The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 47 44 Signal from the edge of space

Chapter 47 44. Signals from the edge of space

M 41.736.

On Aiur, the sacred home planet of the Protoss, nothing happened as usual. After the war nine years ago, the human empire did not step into the Damocles Gulf again, because the edge of the Ultramarine now no longer had to worry about the problem of Protoss aliens. After all, the kingdom of the Ultramarines had been severely damaged in that war, and they were no longer in the mood to care about them.

After the Battle of Eight Peaks, the Tyranids immediately rushed to the territory of the human empire, and were then stopped by the Ultramarines on the world of Ultramar 500.

A terrible bloody battle broke out between the main fleet of Behemoth and the Ultramarines on Macragge. During the war, the scale of the war swept across the entire star system. The Ultramarines and the Imperial Army almost lost the war. More than 80% of the surface of the planet was occupied by the Zerg, but with Calgar's outstanding leadership and the bravery of the Imperial Navy, the war ended with the killing of Queen Behemoth.

Although the war was won, the Ultramarines and the Empire no longer had the energy to fight the threat of the Damocles Gulf. They now needed to reorganize the manpower and materials of the entire eastern edge of the Ultramarine to rebuild their kingdom.

Although the Kalai Protoss were also harassed by the remnant fleet of the Tyranids, they were much more adept than humans. Powerful technology and coordinated tactics allowed them to more effectively block the hive fleet from the planet.

Even if some relatively fragile mining planets were invaded, if the environment of that planet was too harsh, then after the evacuation of the personnel on it, the mothership would directly dock in the orbit of the planet, and then burn the planet into a dazzling glass, turning all the hive troops and their warships on it into mineral resources.

Under such a resolute and terrible blow, the hive fleet slowly stopped attacking the Damocles Gulf. Because they knew that it was difficult to obtain enough biomass for recovery here, and they might even lose everything. In this case, it would be better to go to the territory of the human empire to find a relatively fragile planet for a feast.

Such things also prove the old saying, "One blow is enough to prevent a hundred blows."

The problems of the human empire in the eastern territory are far more than the remnant of the hive fleet. The problem of the Orks, who have not been managed for a long time due to the war, has also begun to spread. Even some Chaos fleets have taken the opportunity to enter, making it even more chaotic. At the same time, the Kalai Protoss began to leave the Damocles Gulf to expand their territory.

Although they did not attack any planets where humans exist, the Inquisitor has noticed that their colonies have been found on uninhabited planets registered by the Empire.

Due to the invasion of the Great Devourer, the Kalai Protoss believed that the galaxy had entered a real state of foreign war, and the previous agreement was immediately invalidated. Under the provisions of the agreement, they immediately began to develop their own strength without interfering with the intelligent civilization in Hanoi, and prepared to fight an expulsion battle.

In the laboratory under the Great Pyramid, Gray was leaning on a rocking sofa with his eyes closed to rest. His mechanical body and powerful psychic power made him not need any rest, but he still liked to lean on it and shake slowly to open his mind.

Now two exoskeleton sample models are floating on his experimental table. One is an exoskeleton defense system designed by the Wotan Alliance. After the terrible Battle of Eight Peaks, the surviving space dwarves found that the human empire naturally took over their property.

This behavior quickly caused strong dissatisfaction among most dwarves. A large number of space dwarves led their remaining fortresses to the western border outside the Damocles Gulf to establish a new dwarf alliance. Because it is close to the well-preserved dwarf homes distributed on the edge of the Milky Way, and also close to their ally, the Kalai Protoss Empire, they can get good protection here and carry out their work.

In the previous terrible battle, the space dwarves found that the exoskeleton armor and carapace they were equipped with could not resist the attack of enemy acid and plasma. After several unsuccessful attempts, they decided to outsource the project to their allies for research, and the Protoss also considered equipping their auxiliary army with new armor to deal with future wars, and the agreement was also made. In order to make this product more perfect, Gray also decided to participate in some work and make some suggestions.

The other one is the Titan unit he is involved in. This project depends on him alone.

This Titan mecha of the same level as the Knight Titan is to be assigned to the special Odessa auxiliary corps. The Battle of Daryis has proved that they must have more powerful equipment to make better progress on the front battlefield. However, since the main academies of science are thinking about how to create better exoskeleton armor and other issues, Gray plans to complete this matter by himself. After all, it is a supercomputer.

When Gray closed his eyes and rested, thinking about how to add better equipment and more stability to this machine, he suddenly found a shining light in the ocean of subspace.

It was a shining signal. It was definitely not normal for this signal to appear inside Damocles, because although this light looked like a signal of a ship passing through the subspace, it was actually another scene after speculation.

That was the power of the evil god brought from the deepest part of the warp.

Gray slowly detected this signal. He saw from the image of the warp what in the material universe came here.

He saw a Avenger-class cruiser several thousand meters long and the eight-pointed star shining with black light on it.

Now it really looks like Dabai, the Black Legion is coming. And their direction is exactly Daryis, where the war broke out not long ago.

But now Gray doesn't want these guys to disturb the area that is being rebuilt. When they enter the warp again, he throws up a smaller warp storm without hesitation. Although his strength is greatly weakened now, he can still blow a little storm in his own field.

Gray opened his eyes and stood up from the sofa and stretched his waist. Not slowly, he used his psychic power to transmit this signal to Aldaris. Inform him that a Chaos fleet has come to the fortress world Mordo on the edge of the Damocles Gulf.

After hearing this, Aldaris immediately asked the parliament to prepare to transfer a fleet there. As for who to let be the commander, he thought of his old friend Tassadar who is still idle at home. The two were not only friends, but also political allies.

Aldaris naturally had some selfish motives in choosing him, but Gray also understood Tassadar's strength. The last failure was enough for him to learn a lesson, and now it was time to give him a new chance.

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