The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 26 26 Calgar's Frustration

Chapter 26 26. Calgar's Frustration

In Daryis, thousands of light years away from Aiur, the war has been burning for more than a month.

Due to the delay in advancing on the ground, the navy even had to risk sending warships into low orbit and conducting orbital bombardment under the enemy's fortress artillery. However, the effect was not obvious. The attack of the alien turrets did not weaken, and the navy lost several warships.

In the main battlefield on land, although the Astartes and the mortal auxiliary army caught the enemy off guard through airborne operations in the early stages of the war, they were strongly blocked when they were about to arrive at Gelblin, the central city on the eastern coast.

The Star World Corps, which was responsible for defending the flank, was attacked by the local planetary defense team. Especially in the western woods, they were blocked by a large number of Kroots equipped with exoskeleton power armor and heavy ion guns.

In the battle, the Star World Corps was very disappointed to find that the protection capabilities of those alien creations far exceeded the protection effect of bulletproof armor, and some alien officers were even equipped with plasma shields. The weapons they used were more diverse. In long-range combat, the railgun had better range and firepower, and could easily penetrate bulletproof armor and helmets. When they started to charge, those damned and cowardly aliens would actually bend down and let the mechanical arms behind them enter shotgun mode, and the powerful electromagnetic bullets would quickly stop their charge.

Due to the technological advantage in individual strength, the Kalai army was able to quickly reorganize the defense line after the initial chaos. If it were not for the excessive number of human troops, they might even launch a counterattack to push the enemy back to the coastal areas.

In terms of armored forces, a large number of Lingbo infantry fighting vehicles and Qilin main battle tanks also posed a lot of threats to them. Especially the Qilin tank, this tank named after the ancient alien has a railgun micro-power that is comparable to the firepower of the main battle tank Leman Russ equipped by the New Territories Army. When they began to use their electromagnetic shields, the deflection field would directly bounce off most of the live ammunition attacks, making most of the opponent's attacks directly ineffective.

When Gray knew the names of these weapons, he was still a little confused. After all, why are these names so strange? After understanding, he realized that most of these names were directly named after the species created by the ancient saints. As for why it is so similar to the name of a human civilization in the past? Perhaps the ancient saints had arrived there and scattered these strange creatures!

The Space Marines led by Calgar directly ran into the Templars led by Tassadar. Although they were not attacked fiercely or even defeated like the Star Corps, the Templars were also experienced warriors, and the Astartes found it difficult to move forward.

In the early battlefield, Calgar looked at the night that had been illuminated by the fire. The fire in the distance illuminated his resolute face. The fire was like the fire in his heart, which would never go out and would burn forever for the Emperor and mankind. Soon, he turned around and left here. There were more things for him to do.

He came to the temporary command post on the front line. It used to be an alien fortress, but now it has become the front-line headquarters of the human expeditionary force.

In the command room, a group of officers were discussing countermeasures around the holographic projector, and the map on it was a holographic image of the entire battlefield. When the huge blue giant led his guards here, the command post, which was originally not sufficient, became more crowded, but no one had any complaints, because it was the symbol of victory here.

Calgar looked at the map and asked

"How was the battle in the last 12 hours?"

General Wendell Gog, the commander of the Astra Militarum in charge of ground operations, saluted Calgar and said

"The situation is not ideal, sir. Our army has been firmly blocked by the aliens. As far as we know, the enemy has deployed a large number of soldiers and armored units around their city. Our army group has been completely blocked and is about to enter a positional battle."

Calgar fell silent after hearing the news. He did not expect that the other party could still respond well even in positional warfare. At the beginning of the war, they were originally engaged in a division and encirclement operation, but the result was very tragic. Nearly 40,000 people were killed and captured in the division and encirclement. Afterwards, the plan was immediately corrected to concentrate on the attack, hoping to repel the enemy with a whole part of the assault battle. However, when the Titan Corps was suppressed by the enemy's air force, there was no way to repel the enemy's defense line that was becoming more and more stubborn day by day.

Now the most important thing is how to rescue the Titan Corps.

After thinking for a long time, Calgar asked

"Is the enemy's support fleet on the way?"

General Gaoge shook his head after hearing this, and said uncertainly

"Not sure, there has been no fluctuation in the subspace route recently, but the enemy may not be using the subspace route, so there is no way to determine where the enemy's support fleet is."

"Is that so..."

After hearing this, Calgar thought for a long time and suddenly said

"Tell the navy to send all the fighters originally used for daily patrols in orbit to the planetary battlefield. We need enough air cover to fight a battle."

General Gaoge trembled in his heart after hearing this, and said worriedly

"But if that happens, it will be difficult for our navy to find the enemy's traces in the first place. Moreover, there are still some remnant fleets of the enemy at the edge of the star system, which will easily lead to our navy being attacked."

After hearing this, the Ultramarines shook his head and denied his words

"So what? If we can't take down the alien city, then all the sacrifices before will be in vain. Only after completely occupying the city and destroying the enemy's living forces can we establish a stable base here and hold on until the arrival of our support fleet. If we just keep the remaining naval warships, then in the end we will only make this expedition fail."

After hearing Calgar's firm words, General Gaoge could only agree and send a signal to the naval fleet in orbit.

Although giving up the navy will make Calgar feel frustrated that he is about to fail, as long as he can successfully defeat the enemy on land, then everything will not be a problem, and the frustration he has now is destined to be replaced by the joy brought by the victory in the future.

And when the human expeditionary force has prepared everything, the battle to determine the fate of Daryis is about to break out. Will the human expeditionary force be able to completely eliminate the aliens' rule here? Or will the Kalai Protoss Empire be able to defend its homeland?

Everything will come to an end in the decisive battle tomorrow morning.

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