The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 3 3 The Awakening of the Old God

Chapter 3 3. The Awakening of the Old Gods

Ayr, Great Pyramid Temple.

This is the spiritual support of the entire protoss race, and each protoss believes in the myths of the Xel'Naga and the Ancient Saints. In their legends, the Ancient Saints gave them souls, and the Xel'Naga created their bodies. Therefore, when facing other life forms in the galaxy, they often call themselves the sons of the Ancient Saints and the sons of the Xel'Naga, collectively referred to as the eldest son of God.

Not long ago, good news came from the Great Pyramid. A relatively large fragment of the ancient saint suddenly experienced violent energy fluctuations in the shrine. This was a big event for the entire race.

For this reason, Aldaris, the leader of the arbitrators, came here in a hurry after the meeting. Not far after entering the magnificent Great Pyramid, he met another executive, Tassadar.

In this species society, the Protoss' home was once divided into four parts: Arbitrators, Templars, Karai and Odessa. Except for Arbitrators, the remaining three classes enjoyed equal rights in law. right.

The Arbitrators are the leading class of the entire society and have absolute authority and leadership over the remaining three classes. Templars are mainly responsible for war and protecting the security of the entire empire. Some of them lead the advance of the entire army. Kale and Odessa are the entire civilian class. Kale refers to the citizens of the Protoss family, and Odessa refers to those who, for various reasons, either fled the war, or were from the original race in this area. It was later added to the collective name of the entire empire. Such a relatively diverse population structure also leads to a large number of alien auxiliary troops in the Protoss troops to fight, assisting the Templars to better complete their tasks, and some extremely outstanding Odessa will also receive the honor of Templars. title.

When Tassadar saw Aldaris walking quickly towards him, he immediately saluted him, and Aldaris waved slightly in return. After the two exchanged greetings, they walked towards the temple together and discussed the unusual movements that had occurred in the divine skeleton not long ago.

Aldaris walked a little ahead and said to Tassada next to him.

"I have lived for more than 700 years, but I have never seen such a powerful energy fluctuation in any divine skeleton. Neither Kale nor the scientists and engineers in Odessa can explain this scene. They really can't figure out how to make the bones emit such powerful energy without any energy transportation. Commander Tassada, you have fought against the believers of the God of War and the Night Ones several times. Do you think that? Is it possible that they did something to the sacred relics, or maybe... those humans from across the Bay Area?"

After hearing this, Tassada thought for a moment and replied

"Dear friends, with all due respect, although those Tal'darin have degenerated into human beings, they are definitely not crazy enough to dare to do anything rude to the divine skeleton. As for those Dark Night Ones... the lackeys of Chaos have no guts to pass through. The walls made of black stone invade our territory, and all they can do is harass our merchant ships like pirates. As for humans... I don't think they noticed our existence, otherwise we would never be as comfortable as we are now. ”

Aldaris sighed after hearing this and said in confusion

"Why is that? What caused the divine bones to fluctuate so powerfully? Could it be that the Ancient Sage wanted to say something to us?"

Tassadar did not interrupt Aldaris who was talking to himself, but just listened politely. He didn't want to interrupt this annoying thought, and at the same time, he was also thinking about it. Compared with those pedantic old executives, Tassadar's mind was more open-minded, and he also liked being with the Templars more. Communicating and physically communicating with those who were enemies of the Empire, so he seemed a bit out of place in the ranks of the Archons.

When they came to the temple where the abnormal movement was stored, they saw the leader of the Dark Temple, the female chief Rasha Gal, who stood out among the scientific researchers wearing off-white and white robes. The purple skin of her and her compatriots is particularly dazzling here. Although the Dark Templar has never publicly stated that it is leaving the empire, in the eyes of many people, their behavior is tantamount to heresy. After all, leaving Kara This kind of connection is unimaginable to them.

Aldaris, who has always been arrogant and pedantic, saw the spiritual energy in the air around him seem to be distorted when he saw the Dark Templar, exuding an aura of disgust. Saragal, however, seemed not to notice all this and saluted to them. Aldaris walked straight over as if he hadn't seen it, while Tassada, who felt a little embarrassed at the side, quickly returned the greeting to the matriarch, and at the same time whispered as he walked closer.

"Feel sorry."

Saragal nodded and forgave the Speaker for his unreasonable behavior. Aldaris looked at the remains of the ancient saint protected by the stasis stance, looked at a Karai engineer next to him and asked

"How is the condition of the divine corpse?"

The Kalai engineer saluted hurriedly after seeing the consul in front of him, and said

"Dear Archon, the energy of the Divine Skeleton is still increasing. We are trying to find ways to limit the further accumulation of energy and prevent the Divine Skeleton from self-destructing."

"What did you say?! The divine skeleton might self-destruct?!"

Hearing this, Aldaris shouted angrily. At this time, tiny psychic lightning could be seen crackling next to him, scaring the scientific researchers next to him to step back. Next to him, Tassada quickly used his spiritual power to calm Aldaris's mood a little, and then continued to ask when he was in a better mood.

"Speak carefully, engineer."

The frightened engineer glanced at the other consul next to him with grateful eyes, and then said

"This is indeed a possibility, but there is also another possibility, that is, the divine skeleton is recovering. It is gradually restoring the divine body by absorbing subspace energy. In other words, he is being resurrected."

Hearing this, Aldaris, who was still in a state of anger, suddenly threw away his anger and looked at the engineer in front of him in shock.

"Is this really possible?"

He was not the only one who was so excited. When the engineer said these words, including himself, all Kalai, Dark Templar and Tassada present showed indescribable excitement. If the divine skeleton is really repairing itself If so, it means that the former gods of the Star Spirits are resurrecting, and their father is awakening!

But this excitement quickly disappeared from Aldaris's eyes. After saying this with passion, he immediately understood that the possibility of this was too slim. There has been no new movement from the divine skeleton for tens of millions of years. How could it be resurrected today? They should be prepared for the worst possibility!

Just as he was thinking this, an Odessa scientist said in horror

"The energy is continuing to rise and is about to exceed the critical value. We have no way to continue to control it!!"

Before he finished speaking, the blue floating screen on the machine in front of him suddenly flashed a few times, and then bursts of smoke came out with sparks flying, and he stopped breathing completely. When this happened to the first machine, it was followed by the second and third machines until all the energy limiters were overloaded and scrapped. Even the stasis field was completely destroyed by such a powerful psychic storm. Seeing the scientists knocked to the ground by the powerful energy, Tassada quickly helped up an Odessa next to him and shouted loudly

"Everyone get out of here quickly!!"

Under Tassada's command, everyone escaped in embarrassment. They carefully exposed their heads and part of their bodies and lay in front of the windows and doors, desperately watching the divine skeletons continue to gain more strength.

Eventually, countless psychic lightning bolts struck the remains of the Ancient Saint, eventually turning them into powder.

Seeing the temple in disarray, Aldaris wanted to die. Not only did he destroy so many precious experimental equipment, but he also destroyed such a large piece of divine remains. He probably won't be able to think about his next re-election in 50 years.

But just when everyone thought there was no chance, the powder suddenly condensed into a liquid with a diameter of more than one meter, and a very elegant voice came out in shock.

"Did I...did I get into trouble?"

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