The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 96 90 Crow's Sorrow

Chapter 96 90. Crow's Sorrow

The Chapter Leader of the Raven Guard looked at the vision reborn from the ashes in front of him and let out a long breath. This time, he dropped his sword and put on his lightning claw again.

Yuan Yuan saw the Chapter Leader standing up again in front of him. Without saying anything, he rushed forward waving the Tang Dao in his hand. The Chapter Leader also shouted with all his strength and caught his attack.

The Chapter Master of the Raven Guard felt a strong pressure the moment his lightning claws collided with the enemy's blade, as if he had been hit by a Leman Russ. Cole felt his chest feel heavy and suddenly coughed. When he looked down, he found a pool of blood at his feet.

Due to the previous battle, Vision's two plasma blasts had damaged his internal organs. Although this kind of damage is nothing to a Space Marine, after receiving the attack just now, it was obvious that the injured internal organs were squeezed twice and began to suffer from secondary internal bleeding. What's worse is that he can see through his peripheral vision that the lightning claw is starting to turn red under the attack of the enemy's hot fire sword.

He hurriedly let go of his finely crafted weapon and watched in shock as a trace of molten iron dripped from it onto the floor. You must know that this weapon was personally crafted and given to him by Tushan, the leader of the Salamander Chapter, but now it has been seriously damaged after just a collision with the flaming sword. He had been fighting with this weapon for decades, decapitating thousands of traitors and aliens.

The alien in front of him is no longer as fragile as before. The hot flames are surrounding his body, and it is currently difficult for normal weapons to harm him.

Seeing something was wrong, Hades Crow immediately shouted loudly

"Cover the Chapter Leader's evacuation!!"

Now the Raven Guards no longer care about duel etiquette, because now the opponent has completely suppressed their battle brothers, and there is no point in continuing to fight like this.

But Yuan Yuan did not give up this opportunity. Defeating this chapter leader could reverse the current situation and force the enemy out of here.

Several Space Marines rushed to Farsight, but were knocked to the ground after just one encounter. Two terminator veterans rushed forward with void shields and power swords, but in just a few seconds, one terminator covered his chest with his remaining arm and fell down, while the other was chopped into pieces with the void shield attached. Two halves.

The power of the Ancient Saint burned in his mecha and soul. At this moment, the vision seemed to be integrated with the divine sword in his hand. Like a perfect chef, he processed the enemies on the battlefield as perfectly as ingredients. Even a warrior as powerful as a Space Marine could not stop "Foresight" who had mastered the incarnation of the Ancient Saint. More than a dozen Space Marines and veterans from various Chapters all died tragically under his sword.

Ming Crow and his other brothers carried the Chapter Leader and ran quickly. Cole raised his head behind him with difficulty, looking at Vision who was killing everyone behind him, and roared angrily.

"Put me down quickly! Our brothers are being slaughtered!!"

The Hades Crow ignored his roar and just ran faster. In his opinion, although he was saddened by the death of his battle brothers, as long as the Chapter Master was alive, everything could be redeemed.

Just as they were running hard, violent gunshots suddenly came from ahead. There was a firefight between the Astral Legion and the enemy that I was sending off my bride in front of!

Worried about what was happening ahead, Ming Ya quickly began to change direction, planning to escape from the gap in the train. But when he came to the fortress carriage, he felt that all the blood in his body had frozen.

"Where do you want to go? Humans?"

A blue battle uniform led a large number of soldiers to stand in front of them. Now there are not only Odessa soldiers and ordinary space dwarves here, but also Hornhorn Hearthborn and Protoss zealots. It was obvious that support from the other side had arrived.

Yong Lan looked at the confused Astartes in front of him and sneered.

"How about I mercifully remove the electromagnetic interference? Then come and listen to the death cry of your own fleet?"

Without waiting for the other party's consent, the commander, who had great hatred for the human empire, lifted the restrictions on the voice communication channel, and instantly a large number of distress signals and noises poured into Kairos' helmet.

Kairos looked up at the alien in front of him and roared with anger and fear.

"What did you do?"

"It's very simple, I defeated your fleet!"

It turns out that in space, a huge support force finally arrived here after jumping through the web several times. After the two main fleets and the auxiliary fleet merged, they immediately started fighting with the human expedition fleet.

Could the human fleet, which had been somewhat damaged and almost isolated, be the opponent of the Golden Fleet and the Soul Fleet? The firepower transport that was enough to destroy the Eldar Ark tore up the Emperor-class battleship. After seeing that the battle was inconclusive, the other main fleets The naval fleet in particular immediately began to flee. Now there are only the Raven Guard and other Astartes star battleships left in the orbit of the planet. If these battleships are not evacuated in time, they will also be destroyed in half an hour.

The Crow asked the people behind him to put down the Chapter Leader. Cole glanced at the large number of united troops in front of him with a gloomy look, and at the same time began to call the monastery in the sky. The Dark Crow took out his sacred shackles and took a deep breath. The leader of the battle group next to him took the lead in shouting

"For the Raven Lord!!!"

Looking at the dozens of charging Space Marines, Yonglan had no intention of having a fair duel. He waved his blue iron hand at the charging Astartes in front of him. In an instant, a large number of plasma and electromagnetic cannon shells flew towards them. Within a few seconds, four Space Marines fell to the ground, on the front ceramite armor of the Astartes. They were riddled with countless bullet holes, and the fighting brothers behind them were no better.

Faced with an absolute superiority in firepower, even the Astartes, who looked like humanoid tanks, would only end up being knocked down.

Kairos was hit by a grenade while charging and fell to the ground. He could feel that his front armor was damaged and blood was gurgling out. He struggled to prop himself up and looked at the warriors who were still charging ahead. A dozen Raven Guard warriors were charging, shouting the names of the original body and the Emperor. But the hateful aliens set up intensive defensive firepower at a higher place. The Astartes were quickly killed in a semicircular killing circle, although some soldiers took out their bolt guns to fight back and killed them. There are some enemies, but facing the huge number of enemies, it is still useless.

He turned around and saw the scene he least wanted to witness:

The Chapter Leader fell in front of him, lying motionless on the ground. His chest was hit by two more explosive rounds. A large piece of the armor on his shoulders was burned off by the plasma. A fatal bullet hit his forehead. Blood is still flowing out now. Cole's eyes did not close even until he died, his mouth remained in a roaring position, and he did not give up charging until the last moment.

In the end, the gunfire became weaker and weaker, and Kairos desperately and sadly found that he was the last survivor.

Yonglan looked at the last Astarte who was still struggling to stand up and said without hesitation

"Fire and kill him!"

After hearing this, an adjutant nearby said carefully

"However, Commander Yonglan, Executor Farsight wishes to capture an Astartes alive."

"Who is commanding here?"

Yong Lan looked back at the adjutant coldly, too frightened to say anything. Yong Lan is not as good-tempered as Yuan Yuan, and his sense of the human empire, especially the Astartes, can be said to be extremely poor.

The Dark Crow Priest raised the shackles in his hands, enduring the pain and preparing to charge again. Although countless guns have been pointed at him, he still does not intend to give up.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly enveloped the battlefield next to the Hades in front of him, taking away Kairos and everything on the battlefield that was enveloped by the blue light beam in front of everyone.

The Hades Crow, who was ready to fight to the death one second, was transported through the blue subspace, and the next second he arrived at an imperial warship.

Titus, the newly appointed Second Captain of the Ultramarines, quickly put aside the priest's shackles and said calmly.

"Calm down, brother, you are safe."

Only then did Hades, with bloodshot eyes, notice that he had arrived on an Astartes battleship at some point. Although the battlefield he was on still existed, he was indeed back on the Imperial battleship now.

The second company commander continued

"We teleported according to the coordinates of Captain Cole, please ask Cole...Oh my god..."

Titus suddenly realized that the priest in front of him was probably the only survivor teleported.

Ultramarines Chapter Master Calgar, who was taking command on the bridge of the Hyperion-class battleship "Voice of Hera", fell into a long and sad silence after learning the news that the Raven Guard Chapter Master had been killed.

After more than ten seconds, the Lord of the Ultramarines asked

"Has the evacuation of troops on the ground been completed?"

"Most of the survivors have successfully evacuated. The surviving Astartes expeditionary force has successfully evacuated from the underground tunnel with the help of the Seventh Company. The remaining expeditionary force fleet in space orbit is moving towards our direction."

Calga said decisively after hearing this

"Wait until all Astartes troops, Astra Militarum and Adeptus Mechanicus troops return to the battleship and prepare to evacuate immediately! Don't worry about the remaining highly efficient mobilization groups. If this continues, the enemy's main fleet will kill us too. Get into the water and prepare to retreat immediately!”

More than ten minutes later, all the surviving regular troops of the expeditionary force had evacuated. They followed their broken fleet and the Ultramarines fleet that came to the rescue back to Mandela Point, and left here amid the artillery fire of the enemy's pursuit fleet.

Subsequent records describe the expedition as a terrible failure. The first to bear the brunt is the main force of the entire expedition, the Raven Guard. Before the expedition began, they also had three strike cruisers and a Lunar-class cruiser, an Exorcist-class cruiser, and dozens of auxiliary battleships. Now, their main battleships only have two strike cruisers and one Exorcist-class cruiser. The number of Astartes battle brothers also plummeted from more than 2,000 to less than 1,400. Even more tragically, the Chapter Master was also killed there. There is no doubt that life will be very difficult for the Raven Guard over the next few hundred years.

The Imperial Navy lost an Emperor-class battle cruiser, dozens of large main battleships, and a dozen small battleships, and half of the sector's troops were directly hit there. The Adeptus Mechanicus also lost artifacts and an entire fleet, and Lucius's fleet suffered a severe blow.

And their opponents were not much better. The auxiliary fleet suffered heavy losses, with at least 1/2 of the entire fleet reduced, and other troops also suffered heavy losses. In this battle, more than 100 warships and armed merchant ships were directly drawn from the list of the Kalai Empire, and millions of soldiers shed blood on the battlefield. But their harvest was also very fruitful. More than 200 planets in the eastern part of the Extreme Star Region now truly belong to their new territory. In the future, this will become a buffer zone between the empire and the mainland, and will also provide a large number of agricultural and industrial products for the local area, allowing them to have more energy and energy to invest in the redesign of their own technology and the continued exploration of ancient technology.

The second Damocles Gulf expedition ended.

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