The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 93 87 The End of the Battle of Croy

Chapter 93 87. The End of the Battle of Croy

Countless soldiers followed their armored vehicles and began to move in the direction of the Sergeant Major. They must eliminate these more than 100 Astartes before things deteriorate further.

But how could the Astartes be harmed so easily by mortals like them? In a short period of time, hundreds of Astartes only suffered less than 20 casualties, but these people had destroyed dozens of tanks and caused more than 1,000 casualties. human casualties.

The Emperor's Angels of Death are not in vain. They are true weapons of war, born entirely for the great expedition ten thousand years ago.

The Astartes hid behind bunkers to prevent the enemy's heavy firepower. The coalition soldiers could only find out in frustration that the electromagnetic rifles in their hands could not penetrate the enemy's power armor at all. Only the explosive shells held by some dwarf warriors Only the gun can penetrate the weak points of the enemy's armor.

Overall, although the Space Marines advanced very slowly, the damage that could threaten their lives was very little. However, if they continue to drag it here for a long time, they will have to continue to detonate it forcibly, so as to make the next operation smoother, but they are also destined to die in the aftermath of the explosion.

Although the sergeant major was not afraid of sacrifice, he did not want to die in his own hands without fighting. Just when he was helpless, a bolter shot suddenly came from behind the enemy camp. sound, along with the war cry of the Raven Guard.

The Dark Crow wearing a silver crow mask and black robe came to support. He held the sacred shackles high in his hand, and every time he swung them down, five or six aliens died. The battle brothers following him also began to wave their weapons. A sergeant used a power sword to chop an enemy in half who had just raised his electromagnetic rifle. Before the alien's partner could react, he was grabbed by an iron hand and his neck was strangled alive.

After reacting, the Kirin Tank had just turned its turret and aimed the Chapter Chaplain into its sight glass when it was hit by a huge Dreadnought Mecha. While the tank driver was still confused, the elder used a full chain saw to cut off the barrel. When the anti-aircraft infantry fighting vehicle equipped with a Gatling gun on the side saw this scene, it immediately used a 25 mm caliber electromagnetic bullets fiercely greeted Wuwei's body.

Elders who are hundreds of years old are trying their best to resist the blows of Gatling guns, but the uniform ceramic armor of only more than 50 mm can withstand the attack of bolt guns, but it can never stop the attacks of Gatling guns. Continuous strafing of one place.

Kairos, who was fighting bravely, suddenly heard a scream coming from a place in front. Looking back, the fearless mecha with a history of more than 800 years successfully destroyed the infantry fighting vehicle, but the sarcophagus was exposed on its left side. The tank with a section of the gun barrel clearly did not want to give up. Taking the opportunity, the driver directly turned off the electromagnetic acceleration system and used a grenade to risk exploding the barrel at an extremely close distance and fired a shell.

The hot iron flow easily destroyed the fragile sarcophagus, pouring deadly fragments and molten iron into the driver's fragile body, ending the elder's life.

"No!! Damn Alien!!"

Kairos yelled madly, he really couldn't believe that an elder fell so easily. He waved the weapon in his hand even more crazily, letting blood of different colors smear on his armor. At this time, he no longer had the gentleness and elegance of the former Raven Guard priest. Instead, he was like a battle priest of the First Legion, immersed in crazy fighting enthusiasm.

Although he killed dozens more alien soldiers and traitors, the killer tank finally slowly left the battlefield under the cover of smoke bombs.

Technical Sergeant Major hurriedly walked to Kairos and said

"Supreme Priest, we have to get out of here quickly. We have to go to a safe distance and detonate it immediately!"

Kairos glanced sadly at the battle brothers who had fallen to the ground. They shed the blood of more than twenty nobles here, but their sacrifices were not in vain, because soon, the dirty aliens would pay a heavy price.

When they reached a safe distance, they pressed the detonation button without hesitation. An explosion sounded immediately from the direction of the warehouse, but it was not as violent as they imagined. The technical sergeant sighed and shook his head.

"We left too late. The enemy probably has almost demolished the explosives."

While humans were fighting fiercely outside, Yuan Yuan specially sent half of the regiment's reserve team here to transport combat supplies and rescued three-quarters of the equipment. The remaining large items, such as the gunboat's engine and the damaged chassis of the super-heavy tank, could only stay there. However, the damage caused by this explosion to the coalition forces was not very huge, and it also had a great impact on the subsequent war.

While the Space Marines of the Raven Guard were fighting with the enemy, at 9:58, the rest of the Imperial forces began to break into the base. A large number of termite drills and battle castles descended from the sky, landed in this continuous cave that was as big as a nest, and began to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Fighting broke out behind every building and stalactite, with armies from both sides engaging in battle. Yuan Yuan looked at the human troops that were still descending and immediately ordered

"Except for some necessary power sources, cut off all power channels!"

Under the command of the Arbitrator, the area originally illuminated by artificial lights immediately fell into darkness, with only some red emergency lights still flashing. Captain Coven, who was in stealth combat, was surprised for a moment, but soon he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, because this just met his requirements.

Darkness is a good helper for the Raven Guards, which allows them to better integrate into the darkness for hunting. But it is not so friendly to other Space Marines and Imperial troops.

Soldiers of the Ascetics and Knight Rangers are suitable for high-intensity combat in extremely bright areas, and the sudden darkness makes them uncomfortable for a moment. The Nova Warriors and Dragon Lords are relatively adaptable, but because it is too dark, their actions have become cautious. Only the Raven Guards and the Red Hunters, who are the spokespersons of the Inquisition in this battle, are relatively adaptable.

Not to mention the poor Astra Corps and the Highly Mobilized Corps. Except for a few elites equipped with portable infrared cameras and night vision goggles, ordinary Astra Corps can only rely on the remaining red emergency lights to move forward. The Highly Mobilized Corps even had a little turmoil. If it weren't for the successful suppression of the laser guns of the military police, they would have even started infighting.

As for the Skitarii of the Mechanicus? The God of All Machines has made them abandon most of their bodies, and darkness is meaningless to them.

Although the loss of light has a great impact on human troops, it is more beneficial than harmful to the coalition. Since they each have a set of exoskeletons that can effectively receive external information and have night vision capabilities, both the space dwarves and Odessa can adapt to fighting in night battles, and their armored forces can also reorganize and launch new counterattacks in the chaos.

This is the purpose of foresight, to put the enemy into chaos and reorganize defense in this way!

The huge fortress train walked on the railway like a monster, but no one noticed that dozens of black shadows appeared not far away. The young warband leader moved forward along the railway. Based on the tracking signal of the think tank director and his own experience, he hoped to find the location of the enemy commander and the artifact. If he hadn't expected that the enemy's headquarters was actually on a moving fortress train.

But such a winding and complex train interior is exactly what the Raven Guard is good at. But they have to stop this behemoth first.

They arranged hundreds of kilograms of hot melt bombs and plasma grenades on the train tracks, waiting for the other party to reach the right distance to detonate.

The warband leader closed his eyes and listened quietly to the deafening sound of the train on the rails. The Raven Son was waiting, slowly waiting for the right time...


The electronic remote control and the explosive line were pressed at the same time. After a fierce fire, a huge gap appeared in the track in front of the train. Dozens of dwarves who were operating in the cab saw this scene and panicked and wanted to stop the train, but they were too fast and too close to the gap...

Vision, who was still directing, suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness. When he came to his senses again, he had hit the wall heavily. He felt the carriage rolling continuously, and various objects hit the power suit, making a violent noise. At this moment, there were only two words in his almost blank mind:

Enemy attack.

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