The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 85 79 God's Sword

Chapter 85 79. Sword of God

The battle in space ended after two more assaults. Farsight's flagship completely destroyed a 6,000-meter-long mechanical ark that lost its void shield through the two heavy light spear cannons that penetrated the entire ship, turning the most beautiful treasure of the God of All Machines into a wreckage in the universe. Farsight, who had a lot of combat experience, immediately ordered the auxiliary fleet to go and clean up the battlefield, because he knew that there were usually some good things in human warships, especially those warships of the forces called the Mechanicus, which had more good things and technological products.

"Send out landing troops, boarding operations, conquer the enemy's space stations and orbital elevators, and prepare for battle!"

Farsight's orders came to various commanders and warships along with radio waves and quantum communications. The heavy cruisers immediately began to move forward, and the small warships began to attract firepower and carry out key strikes.

Soon, dozens of heavy artillery specially designed for large warships deployed in the planet's orbit were all destroyed by torpedoes and missiles released by small destroyers at close range. But when the human close defense artillery firepower began to counterattack, the enemy successfully escaped their attack range with flexible positioning and powerful engine power.

The human defenders could only watch those flexible warships mocking them from a distance in annoyance, and they had no chance to attack the heavy warships that arrived later.

The strong self-defense firepower of the heavy cruiser quickly turned those small artillery turrets into a hornet's nest, and hundreds of airdrop capsules immediately smashed into the already riddled orbital space station.

It took less than half an hour for the huge landing force to control the space station at a very low cost. Although the human commander who had died tried his best to make the space elevator self-destruct, he despaired and found that the rune device of the system self-destruction had been conquered at some point in time. The red runes kept flashing, and the advanced electronic warfare technology prevented the human commander from making a desperate and crazy move.

Vision came to the space station shortly after the battle, and there were still traces of some small-scale battles that had taken place before. The medical staff nearby were skillfully putting the bodies of the imperial soldiers into the lead-lined body bags. Some soldiers who had finished fighting were eating around those who were packing the bodies.

Farsight, wearing a nearly three-meter-high external power armor, walked down. He carefully avoided those who were working and continued to move forward. After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find the person he was looking for. He stopped a recruit who wanted to stay away from the morgue and asked

"Corporal! Where is Commander Yonglan?"

The Tau soldier with a somewhat ugly face saluted Farsight and said

"In the main warehouse, Commander-in-Chief!"

Farsight shook his head after hearing it, and didn't say anything. He just took his executive guard to the main warehouse.

In the main warehouse, Yonglan was walking among countless supplies and listening to the numbers reported by the warehouse keeper. They opened a warehouse, revealing the working probe inside, and the warehouse keeper began to report

"26,782 sets of bulletproof armor, 31,062 sets of bulletproof helmets, and 178,142 grenades."

As he spoke, he took the blue-painted mecha next to him and left here and came to the next warehouse.

"62 Leman Russ tanks, and 12 Leman Russ tank-transformed annihilators. In addition, there are 6 sets of plasma turrets for Leman Russ tanks, and finally two heavy tractors modified from the Emperor's poison blade chassis without main turrets."

After hearing this, Liang Jian touched his chin and said

"Something is wrong, why do you want to send so many mechanical parts? There are even chassis for super heavy tanks. What are they digging for?"

"Soon, we will figure out why, old friend."

Just then, a strong voice came from behind. Yong Lan looked back and found that his comrade Yuanjian was walking towards him. The two iron hands clasped together fiercely, and Yuanjian said with a smile

"Let's go to the ground together to see why!"

Yonglan smiled and said

"I heard that you got promoted? Should I kneel down to you now?"

"Come on, there's no need."

Yuanjian looked at him with a little heartache

"Are you still used to this body now?"

Yonglan smiled bitterly

"It's okay! But I can't run with my own limbs anymore."

Four years ago, Yonglan participated in an attack on one of their worlds by the joint forces of the Mechanicus and the Human Empire, and the target was the ancient ruins above. Yonglan led his combat suit troops to support the local troops. In a battle, an entire combat suit formation plus an entire armored regiment directly encountered the human super-heavy armored division. After a fierce battle, he was the only one who survived the entire combat suit formation and wiped out the heavy armored corps.

But Yong Lan was also seriously injured. Finally, with the help of the phase technician's transformation, he was able to survive and continue fighting in the heavy combat suit. However, for him, the combat suit is his life. Once the combat suit is damaged, he will die.

So after that, Yuan Yuan, as the commander of the entire Agni Fleet, deliberately kept this old friend in cold storage. However, Yong Lan was obviously not an honest person, and he directly quit Yuan Yuan's fleet and joined another expedition fleet. . However, now that the software has been transferred to the commander of the Iron Furnace United Fleet, Yong Lan is still in the hands of Yuan Yuan.

"You'd better not continue fighting on the ground. After all, we are commanders, and precious fuel must be burned when it matters most."

After hearing this, Yong Lan let out a long sigh from his mechanical body, but didn't say anything. Because he knew that when Farsight airborne to the ground, there must be another commander in orbit to command.

At this time, Yuan Yuan received the latest news

"The space dwarves are so fast. They have successfully conquered the important defense measures on the surface, and now all that is left are some stragglers."

"And they found the ancient ruins left behind."

On the ground, the space dwarves gathered at the excavation site of the Mechanicus. A brutal battle had just occurred here. The space was short, and people lost six tanks and a dozen Broken Horn warriors. The casualties of ordinary soldiers were over a hundred, because they encountered the elite troops of the Mechanicus. They were fought by at least three Dragoons and ancient Citadel-class droids designed to deal with Space Marines, as well as hundreds of Skitarii.

After the space dwarf commander informed the protoss troops in the sky, there was a hint of complaint.

"Why should we give this divine sword to them? It was obviously us who knocked it down."

The senior Ironforge officer next to him lit a cigar for himself, took a puff and replied quietly

"They also defeated Blackstone Fortress, and didn't they give it to us in the end?"


Officer Ironforge took another puff of cigarette and said

"And this is the meaning of the Supreme Council. The dwarves never owe favors, and they are definitely not a group of ungrateful bastards."

After saying that, he put out the cigarette he had just taken two puffs on and stuffed it back into his pocket.

"Okay, tell the researchers to collect more data quickly before they come. Maybe we can use it in the future."

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