The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 83 Victory of the 77 Rebellion

Chapter 83 77. The victory of the rebels

Innocent people were bleeding, and the gang members attacked them first. They scolded and attacked them verbally, and then used fists and sticks. But when the demonstrators began to fight back, those guys suddenly turned into the governor's lackeys.

The guys who killed and set fire suddenly became the so-called defenders of justice, implemented the so-called will of the emperor, picked up their weapons, and began to pour their firepower on the civilians.

But the governor did not understand that when he raised a dirty knife, the sword in his hand had already left him.

The watchdogs were still smashing, looting and burning on the streets, and their original plan to suppress the activities immediately turned into a new riot. Anyway, now they have the title of governor on their heads, no matter how big the matter is, it doesn't matter.

Those shops that were originally closed were smashed, the goods were robbed, and some people even prepared to attack buildings like the Chamber of Commerce to make a lot of money.

Just as the watchdogs were getting more and more arrogant, the planetary defense team was dispatched.

Two Leman Russ tanks blocked the road side by side and fired at the shocked gang members in front of them. The armored vehicles converted from garbage trucks had no way to withstand the bombardment of the Leman Russ tank artillery and turned into scrap metal in an instant. The terrified gang members watched the laser pierce the chest of their companions and fled in fear.

A gang leader looked at PDF shooting at his men with the laser gun in his hand and gritted his teeth and said

"What's going on? Aren't they in the same group with us?!"

But there was no need to think so much now, because they now knew that what they had to do was to escape immediately.

The PDFs vented their anger with the weapons in their hands, and the people in the Governor's Mansion were shocked by the sudden change and couldn't say a word. Soon, the mob above was immediately defeated by PDF, and the angry masses and the soldiers of the planetary defense force began to move towards the Governor's Mansion.

The governor's soldiers were so scared when they saw this moment that they immediately retreated and locked the gate.

The planetary governor looked at the approaching angry names and PDF tanks and shouted loudly

"Stop! Stop now!!"

But his desperate and indifferent roar had no meaning at all. The tall Leman Russ tank quickly rolled over the iron gate, and the soldiers with light guns and the masses holding flags and the weapons discarded by the gang members on the ground rushed into the governor's mansion.

After seeing this moment, the servants of the governor's mansion quickly organized a counterattack at the gate. A heavy felling gun was placed at the door and fired desperately at the crowd below.

People were harvested by bullets like wheat, and their blood was spilled on the ground, but there were more people behind them charging forward.

"Tank No. 2! Blast that position for me!"

The lieutenant colonel standing on the Chimera saw the position blocking them in front of him and ordered the tank standing in front without saying a word. The 100-plus millimeter artillery immediately shattered the sandbag positions that had been simply built, and the armed personnel who had not been killed were torn to pieces by the heavy explosives in the front armor.

The tank continued to move forward, crushing the remains of the logging gun that had been bent upwards in front of it and the charred bodies, and broke through the marble door that symbolized the governor's majesty. The people rushed in and roared loudly. The hall that was once crowded with people was now empty.

The angry crowd rushed to the governor's office, but found that the cowardly murderer had taken off his governor's coat and escaped here with a rope ladder.

The governor put on a dirty coat that he found from nowhere. He just wanted to escape here quickly and find the troops who were still loyal to the empire and the planetary governor's office. But he didn't have the courage to inform the imperial government now, because once they knew that the planet had become like this, he would not be able to escape death.

But what the governor didn't know was that conflicts and battles broke out all over the planet. The rebels who had been lurking for a long time quickly controlled various cities and traffic arteries. Now the troops that originally belonged to the star district government have been scattered and divided, becoming guerrillas without a master in the wilderness.

The second largest city on the east coast of the continent, which is also the transportation hub responsible for the orbital transportation of the entire planet, was also attacked by the rebels. Although the local city government tried to suppress the civilian resistance below with the help of the Star Army and Stormtroopers stationed on the orbital space station, it was unable to resist the sudden appearance of the rebel forces who had been hiding somewhere before.

These well-equipped and well-trained troops are not inferior to the Star Army at all. More than 3,000 soldiers took the Valkyrie transport aircraft that was obtained from nowhere and carried out a sudden attack on the space station under the cover of the Falcon fighter. The space station with only a few hundred New Territory Army and dozens of Stormtroopers was immediately captured, and the entire planet's outward communication orbit was also controlled.

The local Imperial Navy stationed in the Fourth Orbit and Mandel Point was not in a good situation either. The sailors and crews of the fleet had infiltrated those damned traitors at some point. On the day of the riot on the main planet, their bases directly mutinied. A destroyer was forced to self-destruct, two light cruisers and various other auxiliary warships all fell into the hands of the rebels, and only a scarred cruiser escaped into deep space through the bombardment of the artillery.

The victorious rebels did not have enough time to rest, because they still needed to fight another war.

Nova gave the rebel leaders a shocking news, that is, there are a large number of Great Devourer believers on their planet. However, she asked them not to alert the enemy for the time being, but to secretly register some suspicious people and images, and at the same time, mark some uninhabited areas to facilitate the subsequent processing when the expedition fleet arrives. After all, the most important thing for them now is to guard against the imperial army that may counterattack in the future.

Nova began to teach everyone how to build a relatively complete and safe regime in a short period of time according to the manual issued before the mission, and quickly stabilized the local environment.

Half a month later, the expedition fleet arrived at this important agricultural world, and the Protoss began the next finishing work, including the capture of the Chicken Thief Cult and the elimination of the remnants of the local empire and the work of appeasing the people, while strengthening local defense and mobilizing local manpower and materials to prepare for the next battle.

This is what the Protoss prepared for this counterattack several years ago. At the beginning of this battle, they successfully placed the main battlefield on the territory of the empire.

Whether it is victory or failure, this battle will not cause any loss to the main body, and even if the expedition fleet suffers serious losses, it can be replenished in time.

Now, it's the turn of the Protoss.

I'll get back to the main storyline soon. I'm really sorry that these chapters are really badly written.

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