The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 27 27 The Offensive of

Chapter 27 27. "Light" Offensive

"Run quickly!! Xia Situng!! Run quickly!!"


With a scream, Xia Situng suddenly woke up from the trench. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he had left the nightmare. He was still in his position in the trench, and his comrades and partners were still beside him. He was dozing next to him, and under the moonlight he could even see Gurney's nose trembling with his snoring on the other side, who had taken off his helmet.

Xia Situng took off the helmet he had worn for several days with some difficulty. He took a deep breath and smelled only the smell of sweat and gunpowder smoke. He sneezed several times. Although the protoss trenches have been solidified so that they don't smell like the earth and are filled with puddles like the human trenches across the way, but a large number of people gathered here and the smell is still very strong.

Despite this, Xia Situngsten decided to take off his helmet and sleep because its armor thermostatic system was damaged yesterday and could not be repaired until tomorrow. It is so uncomfortable to be enveloped like this now, it is simply a living hell.

Tired, he yawned again and glanced at the electronic watch on his wrist. It's almost three o'clock in the morning.

When Xia Situng was about to drift off into sleep around three o'clock, he suddenly felt that something was missing. He thought for dozens of seconds before suddenly remembering. He opened his eyes suddenly and found that the time had reached four o'clock, but the position was still quiet.

"Strange? Why are there no human bombardments?"

Xia Situngzai thought carefully and began to think about the knowledge he had learned in the academy in his mind. Suddenly, he understood something and kicked Gurney who was still sleeping across from him.

Before Gurni, who was suddenly kicked out of his sleep, started to curse, Xia Situng across from him spoke first.

"Gurney, do you feel like it's a little too quiet tonight?"

Hearing his words, the human engineer captain in front of him rubbed his sleepy eyes, pricked up his ears and listened carefully. After a while, he shook his head and said

"That's right, it's so quiet. It seems like there's no sound of shelling on the entire front."

Hearing this, Xia Situng's heart suddenly sounded alarmed, and he quickly said

"Give me your spotting scope."

After taking the observation scope in his hand, Xia Situng adjusted the magnification to the maximum and carefully observed the opposite position.

"There's so much visible light on the other side, it's so abnormal."

After that, he began to call Gould

"Brother, is there anything unusual happening over there?"

Soon, the voice of the Groot who was standing guard answered him

"It's very quiet! It's much quieter than the past few days. The empire seems to have decided to stop sending people to die. It's been more than ten hours since we saw their death squads. You can continue to have a good sleep. ”

But after the official confirmation, Xia Situng couldn't sleep at all. He quickly put on his helmet and left the trench. Before leaving, Gurney bent down and asked softly:

"What are you going to do? Xia Situngsten?"

Xia Situng said without looking back after hearing this

"I'm going to tell the others about this. Just keep sleeping. There may be a big battle to be fought tomorrow morning!"

Soon, he passed through trench after trench and came to the command post where the regiment headquarters was located to report the abnormal situation tonight. When he arrived, he was surprised to find that several people had already gotten up and began to report and summarize the abnormal situation tonight. After all, it was a bit unusual for the sound of artillery fire that had been fired continuously for more than a month to suddenly stop.

Soon, the news quickly reached the headquarters, and Yuan Yuan immediately understood the situation. So many people know it not because this matter is simple, but because compared to the IG who choose civilians and farmers from various worlds, the soldiers of Kalai Protoss have received more paramilitary education, so their thoughts and ideas are also Richer.

"Order everyone to prepare immediately from four to five o'clock. The enemy may launch an attack at any time!"

This order quickly spread to each legion, and one officer after another passed it to the ears of his soldiers. For a moment, the entire trench was filled with the voices of officers and soldiers who stayed behind at night calling for help.

"Get up, get up, get up quickly, don't sleep!"

"Hurry up and return to your fighting position! The enemy may launch an attack at any time!"

One after another, sleeping soldiers were awakened. Although they did not know what was happening, they still stood on the trench after receiving the order, pointing their rifles and plasma at the opposite position.

Xia Situng held a sail-shaped mechanical object and carefully observed the situation on the other side, but there was no change in the human position, and even faint snoring could be heard. The dim yellow light in the distance seemed to indicate that the human beings' stopping of bombardment might just be a mistake.

When the time was about to reach five o'clock and the sun was about to rise, there was still no movement in the human position. Yuan Yuan stood behind the position and frowned looking into the distance. He was thinking about whether the other party had other plans. For example, bring them together and use tunnel blasting to eliminate them? This is not right. The engineers have reinforced the surrounding terrain and have found no traces of earthmoving work.

Orbital bombing?

Impossible, if there was a battleship, it would have been discovered long ago even in orbit.

Even as he continued to think, the adjutant next to him suddenly shouted:

"It's the Imperial Force, the Imperial Force!"

After hearing this, Yuanjian immediately looked in his direction and saw humans pushing some huge things to the battlefield under the sunlight.

"What are those?"

Yuanjian said puzzledly after seeing those round machines. The adjutant next to him scanned and frowned and said

"It looks like a searchlight, sir."


Yuanjian repeated silently, and suddenly, he slapped the table heavily, and a vein jumped on his forehead

"It's over."

With the rising of the sun, everyone's attention was temporarily attracted. And the human empire also started its own plan.

"Turn on the searchlight! Illuminate the enemy's position!"

As the command fell, hundreds of searchlights were projected onto the opposite position along with the rising sun. The strong light instantly made the soldiers on the battlefield who were waiting in full battle array feel temporarily blinded.

"Eyes!!! My eyes!!"

"I can't see anything!!!"

After this sudden "attack", almost all the soldiers had no way to resist the instinct of their bodies. They all bent down to cover their eyes or fell down directly due to temporary blindness. Especially the special troops in the rear, such as artillery and engineers who were not equipped with full armored exoskeletons, were even more tragic. Some people lost their eyesight for life because of this situation.

This is the plan of the human empire. By suddenly stopping the bombardment, the other side will mistakenly think that an attack is about to be launched, so that all the soldiers will be gathered in the trenches. Finally, when the sun is about to rise, use the short-term inadaptability of organisms from night to day to use searchlights to illuminate the other side and temporarily make them lose their combat effectiveness!

Although this time is very short, it is enough for the imperial soldiers who have slept for a night and recuperated their energy.

General Goger, standing at the edge of the trench, raised the power sword in his hand, turned his head to look at the countless soldiers and tanks behind him, and shouted loudly

"For the Emperor!!!"

The general attack began.

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