The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 92 86 Battle of Croy (VI)

Chapter 92 86. Battle of Croy (VI)

The elite warriors of the Raven Guard hid in the shadows, trying to bypass the reconnaissance robots set up by the enemy. A Raven Guard soldier was caught in the middle by two drones because he was behind and did not have time to catch up with his teammates. Since the drones use a mixed dual signal of psychic signals and thermal energy signals, it is not easy for the Raven Guard to deal with such signals.

Just as the Raven Guard was about to destroy the detector, the detector suddenly flashed and lost its light. Looking forward, it turned out that the technical sergeant walking in front discovered his embarrassment and said that he had invaded the opponent's system through runes, causing the detector to malfunction for a few seconds.

Although the electronic technology of the Human Empire may not be as good as that of the Karai Protoss due to the technological gap, it can only be blacked out for a few seconds, but this short few seconds is enough for the Raven Guard soldiers to pass.

When the reconnaissance robot returned to normal, the Raven Guard soldiers had passed quietly. Nearly 1,000 Raven Guard soldiers actually sneaked into the camp in broad daylight as if there was no one there.

Captain Kevin briefly repeated their mission in the communication channel in his helmet. First, the Technical Sergeant would lead his team to capture the enemy's armory, and he and his company of Honor Guards would go to occupy the enemy's main control room, and the Chapter Priest would go to the commanding heights to clear the enemies above and use laser markings to guide bombs for the Mechanicus' troops.

On the other side, Farsight still did not notice that his great enemy had sneaked into the base. He still walked into his headquarters and started a video conference according to the original plan. But to be honest, it was not his fault. After all, the strategic commander had never considered that the enemy had special forces that could directly pass through such a densely defended position to carry out a decapitation operation.

8:40 am.

The Raven Guard's operation went very smoothly. The Technical Sergeant used the Burning Vulture UAV to quietly kill two sentinels. As a tough and versatile mecha, the Vulture is an excellent weapon in the hands of the Mechanicus. It is designed to be equipped with various heavy weapons by changing its equipment. In order to ensure the smooth operation of its flight and weapon systems, the Vulture is equipped with a very complex and advanced sensor and optical aiming equipment system group, which enables it to achieve various reconnaissance and highly complex flight combat programs.

The poor two sentinels died before they figured out what was going on. The drone with telescopic spikes installed on the tail for close combat turned on the optical stealth when answering the call, and quickly pierced the weak points of their exoskeletons behind the two sentinels. The scary thing is that the drone of the Mechanicus immediately restored them to their original state after killing them, as if they were still alive, because the drone has controlled their most basic behavior direction through the brain stem, just like a living person.

In this case, dozens of Space Marines entered the armory from the corpses as if it was no man's land, and no one noticed.

The mechanical sergeant looked at the piles of ammunition and armored vehicle accessories in front of him, and began to order his battle brothers and armed servitors to start laying out hot melt bombs. Because the enemy had so many weapons and equipment stored here, it took them nearly 20 minutes to deal with all the bombs. Just after they had arranged all this, there was a fierce gunshot on the top of the mountain, followed by a lot of gunfire.

The technical sergeant looked up at the top of the mountain underground, which was already a sea of ​​fire. He really couldn't imagine why the priest was discovered by the enemy. This was really puzzling.

In fact, if there were only ordinary troops, the Raven Guard led by the priest would probably not be discovered. But when he came to the top of the tower, he found that something was wrong.

It turned out that the Ironborn troops of the space dwarves were stationed here. These fearless soldiers, in addition to their steel bodies, inherited the strong technological level of their predecessors from the Golden Age. Perhaps they were as fragile as children in the eyes of their predecessors in the Golden Age, but they could still fight against the Astartes without falling behind.

Hundreds of Ironborn and Hearthborn warriors fought with the Space Marines and their auxiliary troops. Such a fierce sound quickly resounded throughout the base, and the commander on the tower also urgently reported to the headquarters.

Vision, who was in a meeting, first heard the sound of gunfire in the distance, and then his guards rushed in and reported in hastily

"Executive Vision! The enemy has entered the main base. Please take the rail train to command the battle immediately!"

Vision stood up immediately after hearing it and announced the end of the meeting. If he was alone, he would be very happy to put on his power suit and fight with his soldiers, but...

He wanted to protect his own sword.

Vision was suddenly startled by the idea that appeared in his mind. He didn't know why he had such an idea and actually let himself get this sword. However, this short Tau man didn't know that it was not him who wanted this sword.

But this sword chose him.

But now Vision didn't know so many problems, and so did Gray. When the time came to 9:54, the general attack began.

When the gunshots on the mountain tower rang out, the Raven Guards had successfully controlled the secondary control power station in the southeast corner. At the same time, they also placed hot melt bombs in the main armory located in the northwest of the center. The only flaw was that the troops led by the technical sergeant of the Raven Guards started fighting in advance and were discovered by the patrol team on the road. As a result, they were blocked by the enemy's combat uniform troops stationed nearby.

The technical sergeant's troops cannot be given up easily. If the explosives are ignited, they will also be affected. If they are lost, all the heavy combat equipment and elders equipped by the Raven Guards will not be able to play a role on the battlefield.

Cole could only send signals to the Mechanicus troops and the Astra Militarum above him, while letting the priest's troops quickly withdraw from the battle and go to support the technical sergeant, so that they can evacuate to a reasonable location.

Just as the Raven Guards began to adjust, the coalition forces also began to make their own plans. In the underground train command room, a large number of staff officers were conducting command work on this huge mobile fortress. This space dwarf battle train is a giant mobile castle. They will come to the ground from the underground track and serve as a heavy warship to support the front battlefield.

Vision, who was riding in his power suit, carried the sword on his back and looked at the information that kept jumping on the screen. Just after he skipped a message, he found an extremely important message and hurriedly ordered

"Immediately turn on the main power and backup power!! Start all protective guns and electromagnetic shields, the enemy will soon drop!!!"

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