originally thought about pretending to be poor with the children and let the children experience a life without money, but after the little darling could talk, he told her about this.

  Little darling, in fact, he also wants to live a poor life. The little guy said he would arrange it.

  She was worried that the family was too rich and would give up all the children.

  She has seen some rich people before, and they like to pretend to be poor, conceal everything in their children's family, so that the children have goals to strive for. She also wants to try this.

  Master Rong chatted with the little darling. The mother and daughter talked very vigorously, and they also talked about pretending to be poor.

   Fourth Master Mo is standing beside him with a sullen face, his little darling, his precious little princess, how can he live without money?

   However, as soon as Rong Ye turned to look at him, his stern face was immediately put away, and he immediately smiled.

  Li Ruhua and others are very helpless: Si Ye, should we be so unprincipled? Except you can oppose Lord Rong's words, none of us dare to oppose Lord Rong's words!

  Because there is no principled Si Ye, the little darling and Rong Ye quickly settled.

  The little darling said that he was going to experience life. At that time, he would pretend to announce on Weibo that Ye Rong and Si Ye had disappeared, and then their family was ruined, and their relatives and friends had left them.

  Finally, the little darling can only live with Huahua and Luoluo alone.

  Because Xiao Ting'er is not as sensible as the little darling, he does not suffer with the little darling, but let Song Junlin’s godfathers take it.

   "Mommy, this plan is very good, I like it very much!" The little darling said excitedly, she can't wait to experience the poor life.

"Go home if you don't want to play, you know?" Ye Rong said to the little darling very incomparably, and then came with an expression of excitement, "Actually, I think it's fun too, but Mommy never experienced it when she was a child !"

  When she was a child, she lived a life that was as sassy as she was, so her life was not challenging.

   "I know!" The little darling said excitedly, "Mommy, I love you! You have to find your eldest brother and go home soon!"


  Rong Ye hung up after chatting with his darling.

  In the hotel, the Fourth Master looked at Master Rong gloomily, "Rong'er, isn't this not so good? The little darling is so young... She should live a princess life!"

   "But she doesn't like being a princess!" Ye Rong looked at Fourth Master Mo, "Do you not like this? I think it's fun, don't you think it's fun?"

  Four Lord: "...It's fun."

  Rong Ye: "Well, I know, you will like what I like!"

  At the same time, Li Ruhua, Tang Luo and the other godfathers and grandpas were all looking at the little darling who hung up the phone and hummed songs in shock.

   "Is Rong Ye serious?" Li Ruhua asked Tang Luo.

   "Looks like serious!" Tang Luo wailed screaming.

  (End of this chapter)

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