The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 28 28 Titan vs Colossus

Chapter 28 28. Titan vs Colossus

The moment Xia Situng's eyes were illuminated by the strong light, he immediately felt that countless suns were blooming above his eyes, and he screamed and fell into the trench.

Not only himself, he also heard the screams and curses from his comrades nearby. Countless soldiers were forced to drop their weapons due to physiological effects and lost their combat effectiveness. Afterwards, people calculated that this behavior caused at least nearly 75% of the fronts to lose all combat effectiveness.

Shortly after the bright light passed, Xia Situng heard the sound of the humans charging and their laser guns shooting from the screams of his comrades. He stood up in a hurry and raised the rail rifle in his hand to fire towards the opposite side. He relied on his own feeling and wildly fired the bullets in the semi-automatic rifle in the general direction. He was still pressing the trigger frantically until the energy was exhausted. By the time he reacted and wanted to replace his rifle with a new battery and magazine, it was too late. He clearly felt a shot in his shoulder, and then he fell to the ground.

"I am doomed."

Xia Situng only thought of this when he was knocked to the ground. Just when he thought he would be stabbed to death with a bayonet, a man grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back wildly. He felt himself being dragged out of the trench and running towards the rear. He also heard the screams of other teammates above the trench when they were attacked by the Human Empire soldiers. He heard the enemy's excited roars and the sound of laser guns firing. But the loudest sound was the sound of the single-barreled pulse rifle that kept ringing in his ears.

"Gould? Is that you? Gould?"

After a while, the unique hoarse voice immediately proved his guess.

"It's me! Major! It's me! Please don't speak now, because I am still carrying Gurney on my shoulders, and others around me are still carrying others to move forward. Let's talk less and save some energy! "

It turns out that as an intelligent species that evolved from birds, the Knuts preserved the secondary eyelids of their ancestors so that they could promptly adjust their eyes' reaction to strong light and ensure that they could still see things clearly. . The moment the searchlight came up, the Kroot were ready to resist, but when they saw the overwhelming Astra Militarum soldiers and tanks, they immediately understood that sticking to the first line of defense would only result in being crushed into pieces. .So the Kroot people who reacted immediately dragged their unresponsive comrades and some important weapons documents and ran frantically towards the rear position.

Xia Situng didn't know how long he was dragged by Gould. He only knew that when they stopped, the armor plate on his butt was almost worn away. While running, Xia Situng barely recovered a little strength. When he found that they had stopped and there were a large number of human troops on the opposite side shouting and charging, he pulled Gould's hand in horror. shouted

"Why did you stop Gould? The enemy is still behind us!"

"Calm down, Major, we're here!"

Before the words could be finished, the charging humans were immediately turned into blue smoke by the photon turrets arranged on the position. After the Leman Russ tank was hit, a huge one could be clearly seen on the front armor plate. The spherical hole slowly stopped.

Soon, the Tau, who was dragged back into the trench again, saw a protoss warrior standing next to him. They arrived at position No. 2, and it was obvious that Yuan Yuan had begun to press his main reserve team, otherwise the Bird Gun Army would not be here.

"Everyone aim! Prepare, release!"

Following the Archon's order, protoss soldiers wearing heavier power armor and flying saucer hats began to attack.

Although they are called the Bird Gun Army in the name of the unit, what they hold in their hands is definitely not those ancient gunpowder-powered weapons, but a powerful magnetic rail acceleration weapon. Behind the power armor they were equipped with, apart from the power armor, the other huge spaces were all meant to leave space for a giant energy battery, and the object supplied by this energy battery was the musket.

It is connected to the butt of the gun through two connecting tubes and is directly transmitted to the rifle in hand. When the energy is accumulated to a certain level, the attack can begin. The bird gun is equipped with a magazine structure and can fire 5 rounds at a time. The average rate of fire per minute is 15 rounds. Although the gun's rapid fire rate is extremely slow, it has excellent killing power in exchange.

The moment the consul issued the order, dozens of long blue lines were pulled out along the entire trench line. One of them passed through the bodies of two soldiers and then directly paralyzed an advancing personnel carrier. Under the continuous attack of photon turrets and bird cannon troops, the human stormtroopers were contained.

Vision, who had recovered his vision, breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the human army that was beginning to waver under the attack.

"It's too dangerous, the enemy is almost here!"

But the heart he just let go of was mentioned again not long after. Because bursts of cheers suddenly came from the opposite position, the Titan Legion, which had been suppressed by the air force, finally had a chance to show its power again!

In the thick fog of the early morning, two warlord-level Titans that looked like hills slowly walked towards the position. The more than 80-meter-tall divine machine looked down at the ants on the ground. The pilots who controlled these magnificent machines snorted with disdain and sneered.

"The mantis' arm is like a chariot!!"

The two volcano cannons immediately fired fiercely at the position in front of them, directly cutting the position in front of them into three parts. The situation that had just improved a little became serious immediately.

"Where is the air force? They should suppress the enemy Titan!"

After hearing Farsight's angry voice, the adjutant next to him hurried to ask the announcer, and a voice that made him nervous came.

"The enemy mobilized all their naval aircraft to no longer pursue the remaining warships but to entangle with our air force wholeheartedly. Now the Titan Corps can no longer rely on the air force!"

After hearing this news, the commander was silent for a while and said.

"Since everyone has revealed their trump cards, let's prepare for a big one!"

"Convey my order, send out the Colossus!"

Just when the two warlord-level Titans sent by the Titan Corps on this front were ready to start killing all around, an anti-aircraft warlord Titan next to it was suddenly attacked. Two powerful plasma beams hit the void shield fiercely, and then two more directly overloaded the void shield.

Seeing the friendly Titan being suddenly attacked, the other Titan driver immediately looked in the direction of the attack. A spider crab-like monster at least 80 meters tall was seen driving four thin long legs slowly walking towards here, and the attack just now was obviously caused by the two heavy thermal cannons on its side. Behind this monster, another identical thing can be seen from a distance, and some smaller ones can be seen moving forward in the distance.

The combat Titan immediately put on the combat mode, and the driver gritted his teeth and prepared to fight the huge alien structure in front of him. The Colossus also began to turn his cannon and aimed at the warlord in front of him.

In the fog, a battle between two huge monsters is about to break out.

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