The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 1 1 The Birth of the Star Spirit

Chapter 1 1. The Birth of the Protoss

When the Milky Way was just born hundreds of billions of years ago, the Old Ones appeared as the first civilizations in the Milky Way.

These powerful intelligent creatures quickly mastered advanced psychic technology and created brilliant achievements. The most dazzling and most important one that had the greatest impact on later civilizations was the Webway system. However, the Old Ones did not know how much impact this invention would have in the future, because at that time the tidal sea of ​​the subspace was still calm, unlike the future when it was filled with waves of crying souls and roars of demons threatening passing visitors.

However, with the increasingly powerful civilization of the Old Ones and their long lifespan, a race envied them, that is, the Necrontyr, the predecessor of the later Necrons.

The mother star where these biological civilizations originated was located on the edge of a high-radiation star, which resulted in their average lifespan being pitifully short. So when they had powerful physical technology and interacted with the Old Ones, they gradually began to envy those powerful strengths and their long lives, and hated their fragile bodies even more.

Over time, the evil flower of jealousy slowly turned into hatred and anger under constant watering, and finally turned into a war, which was the prelude to the War in Heaven. In this war, the Necrontyr failed without any suspense, because the Old Ones had the warp as their barrier, and they only took a little effort to completely defeat those seemingly difficult enemies. However, they did not completely wipe out the Necrontyr, but just exiled those poor people back to their home planet, but this did nothing except make them hate the Old Ones even more.

At this time, the Necrontyr used the active bacteria captured around a star system, which could absorb a lot of energy, so they gave these bacteria new metal bodies and worshipped them as gods. They were Ingael, or the Star Gods.

The Star Gods soon noticed the hatred of the Necrontyr for the Old Ones, and quickly took advantage of it. One of them, the Deceiver, deceived the Silent King, the supreme ruler of the Triumvirate, and took advantage of the monarch's eagerness to free his people from suffering and his endless hatred for the Old Ones, and finally persuaded him to let all his people undergo metal transformation.

But it was a trap, a huge lie and trap! When the Necrontyr completed the metal transformation, their souls were all devoured by the greedy Star Gods. From then on, the Necrontyr was completely destroyed, leaving only soulless machines called Necrons. Now they are just iron sheets that retain the memories of their previous lives, and their real souls have become the food of their gods!

Looking at the people and himself who had lost their souls in front of him, the Silent King was furious, but now the Necrons did not have enough power to defeat the Star Gods, who had greatly increased their strength, so they could only settle accounts with the Old Ones first, and then find a way to avenge the Star Gods.

The War in Heaven broke out.

Under the attack of the Star Gods and their endless living metal army, the Old Ones were defeated. A large number of ancient saints were killed and devoured, and a small number could only escape to the subspace to avoid the pursuit of the star god and his slave army. However, the ancient saints never intended to give up. The surviving ancient saints finally succeeded in creating an army that could fight against the space necrons with high-intensity efforts.

The Orks were born.

These monsters that reproduce by fungi are natural war weapons. Their genes have been modified by the ancient saints to use war as their survival power. At the same time, they have a strong level of technology, endless numbers and terrible strength, enough to fight against the space necrons. At the same time, the ancient saints are also looking for a large number of creatures with affinity for psychic energy to fight for themselves, and the Eldar are one of the best. With the arrival of the main actors, the battle in heaven intensified, countless planets and stars were blown into pieces, nebulae were wiped out, and the entire galaxy became a battlefield like hell.

Just when the front line was in full swing, Zhigao's efforts in the sky did not stop. The ugly god of the Eldar took advantage of the fraudster's ambition to obtain all the power of the star gods and become the strongest individual to deceive him into attacking other star gods. The mechanical army, which had been barely resisting the attacks of various races, began to inevitably go to destruction after the betrayal of the Deceiver. But the Old Ones were not having a good time on the other side either, because the Orks saw that there was really no war to fight and directly turned their guns on the Old Ones and other races, and the War in Heaven entered its later stages.

In the end, the Star Gods barely repelled the attack of the Old Ones at a painful price, and then were stabbed in the back by the Necrons, shattered into slag all over the ground, and turned into clean energy. The Old Ones were stabbed in the back by the Orks and fled into the subspace, and all the technological products were taken advantage of by the Eldar. After defeating the Star Gods, the Necrons were also seriously injured and unable to fight against the rising Eldar Empire, and they also fell into a collective sleep, and as a result, the entire galaxy was taken advantage of by the Eldar.

However, the ancient saints who escaped to the subspace by chance were not idle. They understood what dangers would happen in the Milky Way in the future through their powerful psychic powers, and decided to create a race in the true sense as the gatekeeper and guardian of the Milky Way again to ensure that the entire Milky Way would not be completely swallowed up by the existence of the Supreme Heaven.

After the War of Heaven, the ancient saints were already seriously injured, and it was difficult for them to have enough resources and power to create a new race. At this time, friendly guests outside the Milky Way gave them a new hope.

These guests are the race in the void, the Xel'Naga. No one knows where and when the Xel'Naga were born, even they themselves have forgotten. While drifting in the universe, the Xel'Naga also hopes to create a race to maintain the safety and stability of the entire universe. They also have the ability to predict and are trying to prevent the predictions of the Supreme Heaven from really becoming the future. When they met the Old Saints, they were also shocked by their powerful psychic technology. After all, for them who have genetically ascended, psychic technology is indeed amazing, so the different technological systems of the two have no way to judge which is stronger.

But anyway, it can be said that the two powerful civilizations in the universe joined forces to create a race, that is, the Protoss. The Old Saints gave this race terrible psychic potential, and the Xel'Naga gave them a long lifespan. Finally, the genes edited by both allowed them to avoid most diseases and have a less lustful and calm personality to prevent them from taking the old path of the Orks and the Eldar.

After completing this task, the Xel'Naga left with some genetic samples and materials, and the Ancient Saints led the new Protoss to the star field inside the Damocles Gulf in the future. In order to protect this new race, the Ancient Saints even used their remaining energy to create a huge trench thousands of light years long to prevent outside interference.

Under the personal teaching of the remaining Ancient Saints, the young Protoss grew up rapidly, and eventually caused the already powerful Eldar Empire to be uneasy. In order to prevent this new race from threatening itself, the fallen empire began to attack the race protected by the Ancient Saints. In the future, the Protoss called this war the Dark War.

In the end, the Ancient Saints and their eldest sons won the victory in this tragic war, and forced the Eldar gods to sign an agreement in the Pantheon to prohibit them from continuing to massacre other races in the galaxy, but the exhausted Ancient Saints had already run out of energy. In just over 3,000 years, the last surviving Ancient Saints also left this miserable world one by one. Their remains after death were preserved, and when necessary, they would use their powerful strength to help their eldest son defend their race again.

Although the ancient saints believed that the Protoss was a species that would never fall, no race in this dark galaxy could be pure forever, even the Protoss. Not long after the end of the Dark War, the eternal night arrived. The former virtues were thrown away, and people broke out into a civil war because of their different interpretations of religion and their disapproval of ideas. This war lasted for tens of thousands of years and even affected the entire eastern part of the galaxy. Even Terra, the home planet of mankind, was almost affected. That time period was the end of the Western Han Dynasty on Terra, and a small meteor shower was set off on the northern continent of the planet.

The severity of this war was so severe that even the Protoss themselves were unwilling to record it. Only the Eldar recorded some of it. According to some records on the Ark, the extent of this war was equivalent to a small-area sub-heaven war. After the smoke of war, the civilization of the Protoss even degenerated directly to the primitive tribal period. If no one interfered, these miracles created by the ancient saints were doomed to be destroyed.

Fortunately, the Kara created by the sage Kaas saved the entire race. The Kara proposed by the sage in the former imperial capital of Aiur is a philosophy. He requires every member of the entire race to awaken the spiritual channel that has been dormant for a long time, strive for the revival of the entire race, and revitalize the glory of the eldest son of God. The sage led his team to persuade every tribe on Aiur to reunite. With the concerted efforts of all, the declining Protoss Empire began to revive, and this period of time happened to be the golden age of mankind. The Protoss took 2000 years to restore the entire rule over the inner side of the Damocles Gulf, slowly restore their own technological strength, and also restore a rule that they will once again become the gatekeepers of the galaxy, unless the galaxy is invaded again and extremely dangerous, they will never step out of the huge void into the galaxy again.

This rule saved the entire civilization in a sense, because soon after the Protoss completely shut themselves up, the Emperor who led humanity out of the entire Long Night era would lead humanity on a great crusade to unify the entire human land and most of the Eldar Empire's past territory, and wipe out almost all alien races.

So when humans and Protoss were fighting for their own races, what were the Eldar doing at this time? Due to long-term indulgence in terrible desires and irreversible depravity, they eventually gave birth to a new evil god, Slaanesh. Prince Pleasure killed almost all the elves, and only a few Ark and Savage Eldar and those hiding in the corners of the Webway escaped by luck.

But the Protoss were not idle at all during this period, because they split again and again. Some Protoss who could not stand the rule of Khala cut off their neural bundles, established the Dark Templar, and created a new separatist regime. And some Protoss who worshipped Amon, the god of darkness and war among the Xel'Naga, split into Tal'darim.

Among them, the Dark Templar had cut off their neural transmission chains but were still nominally under the jurisdiction of the Empire. As for the Tal'darim, they have directly declared separation, promoted cruel racism, and even attacked the Empire and the Dark Templar. However, the bases of these pirates are too secretive and their actions are too unpredictable, so the Empire has not annihilated them.

Now, the time has come to the 740th year of the unpredictable 41st millennium. Although the relatively isolated environment has temporarily kept the Protoss Empire away from other troubles in the galaxy, this is doomed to be unsustainable. Fortunately, some of the remaining consciousness of the old saints may once again guide them forward...

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