The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 22 Uninvited Guests

Chapter 22 22. Uninvited Guests

While the battle of Daryis was in full swing, an unknown conspiracy was also going on in Aiur, the capital of the Protoss.

Although the war caused the trade here to shrink a bit, there were more people coming and going. A large number of residents living in the outer ring area decided to come here to seek refuge with their relatives, so the passenger flow was very large during this period, and the workload of Aiur's customs also increased sharply.

Among these many ships, there was a team led by the Archon of Tal'darim, Naion.

This daring Archon had repeatedly violated the rules set by Marash and even provoked him repeatedly. In the end, Marash beat this guy up and dragged him to the Terrazine Pool for several days and nights to let him sober up.

But what Marash didn't expect was that Naion survived after staying in such an environment for a week, and his spiritual power was greatly strengthened, but his mind became less clear. Fortunately, after a fight with Marash, he completely understood that he was no match for Marash, and in the subsequent missions, he wholeheartedly followed the orders given by Marash.

Now the dark archon has led more than 160 elite Tal'darim high-level templars to the home planet of the Karai Protoss Empire. These high-level templars are all top-notch masters, each of whom has gone through no less than three Rakshir rituals, and are masters who have licked blood on the tip of a knife.

Just as Alarak thought, due to various reasons, the defense and security measures around Aiur have declined a lot. Now the customs has been overloaded 24 hours a day, and even has to start recruiting some temporary hourly workers to replace them. This has also reduced their quality a lot, and the inspection intensity has also been reduced a lot.

Soon, Naion arrived at the door of the checkpoint. A dwarf who looked unshaven and tired glanced at their documents and asked with dark circles under his eyes

"From Horni, right?"

The disguised driver nodded and explained

"Yes, sir, my family and I came here to seek refuge. One of my relatives lives here."

The dwarf scanned his huge cargo ship through the scanner and found a huge space below filled with crates

"Did you bring your whole family here? Wouldn't it be better to find a moving company?"

"There's going to be a war, so bring everything you can. Besides, we used to run cargo, so we can save some money."

The customs officer scanned it twice more, and after confirming that there were no problems, he waved and let him leave. Could it be that after they drove a long distance, Naion, who had been hiding himself through psychic power, said impatiently in the co-pilot seat

"It's really shameful, a lower race dares to speak to us like this?"

After hearing this, the driver said respectfully

"Dear Archon, when we successfully welcome the Ancient Saint back to Slaine, everything will usher in the final reversal."

After hearing this, Naion snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The reason why they can pass the customs inspection safely is because? This passenger ship has been redesigned, and the general customs inspection system can't find anything at all.

But not everyone didn't notice them. Less than a minute after they left this space, an elegant space sailboat vaguely lifted its stealth state and appeared here.

"Captain of the troupe, the Tal'darim really dare to do this!"

"That's why we came here, follow them! I hope it won't be too late."

Soon, the sailboat slowly disappeared in space, as if it had never been here.

However, their tracks were destined to not be hidden for too long, because the air defense system on the ground had already detected them.

"Huh?! Eldar?! Those traitors still have the nerve to come here?!"

Aldaris, who had just finished listening to the report from the parliament, wrinkled his face when he heard the news from the air defense department.

Now, in the eyes of all the Protoss, except for Chaos, nothing is more disgusting than the Eldar.

This group of shameful pointed ears not only did not feel any gratitude after receiving the grace of the Old Saints, but also attacked the mentor who had helped them. So basically, the first reaction of all the Protoss warships that encountered the Eldar warships was how to shoot down their damn sailboats.

Aldaris had the same idea at first, but he still planned to ask Gray for advice first. After all, the highest decision-making power of the Protoss Parliament has been transferred back to the Old Saints, and the Old Saints' opinions must be obtained.

But when he came to the pyramid, he found that Gray was not here, and went to the city to relax.

After all, Gray spent so much time to finally design a warship that can be used to defend the flank of the fleet, which made him feel very tired, so he came out for a walk today to relax.

However, this made the temple guards extremely nervous and embarrassed, but they did not dare to intercept him, and could only follow the ancient saint from a distance to accompany him. After hearing this, Aldaris could only let his guards go to find Gray and report this important news to him.

Gray turned left and right, and didn't know how far he walked, but he actually came to a snack street. Although the Protoss do not actually need to eat, they can directly obtain nutrients from ultraviolet rays through photosynthesis, but this does not mean that they will not use more efficient ways to obtain nutrients.

As for how they eat? You can take a look at how sea urchins eat and change their tentacles into psychic tentacles. The difference is that their taste organs and digestive organs are external organs that can be discarded. It can be dissipated directly when it is not needed, and it can generate itself again when needed.

But even if they don't need to eat, other races living on Aiur still need to eat, and naturally there are many places to eat.

Because Gray suppressed his psychic strength very well, people on the street just regarded him as a child of the humanoid race.

Gray was walking on the street and looking at the shops next to him, and suddenly felt very regretful, thinking that his mechanical body could not taste the taste. Suddenly, he thought of a good idea

"Perhaps I can consider making a wish list in the future, and then do what I want to do when I can regain my physical body one day."

Just as he continued to think about what he would like to do if one day he could really regain his physical body, the temple guard who had been following him from a distance quickly ran over, bent down, and whispered

"Dear elder, the Speaker of the Parliament wants to report something very important to you. An Eldar warship has arrived around us, and the Speaker is waiting for your decision."

Gray nodded after hearing this, turned around and left here with the two tall guards, preparing to return to the Great Pyramid.

He is now a civilized leader, and his free time may have become something he longs for.

Update one more chapter, please collect more and vote more so that I can sign the contract early

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