The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 67 63 Completely shut down

Chapter 67 63. Complete flameout

Everyone in Constructing Geometry was a little confused after hearing his words. They didn't understand why Gray wanted to go to the control point. Construct said

"Are you an Iron Man? If so, you may be able to get there, but I have to warn you that the temperature is too high, unless you are..."

"I am the nanorobot. I will control the entire core. If it doesn't work, I will destroy it. Anyway, the Black Legion has no chance of obtaining the Blackstone Fortress."

After hearing this, Janus thought for a moment and whispered

"That's right, destroy it if you can't get it! Anyway, Blackstone Fortress must not fall into the hands of the Black Legion."

The constructs also communicated for a while and agreed to Gray's suggestion.

"No questions asked, Karacha will take you there! He once participated in the construction project of Blackstone Fortress."

Next to the leader of the structure walked out a structure with a piece of its head missing. It was obvious that it had just been scratched by a magnetic rail bullet. But it doesn't matter whether he didn't find it or did find it, the structure didn't show any bad reaction.

"You take him to the engine room now. After we collect the soul stones here, we will stop what the Black Legion is doing!"

"As you command, may Phoenix King Asuyan protect you."

"May the Phoenix King protect you."

After giving the instructions, the five people led the structural troops to the place where Qian Qian had just fallen, which was the cab. The engineer was going to take Gray to the engine room.

Just tens of meters above them, the space dwarves and protoss were also attacked by the structure. Melting cannons and large-caliber darts hit these outsiders. The ion shields and thick armor on the dwarves were unable to catch two shells, and the protoss were no better despite their own stronger shields. Only the Honor Guards equipped with solar battle axes and heavy shields can rush forward, but they must also pay attention to the Black Legion's attack.

After their chief wizard took control of the entire Blackstone Fortress system, all constructors regarded them as their compatriots. Now the power of the Black Legion has been greatly strengthened, completely suppressing those who stop them.

"Let me see what this thing is capable of!"

On the outskirts of Blackstone Fortress, there are still a large number of warships of various races surrounded by terrifying ruins. Suddenly, the Blackstone Fortress began to rotate without any warning, which attracted the attention of a nearby Mechanical Ark.

The Archbishop looked at the Blackstone Fortress that had begun to glow with purple light in the distance and ordered the recording machine servitor next to it to start recording.

"On the 72nd day of the voyage diary, starting at 10 o'clock Terra time, an energy reaction occurred in the Blackstone Fortress. Starting at 11 o'clock, a high-energy reaction occurred. It is suspected that the Blackstone Fortress is about to activate."

A mechanical sage next to him looked at the Blackstone Fortress that began to rotate slowly in front of him, and said worriedly

"Teacher, Blackstone Fortress seems to be activated. Should we leave here?"

It was his teacher who heard this and stomped his four iron feet on his right side in anger.

"Are you kidding, kid! Unlike my corrupt colleagues, I have to understand how this thing works! I have to collect a lot of knowledge to prepare for that person's arrival!"

The frightened apprentice looked at the spider-like sage in front of him and said cautiously

"As you command, great sage."

"Okay, now continue recording...wait, kid, you are right, it's time for us to withdraw."

It turned out that the guns of the Blackstone Fortress had begun to rotate, aiming at the Orc fleet that was fighting an Imperial fleet in the distance.

The great sage, who has lived for more than 10,000 years, immediately knew whether it was time to run away. He liked to explore all kinds of knowledge, but it did not mean that he could abandon his life and explore without any bottom line. He didn't want to drop his precious mechanical ark and the more precious things that were about to be completed inside here.

Fortunately, the test target chosen by Kawenqing was the Ork orc fleet and the Imperial fleet, so that the Great Sage could retreat directly. At the last moment of entering the subspace, the Great Sage looked at the Blackstone Fortress in the distance with his inhuman face and continued to speak.

"At 12 o'clock, Blackstone Fortress has completely restored its facilities and is now equipped with attack capabilities. Ohm Messiah is on top!"

In Blackstone Fortress, Khayon first brought the Orc fleet into range. After all, whether to attack humans or aliens first was a simple question even for a Chaos traitor.

The purple energy beams with lightning immediately hit the warships that were pieced together from scrap ships, broken metal, and meteorites. The Orcs who had just been fighting the imperial fleet had been decomposed before they noticed those terrifying lights. Cheng Atom, even the largest battleship, was not immune to this set of terrifying attacks.

The imperial fleet was surprised and panicked to find that more than half of the enemies in front of them were instantly reduced, and some of the surviving warships had neat cross-sections on their attacked sides, like butter being cut with a knife. Being attacked by the sudden attack, the frightened Orcs screamed, and their warships began to run around restlessly, and some even collided with each other.

Under normal circumstances, the Imperial Fleet might have pursued them, but when they saw the gun barrels of the Blackstone Fortress slowly pointing at them, they were no longer in the mood to continue playing with the Orcs.

Khayon looked at the marked imperial warships, sighed, and said with a pity tone

"Poor Imperial people! Die!"

But before he could press the button, the entire Blackstone Fortress quickly lost energy. The traces that originally appeared on the statue slowly disappeared, and those who were still attacking the Tectonic Enlightenment also became quiet and kept their heads down. . Khayon looked at the sudden situation in front of him and showed a confused expression. He didn't know what happened to Blackstone Fortress. Why did you suddenly lose all power?

The time came to 45 minutes ago.

Under the leadership of the structure engineer, Gray finally successfully arrived in front of the engine room. The engineer looked at the heavy door in front of him and said

"It's right here, but now that the fortress has been opened, we can't open it..."

Before he finished speaking, a powerful psychic impact directly shattered the door made of black stone. Gray glanced at the broken black stone on the ground with disgust and said flatly

"Let's go!"

The structure is now like seeing a ghost. You must know that this black stone gate cannot be blasted open even with the main gun of the Flame Crystal Tank. But now it is blasted open by such a petite robot?

Is human technology already so terrifying?

But when they came to the outside of the engine room, the construct stopped. Gray looked back at him and asked with a frown.

"Aren't you coming along?"

The engineer shook his head and explained

"No, the temperature inside is too high. Even the spiritual bones will be damaged. You can only go in by yourself."

There was no way, Gray could only enter the engine alone, and when he came here, everything was different from the outside. The original purple stripes turned into red lines, and the totems on the wall depict the achievements of Vaal, the god of forging. Statues of Val can be seen at intervals around the room, and below the room is an artificial magma pool where water is still spraying outwards. Gray now estimates that your temperature has exceeded at least 2,000 degrees, which is equivalent to standing on the surface of a star.

After walking a few dozen meters forward, he saw the entire engine device of the Blackstone Fortress. It turns out that the key is firmly married to a pot-shaped nanomachine. The function of this machine is to continuously transport the energy from the fuel pool below to the top, so that every corner of this terrifying behemoth can receive the energy below. The energy emanating from the lava pool.

"So, is this instrument the only one that supplies energy to the entire Blackstone Fortress? So as long as this machine is destroyed, the entire Blackstone Fortress will be completely paralyzed, right?"

Thinking of this, Gray reached out to the machine. The nanometal seemed to feel his touch and began to decompose automatically, slowly covering his body from his hands. Gray looked at the nano-metal slowly covering up like mercury, closed his eyes, and let them move on his body.

In the end, when the entire nanomachine was completely decomposed, the mercury-like nanomaterial also enveloped him. After losing this instrument, energy transmission such as the Blackstone Fortress also completely stopped.

Now, this black stone fortress has completely shut down.

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