The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 86 80 Dark Raven Assault

Chapter 86 80. Crow Raid

After a while, a red transport ship slowly landed on the original landing pad. Vision walked down from above on a heavy exoskeleton, glanced at the burning Thunderhawk gunship next to him, and continued to move forward.

A large number of dwarf warriors manned their tanks and six-wheeled colonial armored vehicles walking on the ruins. The outer scientific research base of the Mechanicum had been destroyed in the battle just now. Because it contained a large number of outer defense facilities, which seriously threatened the continued advancement of the space dwarves, it was bombarded by seismic cannons.

The soldiers of the space dwarves are patrolling the surroundings to prevent counterattacks by the Mechanicus forces that may escape to the periphery. A warrior wearing a gorgeous exoskeleton walked up to Vision. It was obvious that he was the commander here.

"Hello, Commander Farsight, I am Claude, the person in charge here."

"Hello, Captain Claude."

Yuan Yuan lowered his head and looked at the dwarf in front of him and continued.

"We heard you found ancient ruins here, right?"

"Yes, and based on the patterned clothing above, we infer that this may have something to do with your past."

"Our past?"

After hearing this, Yuan Yuan repeated what he said and continued.

"Take us to see it!"

The space dwarf officer nodded after hearing this and led them forward. Don't go forward. The more you look at it, the more you can understand what this place was like. Obviously, the Mechanicum built a huge dome in this place to protect the entire ruins. Because they were worried about damaging the integrity of the ruins, they did not even conduct any large-scale mechanical mining around the ruins. The biological state and vegetation of the entire ruins area remained intact.

Yuan Yuan slowly pushed aside the leaves and vines in front of him with his hands, stepped over the remains of the ancient temples that once stood, and finally came to the center. Yuan Yuan looked up at the bright patterns, but upon closer inspection, he found that some seemed to be directly spliced ​​together.

"This is indeed the ruins of an ancient saint, but there are many traces of the Eldar."

Yuan Yuan came to the conclusion after only a brief observation. Claude, who was following him, showed a surprised expression after hearing this. Although many people know that Vision is an excellent commander, they also know that his literary attainments are equally excellent. If his most well-known "Monteca" tactics were written and published by him, he is also very fond of antiques. Understand, and have certain insights into the history of the Kalai Empire and even the history of Ada and humanity.

He carefully picked up a piece of stone wall, and then carefully searched for other fragments on the ground to join together. Read the Eldar symbols on it carefully, observe it for a while and then say

"What is written here is a story, a report on a weapons research conducted by the Ancient Saints and the Eldar at the end of the Heavenly War in ancient times. In the report, the Ancient Saints decided to reuse the remains of their compatriots and use them as weapons."

Leng Xing, the adjutant next to Yuan Yuan, thought for a while after hearing this, and replied

"Is it like what Master Zeratul did? Using the fragments of the ancient saints to finally bring the elder's residual power back to the physical universe?"

"I don't think that's the case, you two."

The space dwarf officer next to him shook his head.

"If this is really the case, I will not call you down, because we found something in the underground laboratory of the Mechanicus below."

After that, they moved on and finally came to a place that looked like a square. But now the "square" has been opened, with spiral staircases extending downwards around the entire circular structure. Vision followed the space dwarf officer downwards, and after they had walked thousands of steps they finally reached the bottom.

The defensive force below is stronger than the one above. There are more than a dozen Ironborn warriors alone, not to mention ordinary dwarf warriors.

Crowder showed his identification to the officer guarding the door. After passing the verification, the guarding officer looked at a stone slab in front of him in different places, pressed it a few times, and finally opened a wall in front of him. Claude looked at the slowly opening wall and explained

"This is what the prisoners of the Mechanicus told us. When we captured their base, the people below had not yet reacted, and they all became our prisoners."

Yuanyuan stepped into the secret room in front of him and responded.

"Then, Commander Claude, can I go see the prisoners of the Mechanicum later?"

"Whatever, Executor."

Walking into this secret room, the first thing you see is the sword suspended in the middle of the room and controlled by the forbidden stance. Some space dwarf researchers are constantly checking the data and studying this ancient sword.

The pilot of the red mecha looked at the ancient sword in front of him and seemed to understand something.

"So this sword is the original prototype?"

Walder nodded and said

"That's right, but we decided to return this sword to you. Alliance Leader Walrat hopes that these gifts can strengthen the friendship between us."

Yuan Yuan nodded, and when he was about to call the battleships in the sky to transfer, they had already contacted him.

"Executor Farsight! Our fleet discovered the expedition fleet of the Human Empire at Mandela Point! They are huge in number and are attacking in our direction!"

"Report to the commander! A fleet of Astartes warships, mainly composed of Space Marine strike cruisers, has arrived in the orbit of the planet! They have begun airdrop operations!"

After hearing this, Farsight immediately called Yonglan

"Yonglan! Can you be responsible for commanding the space station?"

"Leave it to me!"

At this time, Walder also received a report from the space dwarf troops

"They are here for this sword! We have to move quickly!"

After that, the space dwarf technicians immediately released Jingzhi's position, and Farsight also pulled out the sword and held it in his hand

"Everyone move immediately! Go to the captured fortress six kilometers away from here! We will set up a defensive position there!"

Still above them, the black Raven Wings fell from the sky, and the airdrop chamber dragged a fiery flame burning the atmosphere. This time, the entire Raven Guard can be said to have come out in full force. They only left two companies to defend their own regiment home planet, and the remaining more than 1,000 people followed their regiment leaders to come here.

Ravens sing High Gothic poetry, praising Corax and the Emperor's deeds, the ancient Elders have been awakened, and Predator Tanks and other ancient machines from the Great Crusade have fallen from the sky.

No doubt, the scions of the Primarch will bring death and destruction to their enemies. But the followers of the Old Ones and the Children of the Hearth will not sit idly by.

The Battle of Chloe on the Celestial World has begun.

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