The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 84 78 The Decision of the Lord of Dark Ravens

Chapter 84 78. The Crow Lord’s Decision

In a Kraf Star Fortress on the edge of the Extreme Star Territory, a large number of imperial main battleships and some civilian ships are approaching here. Because a large number of important planets and many civilian planets have fallen into the hands of aliens and traitors, many fleeing fleets have now come here to assemble.

Although this star fort also provoked a small-scale mutiny due to the infiltration of aliens, it did not cause much trouble because the Space Marines were guarding here. Later, the local imperial generals and governors improved under the pressure of Chapter Master Kirwan. Only by improving the living conditions of the sailors and the residents of the space station can the space station continue to operate.

For the Empire, the entire border area is now extremely urgent. Hundreds of planets have already declared their independence from the Empire's rule, and only a handful of planets in the border area have surrendered to the Empire.

Although the people on these planets are a group of exiles and forgotten people, they and the land beneath their feet are the Emperor's precious property. The Emperor's army will never let these precious resources fall into the hands of the enemy. .

And especially in the hands of aliens!

The Emperor's Angels gathered in the station's conference room to discuss what to do next. The command level of the expeditionary force held intense discussions on how to conduct future operations.

According to Noel, the second captain of the Ranger Knights, the most important thing now is to immediately seize large and important worlds such as the agricultural world and the hive world, because once these two types of worlds are controlled, the rebels will lose the most important thing. The economy and food source can effectively attack the enemy.

The Chapter Chaplain of the Raven Guard, Hades, believes that the captured forge world and business world should be attacked immediately to cut off the rebels' weapons supply source, so that they can take better actions during the future rebellion.

The Imperial Navy proposes to use the comparatively superior naval fleet at hand to engage in a main battleship showdown with the enemy, annihilate the enemy's main fleet, and then use orbital advantage to force those planets back under the rule of the Empire. If they are unwilling If so, directly carry out orbital bombing and then capture.

As the commander-in-chief of the entire expeditionary force, Ke Wen quickly thought about the pros and cons of these three options in his mind.

If the first plan is implemented, the expeditionary force will suffer less losses during the battle. The troops stationed in the agricultural world should not be very strong. Only the hive world will be more troublesome, because every hive city is like A fortress will definitely suffer heavy casualties when it is captured. But as long as these areas are controlled, the economic sources of the rebels will be cut off, and their rule will be dealt a big blow.

With the second option, the expeditionary force will have a hard time to chew on, because the forging world and the commercial node world are the most important areas in each foreign star sector. Perhaps the agricultural worlds that provided food for an entire region and the hive worlds that provided supplies for the entire region were also important, but in this war-torn galaxy they never were more important than the forge worlds responsible for navigation and weapons production. Similarly, there are a large number of naval fleets and forts stationed here. Even the expedition fleet will be severely hit here. However, this is also the fastest way to integrate local military forces and immediately attack the enemy before the enemy can react.

The last plan is a bit unrealistic, because if the enemy's main fleet is searched for a long time for a decisive battle, then if more reinforcements from the aliens arrive, their main fleet may not be able to win.

The Chapter Master of the Raven Guard fell into silence after carefully considering these three opinions. Because these three opinions all have different degrees of risk, whether it is immediate or future, someone needs to make a choice.

Various tactical assumptions and thoughts flashed through the master's mind, and then he asked

"What is the enemy's disposition?"

The judge next to him heard it and immediately answered

"We now know very little about the problems on the rebel side, but we know a lot about the alien fleet.

The enemy is now divided into three main front armies, of which the central front army is the strongest and has successfully divided the remaining planets and naval fleets of the empire into two from the middle.

The Northern Front on their left has defeated the Alliance fleet composed of local forge worlds and is now clearing out local loyalists.

The Southern Front is the weakest. From the type of battleships, we speculate that their alien alliance may have auxiliary troops and space dwarf troops. They are currently attacking the paradise world, Chloe. "


After hearing this, the Lord of the Raven Guard ordered

"Execute plan No. 1. At the same time, the attack will focus on the enemy's southern front, focusing on attacking the enemy's agricultural world and hive world! We will turn this place into a grave for aliens and traitors. No one can offend the majesty of the emperor!"

Soon, the Chapter Master's orders immediately sank into the hands of all warships and commanders, and the Emperor's Holy Navy and his Angels began to make a warp jump to Mandera Point here.

Croy will become a sea of ​​fire.

However, for Yuan Yuan, he doesn't know about this yet.

Although Yuan Yuan was considered alone, Gray weighed the pros and cons and still allowed him to take away the heavy cruiser. After all, he also wanted to see how the battleship he designed personally performed in actual combat.

The requirements are not high, at least it can be on par with the Massacre-class cruiser.

Vision arrives on the bridge in his unique red powered exoskeleton. The appearance of this red exoskeleton is very different from the exoskeleton he used in the original universe, because the originally very conspicuous bunny ears have disappeared.

This mecha was designed by Gray and Netat. When designing the mecha, the former Iron Man also referred to the security exoskeletons of mankind in the golden age, but only based on the appearance and overall layout. There is still a long, long way to go before anything can match the products of the Golden Age.

Looking at the beautiful world in front of him, Yuan Yuan didn't have any words to praise, because the imperial navy in front of him was still stubbornly resisting.

What's even weirder is that there are not only the traditional Imperial Navy here, but also the fleet of the Mechanicum, and even the troops of the Inquisition. These troops are strangely stored in large numbers around this paradise world, and in the orbit of Croy's planet are anti-aircraft firepower and anti-ship artillery that should not belong to this kind of world.

This almost covert defense method can only mean one thing.

"They must be protecting something."

Yuan Yuan thought this in his heart, but the more intense the resistance and sense of mystery, the more he became more competitive.

He had to see what was on it.

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