The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 2 2 Welcome to Warhammer 40k

Chapter 2 2. Welcome to Warhammer 40k

How unlucky can one be?

Pu Chengmin felt that he was unlucky today.

Isn't it just a delay? As for no? Why was he really hit by a blade? Is it true that I have been punished for being a pigeon for too long?

It turned out that Pu Chengmin saw a fire in a furniture store next to him when he came back from having breakfast this morning, so he wanted to watch the excitement while he had nothing to do. After all, it was college students' summer vacation and there was really nothing to do. He had already written his thesis. Okay, let’s just watch the excitement.

As for the novel? Just drag it! In any case, it is impossible for readers to carry a blade to chop themselves.

As a result, while looking at the scene, he suddenly noticed that the firefighters were running outside, and then there was an explosion. At that time, Pu Chengmin saw an old woman who had been affected by the explosion and fell to the ground. As soon as he helped her up, he looked up and saw a watermelon knife flying towards him. Then…

I'm just floating here.

Pu Chengmin felt like he was floating weightlessly in a dark space. He had been in this state for a long time. Pu Chengmin didn't know where he was, but he estimated that he was gone now, so cold.

Just when he didn't know where he was going to drift, a thin voice sounded.

"Boy, can you hear me?"

When Pu Chengmin heard this, he quickly turned around and responded.

"I can hear you, who are you?"

The voice said happily after hearing it

“It’s great to finally find the right one.”

Pu Chengmin heard or felt very confused and continued to ask

"What's appropriate?"

But the voice ignored him and continued

"Child! I'll give you a choice. Are you willing to travel through time?"

"Where to travel to?"

"This is not important, you will become the supreme leader of the StarCraft Protoss."

After hearing this, Pu Chengmin agreed without hesitation. How could he not accept such a huge good thing? After all, as long as a powerful race like the Protoss can be transferred to a more normal universe and be stable at number one, wouldn't it be fun to be their leader?

"I promise!"

After hearing the voice, he snorted with satisfaction, and then Pu Chengmin quickly felt a warm current around him slowly wrapping himself around him. Then the voice suddenly continued to say

"By the way, do you want to know who I am?"

"Hmm... Xel'Naga?"

"Yes, then do you want to know which world you will go to?"

After hearing this, Pu Chengmin said with a smile

"You can go anywhere, it can't be Warhammer 40k anyway, right?"

"(Eerie silence)"

When Pu Chengmin noticed that the other party fell into silence, he felt something was wrong and quickly asked

"That's not true, is it?"

But the next sentence completely extinguished Pu Chengmin's last bit of fantasy.

"Sorry, that's it."

"...Can I still regret it?"

"No, because the soul transfer has already started."

When Pu Chengmin heard this, he ate Sichuan peppercorns and became numb.

Warhammer 40k! Isn't this a joke? What are you doing by traveling there? Pu Chengmin felt as if he had just eaten a delicious cake and learned that the cake processing plant was built next to the septic tank.

It's purely a scam!

In other universes, not to mention the universe overlords, using star spirits can at least live a good life. But when it comes to Warhammer 40k, do you still want to live a good life? Want to know about the subspace gift package?

"By the way, what was my identity when I traveled to the past?"

The xel'naga heard it and said quickly

"Ah, it's the ancient sage...a relatively powerful fragment. He's half a god, I guess."

Hearing this, Pu Chengmin didn't look happy at all, but wanted to die even more.

Ancient Sage? Not the finished version yet? I'm afraid it's not like delivering food directly to the four vendors. Among the broken gods, Kane was too spread out and not tasty, Star God couldn't eat it, Isa was locked and couldn't eat it, and the Laughing God couldn't be found. What about him? Traveling through time and becoming an ancient saint, well, the subspace signal is as big as a lighthouse, and there are a group of small pro-psionic lighthouses next to it. Isn't this shouting in a dark forest for four evil gods to enjoy this delicacy?

"Kill me, elder!! Please give me a good death..."

Perhaps sensing that Pu Chengmin was hopeless, he quickly continued to persuade

"Don't worry, the Ancient Sage has cooperated with us before. You will be fine there and nothing will happen to you."

After hearing this, Pu Chengmin slowly felt relieved and began to think. Although the protoss is a bit lame in terms of the plot and game of StarCraft, the background introduction is pretty good. Although it is not a very powerful existence in Warhammer, it can at least have some resistance. It was not impossible in the past. .

Thinking of this, Pu Chengmin sighed as if he was resigned to his fate and said

"Okay, follow your orders, elder."

The Xel'Naga on the other side finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this and replied

"Okay! Then, see you later."

As the energy around him completely stopped, Pu Chengmin felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, and he was finally leaving here.

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