The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 48 45 Chaos Fleet

Chapter 48 45.Chaos Fleet

Tassadar's private house in Aiur is located in the suburbs. The reason he chose to build a house here was because there was a lake next to it. When he was fine, he could absorb the spiritual energy emitted by the creatures next to him, which could effectively help him. Calm your mood and stabilize your existing abilities.

On this day, he came to the lake next to his house as usual, and quietly sat cross-legged on the wooden pier, feeling the cool breeze blowing from the lake and the faint scent of grass.

Although there were some nasty little blood-sucking bugs that wanted to bite him, when they got closer, they found that his body was covered with a light blue psychic shield, and these bugs had no way to deal with him.

While he was constantly thinking about his own way of war, his student Artanis hurried here from the city. When he walked towards the simple semi-sunken house, he saw at a glance that his teacher was not here. Being familiar with Tassada's living habits, he immediately understood where he was. He hurriedly ran to the pier and saw his teacher sitting on the pier meditating.

"Teacher! Teacher! Good news! It's a notice from the parliament! You have resumed your status as fleet commander!!"

After hearing this, Tassada slowly opened her eyes, stood up, patted her white robe, and turned to look at Artanis who looked excited.

"That's a good thing, but the council won't let me command a fleet for no reason. Tell me, what do they want me to do?"

"Moldo was attacked by humans. I guess it was because of this that they let you go out to fight, teacher!"

Tassada did not show a happy expression when he heard this. Instead, he was shocked, and visible sadness radiated from his body.

"Alas, another tragic war."

Seeing him like this, Artanis was a little confused, and he asked in confusion

"Why, teacher? This is your chance to get revenge and prove yourself! Why is it a tragedy?"

Tassada looked at the young man in front of him and said

"No, child, humanity is not our enemy, nor is the Emperor and his empire our enemy. Even those ugly and hypocritical Eldar are not our enemy. What is our real enemy? This sudden appearance Those damn Tyranid swarms, those Chaos Demons that have been hiding deep in the Eye of Terror, they are the enemies of the entire galaxy, the enemies of all life living here, and they are also the objects we want to destroy.

All wars will be tragic if we fight these things. This will only weaken our power against the enemy. Just like we are fighting humans, they are also fighting against chaos. If we weaken their power, it is equivalent to Weakened the power against Chaos. "

Artanis felt a little embarrassed when he heard this and touched his braid, and said quickly

"Hey, I'm sorry, I just let it slip. Teacher, what we are fighting against is the lackeys of Chaos. A fleet from the Black Legion is trying to invade our territory, and Speaker Aldaris recommends that you go and fight. , and at the same time, the great ancient sage also agreed to this request, so you will take the responsibility."

Hearing this, Tasada's previous expression immediately disappeared, and his eyes flashed with azure light.

"Then what are you waiting for? Come with me, Artanis! My most outstanding disciple, let us let those damn lackeys of chaos understand the power of the eldest son of the ancient saint!"

Just as the mixed fleet was preparing to set off, the Chaos Fleet from the Black Legion slowly returned to the material universe.

The Black Legion is the great enemy of the Human Empire. In Chaos, only the Death Guard Legion can compare with it. According to incomplete statistics, the number of Chaos Astartes under it is at least 20,000.

The predecessor of the Black Legion was the Sons of Horus. After the failure of the siege of Terra at the end of the Great Heresy, the traitors of the Sons of Horus led the corpse of their original body to escape back to the Eye of Terror, but they lost their original body. Weakened by the attacks of other Chaos Legions, they were like lost dogs during the Slave Wars, living in constant fear. Until the former captain of the first company, Ezekiel Abaddon relied on his strong strength to lead the broken legion to revival after his return. With the support of the four gods, he finally forced the origins of each legion to recognize him. His position as the Warmaster of Chaos.

For thousands of years, Abaddon has never given up his revenge on the Empire of Man. To this end, he launched one black holy war after another. The latest one was the 12th Black Crusade that broke out in M41.139, also commonly known as the Gothic War.

But now, Abaddon has been forced back into the void, but he is still closely observing the reactions of the material universe. The main purpose of sending his fleet this time was to detect the alien race called Tyranids, but he also had a task assigned to him by the Four Gods, asking him to go and detect the alien race called Protoss.

Originally, the purpose of this fleet was to go to Darius where the first battle broke out, but under the influence of an unknown subspace storm, they no longer knew where they were blown.

"What a hell, blood god, how long is this going to last?!"

In the Tyrant-class cruiser, Storud, the leader of the Brass Fang warband, smashed the head of a slave with his fist angrily. He looked angrily at the slave's still twitching body leaving dark red blood. I feel more and more irritated, because there is no way to win the favor of the Blood God with this kind of hard work.

Storud couldn't hold himself back and yelled at another trembling mutant astropath next to him.

"Hurry up and ask me about that loser in Algeria! Where did he lead us!!"

On a nearby Retaliator-class cruiser painted in black, Algeri, the war leader from the Word Bearers warband, the Pious Clothes.

Now this devout Chaos cultist stood copying the writings written by their primarch, carefully writing praises on the parchment with dark red ink made from human oil under the dim light of a candle made of human oil. Words of the Chaos Gods. A Word Bearer warrior knocked gently on the ornate door. After hearing this, Algeria lit the incense made of special warp creatures and said

"Please come in."

The Word Bearers warrior wearing black armor walked in, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but admired

"Sir, the aura of the gods here is so strong that it makes you feel at ease."

Algeria ignored his compliment and asked without even raising his head.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The Word Bearer laughed after hearing this and said

"It's the mad dog Storud. He's feeling very agitated because of the subspace storm, and he's here to ask us what happened."

Hearing this, Algeria blew out the candles on the table, stood up and walked towards the door. He smiled contemptuously, looked at the eight-pointed star on the wall and said piously

"In my opinion, everything is the arrangement of the gods, even this warp storm. Tell me Storud, we will go to the nearest planet above the Bird Servant, where we will find Answer."

"As you command, my lord."

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