The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 23 Troupe 23 Appears

Chapter 23 23. The troupe appears

At the bottom of the Great Pyramid, Gray asked Aldaris a few more questions and checked the report, then said cautiously

"Aldaris, what do you think?"

The speaker in front of me said without hesitation after hearing this

"Needless to say? Ancient Saint, think about what they did to us back then? I'm not a racist. As long as they don't interfere with us, nothing will happen to us. But now they have entered our territory. , we should defeat them!”

Gray nodded, feeling that he was right. After all, in the plot, in other races' home turf, as long as Bean Sprouts appear, it is either a bad thing or a big bad thing.

Thinking of this, Gray no longer hesitated and gave the order decisively.

"Inform the Planetary Defense Force to find traces of that group of Eldar. I want to see the people alive and the bodies of the dead!"

"As you command, great ancient sage!"

Just as the Kalai Protoss were preparing to hunt down the Eldar who had sneaked into Aiur, the servants of the God of War also began their own plans.

On the roof of a house dozens of kilometers away from the Great Pyramid, Archon Naion looked at the largest building on the entire planet and couldn't help but sigh.

"What a huge Pantheon! Even the Temple of the God of War is not so tall."

A high-level templar next to him asked hesitantly after hearing this.

"Then in the future, if we welcome the Ancient Saint to Slane, how big will the temple be? Is it higher than the God of War Temple?"

After hearing this, Naian gave him a sharp look, and the frightened high-ranking templar took two steps back, lowering his head and not daring to look at him again. After seeing the other party's fear, Niang nodded with slight satisfaction. In Tal'darin Bell, if you want to ensure your status, it is best to always let people lower than you obey your fear.

"This matter is not between you and me. You should ask Chief Marash. After all, as the high priest, he has to take care of this kind of thing.

Now let's do our own thing first! If there is no way to successfully invite the Ancient Saint back to Slane, everything will be in vain. "

After saying that, Naian took out a red projector and a map from his body. After seeing a figure appearing on it, he looked at the map and said

"At night, I will lead the first team to sneak into the temple and meet the Ancient Saint directly. And you must follow the plan to seize an armed space station, and then place the crystal bomb on the truck on the projector. If the Ancient Saint If you insist on not agreeing, we will threaten him.”

The high-ranking templar on the projector nodded and said respectfully

"Understood, my respected Archon."

Night fell quickly, but there was no such thing as night in Ayr. The thorough lights illuminate the entire night sky, turning this place into a city that never sleeps.

Aiur is the only planet in the Protoss Empire that is fully urbanized, but it is very different from the fully urbanized planet in the Human Empire. Compared to human hive cities, their urban planning is more complete and systematic. The protoss divided the entire Aiur into 26 nests. Each nest is like a city divided into large areas to facilitate management.

Because of their own worship of nature, they must be very careful to protect the original environment when building cities, or try to restore some areas to their original appearance. The places where vegetation and animals live, as well as the original natural environment, are cleverly transferred to urban buildings. When a person is working in a huge building, there may be a vibrant nature reserve above. So compared to the smog and lifelessness of the human hive world, El is obviously more vibrant and desirable.

Naion led the Tal'darim and slowly sneaked to the vicinity of the Great Pyramid. Due to their excellent psychic level and combat ability, their dark stealth has become extremely mature. Not to mention ordinary civilians, even some relatively low-level high-level templars have difficulty detecting their traces.

Naian led more than 80 people to hold their own breath and spiritual power, carefully walked through here, and came to the Great Pyramid. When they finally entered the Great Pyramid and came to an empty shrine room, a high-ranking Dark Templar warrior said disdainfully.

"What an incomprehensible group of guys. They actually have such a few guards in such an important temple? These are a group of guys who don't respect God."

After hearing this, Naian sneered, lit up his psychic light blade and said

"Isn't this just right? It just allows us to lead the Ancient Sage out of here quietly."

When they walked out of the room again, they all ignited their psychic light blades and plasma collectors. Since the defense is so lax, there is no need for them to continue hiding. More than 80 high-level templar warriors can kill through this place without any problem!

When they turned a corner, they finally saw two monks from the temple. Before the two poor monks could react, they were killed by Naian with a single arrow. They fell to the ground and slowly disappeared. But when he killed the two men, the whole temple guards also knew that there was an invasion because Kara was connected to them.

But it's too late, because Naian is about to arrive at the Great Temple, and it won't be long before he can meet the Ancient Sage directly.

Just when they came to the middle of the last corridor, a high-level Templar suddenly fell without any warning. When Naion noticed, another high-level Templar was attacked. But he reacted quickly and raised his psychic shield in time.

Now everyone can clearly see that there are more than a dozen shining fragments of prisms suspended above the psychic shield. Naion suddenly understood something, he snorted disdainfully, and then started the psychic gathering device behind him.

The black and red device started to start, and the crystal in the middle began to rotate continuously. With a roar from the Archon, powerful psychic energy roared out.

The powerful shock wave quickly shook away a dozen slender black figures around, but these people quickly stood up again, as if nothing had happened just now.

Naion glanced at them disdainfully and sneered,

"I thought it was someone else, it turned out to be the dead leftovers of the Aida Eldar."

The clowns did not answer him, and those clowns with funny masks just continued their performances. The clowns would perform their battles as if they were a theater, and each battle was a play.

The clowns wearing masks of the Eldar gods suddenly replaced the assassins, rotating their weapons and slowly moving around the Tal'darim.

A show was about to begin.

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