The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 66 62 Underworld Construction

Chapter 66 62. Underworld Structure

Khayon looked at the weird alien creation in front of him and couldn't help but admire it.

"What a beautiful creation. Even if it is created by dirty aliens, it is still amazing."

As he walked forward, the black stone seemed to be alive and formed a platform below him. It allowed him to move upward smoothly like a staircase suspended in the sky, all the way to the abyss.

Under the abyss, countless black stone cubes were also floating upward. Finally, when Khayon walked up to him, it had turned into a console. The veteran of the eternal war looked at the strange words, then looked at Zeratul who had rushed to the side, and showed a cruel smile.

"Okay, let's take a look at what the guards of Blackstone Fortress are."

Just as Kayon began his preparations, Gray and his party suddenly found themselves in a temple after teleportation. Janus looked at the tall statues that once stood around the temple and said in confusion.

"Why is there a temple here?"

"Maybe the ancestors built the temple here to find solace in the long battle, or maybe it was their belief in the gods that led them to build the temple here."

Lisa explained while looking at the main statue of Kane that was still standing. At the same time, she also noticed something different.

"But what makes me wonder is why some stone statues are inlaid with soul stones?"

As they searched for a way out of the temple, Khayon activated the defense systems of all temple guards. In an instant, the underworld structures embedded in the temple walls that still retained intact structures were activated. They carried their fusion robes and swords and slowly turned their heads to look at the people who broke into the temple.

Everyone watched in stunned silence as the statues shook off the accumulated dust, revealing their white shells. Lisa finally reacted at this time and reminded loudly

"Be careful! Those are not statues, they are underworld structures! They must be the guards of Blackstone Fortress!"

But now everyone does not need her introduction to understand what these structures are used for, because now these stone statues have begun to attack them. The first one to be attacked was the largest Iron Man. Several fusion cannon shells exploded on his shield, and Iron Man immediately fought back at them, using terrifying explosions to smash those structures into pieces.

Soon, more and more structures woke up, and everyone began to show their magical powers. Phase swords cut through the bulky shelled bodies, bullets accelerated by magnetic rails shattered their heads, and stars paralyzed the structure of their bodies.

However, there was an episode during the battle. When the female gang member named Banris shattered the soul stone of an underworld construct, Lisa exploded in an instant.

"I'm warning you! Rough woman! Don't break their soul stones!!"

After hearing this, Banris said impatiently while reloading the heavy explosive bomb.

"How can I control so much?"

"Because they can still be saved! I can feel that they are just being controlled, and there is still room for redemption!"

Janus heard this and interrupted their conversation.

"Then be more precise!"

Then more and more structures woke up, and the situation became worse and worse. A large number of structures reawakened and continued to attack them with fusion cannons and plasma. If it were not for the defense of the Iron Man Void Shield, each of them would have died at least a dozen times except Gray.

Janus looked at Gray, who was holding lightning bolts beside him, and became angry and cursed.

"Can you stop pretending? With your psychic transfer ability just now, your psychic level will be at least Delta level! Help us quickly!"

Gray couldn't help but feel ashamed after hearing this. He really didn't want his power to show up. After all, his strength was greatly reduced now that he was being suppressed by the Black Stone. If he made it too big, once they were discovered, no matter how annoying they were. , I guess I just forced Black Stone to tear up the fortress and then tore him up too.

Just when he was hesitating, he suddenly thought of an action he had taken in the laboratory before. After working continuously for more than ten hours, he felt that his psychic power was a little out of balance. As a result, he accidentally caused a detective next to him to machine short circuit.

If this can successfully short-circuit the machine, then this power can also be used as emp here!

"Use it immediately! Compatriots! My void shield has been exhausted!"

UR-025 made a painful sound, as if to reflect what he said. After being hit by several more rounds, the void shield flickered twice and dimmed. This is an extremely bad signal. It means that they have lost the protection of the shield for the next battle.

Gray knew there was no way to delay it any longer.

"Okay, come right away!"

Gray felt strong nausea and suppression when his hands touched the floor made of black stone, but he finally succeeded in casting his spell. With the child as the center of the circle, strong electromagnetic pulses were continuously emitted, and the underworld structures that were still preparing to continue the attack flickered twice and finally hung down powerlessly.

When Janus saw that their enemies had stopped attacking, he immediately thrust his sword back and gasped.

"These dead machines haven't reacted yet, let's get out of here quickly!"

They carefully passed through these giants who seemed to have lost consciousness, but just as they were about to pass through, a construct suddenly grabbed Lisa's hand. Everyone looked at the construct nervously, and the muzzle of the gun was unconsciously pointed at him

"Help... I'm so cold..."

Suddenly, the construct made a trembling voice, "looking" at everyone with endless confusion and fear. Gray understood that the electromagnetic pulse just now might have destroyed their control system, and now they are free.

"Human, Iron Man? And... my compatriots? How long have I been imprisoned here? Is our empire okay now?"

These giants built in the most glorious era of the Eldar Empire still don't know that the galaxy has undergone tremendous changes. After Lisa told him about the current situation of the Aida Eldar, he made a painful voice

"I knew long ago that those corrupt nobles and damn dynasties had no way to save us! ! We finally took this path, but no one listened to us!!"

It turned out that these Hades constructs did not voluntarily become fortress guards, but were forced and forcibly transformed. At the end of the decadent and indulgent Eldar Empire, some scholars and wise men, after discovering their own depravity, did not escape like their compatriots and were beyond salvation. Instead, they hoped to persuade the nobles to make changes in time, but what awaited them was only death penalty and endless pain.

Those dirty and decadent pointed ears thought of killing them and sealing them in the construct with soul stones to torture them endlessly, but they never thought that they would save the lives of these scholars and wise men. When the Great Fall broke out, these prisoners protected by soul stones survived until now.

"So according to what you said, the people who are now controlling our other suffering compatriots and our fortresses are controlled by the chaos that destroyed our race and their servants?! What an insult!!"

The construct let out a wail, and the compatriots behind him who had escaped control also made such a sound. She stared at Janus in front of her and said solemnly

"Leader, please lead us and tell us the direction of those Chaos bastards! I will make them die miserably!!"

Just when they were in a state of outrage, Gray suddenly asked

"Can I ask curiously, what are your keys and energy cores made of?"

"Nanometal, this metal can undergo large-scale changes and can also adapt to the environment of the engine room. What's the problem?"

After listening to the words of the construct leader, Gray smiled

"Then, can you tell me where the road is? Don't worry, I'll go and take a look and do nothing."

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