The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 25 Warning from the 25th Theater

Chapter 25 25. Warning from the Theater Troupe

After watching the frustrated Tal'darin invaders being taken away, the temple guards did not put down their guns and still pointed at the remaining clowns.

Dujiao, who had just nearly died in the battle, quickly stood at the front of the team. He took a deep breath and took off his mask, revealing his thin and delicate face. He knelt down on one knee and faced Gray's direction and said

"Junior, Linde, I salute you, the great and infinitely wise teacher, the sage of the galaxy, the magnificent ancient sage."

As Dujiao knelt down, the surviving troupe members behind him also knelt down one after another. Gray, who was wearing a white robe in front of them, looked at these former rulers of the galaxy coldly.

Dujiao did not have the courage to look at this former god, until the ancient sage personally told him to look up.

"Look up at me, Ada."

Dujiao mustered up the courage to look up at him. He has never seen such a perfect existence, not only his appearance, but also the existence of the ancient saint like a beacon in the subspace, which brings endless warmth to people. If it weren't for his cold expression, he would even think that the person in front of him was just a very young and handsome humanoid life form.

But his reason was telling him that the boy in front of him, who was as beautiful as a sapphire, could kill him at any time, and he had sufficient reasons to kill himself.

Gray shook his head and motioned for him to look around. After Dujiao saw his surroundings slowly and tremblingly, he asked

"Do you know where this place is?"

"It's a temple, my lord."

"Then do you know what is enshrined here?!"

Dujiao felt the strong spiritual energy coming from Gray, resisted the fear of getting up and running away, and said with a slight trembling

"They are the remains of the elders."

Hearing this, Gray suddenly sneered and continued through gritted teeth.

"Then why did they, my compatriots, die?"

Hearing this, Linde fell silent. Every Eldar fairy tale, including their operas, contains records of that war. However, no matter how they tried to cover up the war and whitewash their actions, they really failed their teachers in that war and killed the mentors who had protected them and helped them grow.

This is a stain on the Eldar's proud and proud past that will never be erased, and is destined to follow their race to the end.

Linde was already sweating profusely, and he quickly defended

"We are extremely sorry and remorseful for what happened back then. Facts have proved that without the leadership of the elders, we have indeed fallen, and we have paid a heavy price for it."

"But other races don't have to bear the cost of your mistakes!!!"

Gray bluntly exposed his excuse. If it hadn't been for the bad things done by the Spiritual Race, it wouldn't have been corrupted to this point, and there would still be a chance of recovery.

After the Dujiao opposite had nothing to say, Gray seemed to be a little less angry. She raised her head and looked at the Dujiao kneeling in front of her and asked.

"Tell me! Ada Eldar, why did you come to Aiur? Is it for me, or for something else?"

Before Lind could react, he still didn't speak for thirteen or four seconds. A temple guard next to him poked him with the three-eyed fire blunderbuss in my hand in dissatisfaction. Only then did Linde react from the fear just now, coughed twice and said

"Dear elders, we are here to convey the news of my god. Terrible enemies are coming here from outside the galaxy. They are connected to the lighthouses lit during the civil war between the apes tens of thousands of years ago. We are here to warn you. The eldest son of God!"

"Hive consciousness? I don't think you plan to warn just one of us, do you?"

Linde was immediately alarmed when he heard Hao Hao, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt it was natural. After all, the Ancient Saints can be said to be the first gods in the galaxy. It is not so strange that they can predict the future.

After realizing that he couldn't hide it, Linde also spoke openly.

"Yes, respected and almighty elders, we also intend to pass on this message to the apes. Although what they do is disgusting, as the main species of the galaxy, they must be aware of the coming threats and be prepared. Fight, so we must..."

After hearing this, Gray waved his hand to signal him to stop. Said calmly

"The war will stop soon, humans will withdraw from us, and the final result of the war will be ended by our victory."

"Because the planet named Tyran has fallen, and the Great Devourer has devoured it. I can already feel the terrible hunger gradually approaching in the ocean of subspace."

Lind was shocked again when he heard this. Even the Ugly God couldn't know the situation so clearly, but the newly resurrected Ancient Saint already knew it very well.

He is worthy of being called an ancient venerable person.

"You can go and take your fellows on the space station out of Damocles Bay. Without my permission, you are never allowed to set foot here again."

After finally hearing these words, Linde took a deep breath, and his heart that had been pinched in mid-air finally relaxed.

"We are extremely grateful to you, gracious lord."

Soon, the members of the Harlequin Troupe left here under the escort of the temple guards. Just when Gray was about to return to his room, a man suddenly ran up from a distance. When Gray saw him, he said very dissatisfiedly.

"The security of the temple is really well done! Mr. Speaker!"

Aldaris looked embarrassed after hearing this. After all, it was really inappropriate for so many foreign forces to come to the great temple in broad daylight. But having said that, in the past, this place was at best a religious place. The current guards have not had time to adapt to the environment here, and the running-in period is still too short, which is why this embarrassing problem occurred.

If Tal'darin really rushed into the main temple without anyone noticing, then the speaker of his parliament would have done his job. Gray snorted angrily and said

"How is the battle in Darius going?"

"It's quite normal. Although humans have conquered part of the ground positions, they are still a long way from Gelbulin, the nearest major city to the landing site. There is no way they can conquer it in a short time."

Gray nodded after hearing this. After all, in the original canon, the expeditionary force was successfully blocked in the eastern coastal area around Gelbulin City with only the firepower of the Tau Empire. However, in this plane, there is no such thing. No reason can stop the human expeditionary force.

And what will happen in the future begins to become a matter of course.

There is no doubt that under the threat of the Tyranids, the two empires must stop their wars to deal with this powerful enemy.

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