The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 97 91 Conversation in the Sacred Corridor

Chapter 97 91. Conversation in the Sacred Corridor

The news of the fiasco at the border of the Extreme Star Territory quickly followed the spread of Star Language and returned to the Terran government. When the high lords learned the news, they were all shocked.

Although in their eyes the Astartes Chapter is indeed a huge problem that threatens their rule, this does not mean that they do not need these powerful demigods. Just like this time, they just wanted to weaken their strength through this expedition, but they did not directly cripple a founding group.

The Chapter Masters are all dead, and the Raven Guard can be said to have been completely disabled in the past 100 to 200 years.

Now the High Lords Council has no way to continue to watch. The best way now is to summon all the high lords to start discussing how to deal with the real threat to the empire's territory.

Sun Star Domain, Throne World, Holy Terra.

Terra was the capital of the Imperium of Man, the center of political and spiritual power. Terra was now a vast planet-spanning city, the seat of the High Lords - a ruling center that ruled the Empire in place of the Emperor - and the spiritual core of the Imperium.

Terra is more than just a symbol of the Empire's power - as the Golden Throne and Star Torch, it is also the home of humanity and is integral to its continued existence. It was a beacon that allowed for relatively safe passage across dimensions, without which the Empire would be unable to support or defend its distant colonial systems.

Terra is also an important world to the Imperial Fists, who recruit populations from the planet and train their new recruits. The Phalanx - the main battleship of the Imperial Fists fleet and one of the most powerful warships in the Empire - normally patrols the Sol System, ready to defend Terra from any threats. Of course, for all Space Marines, I mean those warriors who are still loyal to the Empire and the Emperor, in their eyes, Terra is equally important, more important than any other planet in the galaxy.

In addition to this, Terra is also the home of House Navigator. These nobles retained the navigator gene through complex marriages, resulting in the creation of navigators who could guide fleets safely through the warp. Navigators are almost as important as star beacons – after all, what good is a lighthouse if no one can see it?

Although the responsibilities of Holy Terra are so important, this does not mean that the residents above live in comfort. After countless centuries of war, ecological collapse, and rapid urbanization, Terra in the 41st Millennium is a vast, global city, dotted with temples, administrative buildings, and the majestic palace itself, the size of a continental plate. Terra is home to both the richest and poorest citizens of the Empire. You'll find squalid slums spread out across hive tiles like hives in this sacred land, as well as sprawling mansions, navigator families, and bureaucracies.

It must be said here that from a geographical point of view, Terra is completely different from the Earth of the past (at the same time, it must be said that Scandivia was bombed to ashes by the Emperor during the Unification War. Poor Northern Europe Man has become homeless in the 41st millennium), but a mountain range can still be identified. Above, in, below, and throughout the mountains once known as the Himalayas, lies the most fortified location in the galaxy: the Imperial Palace, the residence of the Emperor himself. The palace also houses the Custodes, the Golden Throne, administrative and governance structures, as well as numerous laboratories and fortresses containing untold secrets.

In a spire in the southwest corner of the entire palace area, the High Lords Council Hall, which determines the fate of the entire empire, is now there.

The light of the sun had just crossed the sky, and the slave workers in the palace had already lit the incense burners in the corridors, conference rooms, and the Hall of Heroes. These exquisite spices from all over the world were combined with the remaining aroma of yesterday, filling the entire palace. With a wonderful aroma.

Along the Heroes' Walk, shrines puff out wisps of incense and wrap around the leaded windows that survived the Horus Heresy.

This scent is composed of only camphor, scepter wood, cinnamon and rose incense. This fragrance is far more refreshing and is usually only used in state religion ceremonies. The smell is soothing, and the place where they are burned gives this magical spice an added sense of sacredness.

Accompanied by his stormtroopers and inquisitors, Hasig Entello moved forward quickly. If he had been in the mood before, he might have walked slowly to the High Lords Council and listened to the nonsense of those idiots. But he doesn't have that much time now, because what he wants to talk about this time is a serious matter.

Although he is a Grand Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus, he represents the entire Inquisition on the High Lords Council. Now that there are such serious alien incidents on the border, it is obvious that the Alien Tribunal has failed in its duties, and he must wipe the butt of his colleagues.

Just as he was walking through a corridor in frustration, he almost bumped into another person who was in a hurry. The Inquisitor looked up and saw the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Astra Militarum, Jim Vanderhei.

Entero greeted the high lord after seeing him, and then went to the conference hall with him. Jim Vanderhei, an elderly general with a bald head and a bald face, has fought in many battles, large and small, the most famous of which was his victory with less and more in the Battle of Gothic, using two Astra Militarum legions to successfully defeat Attack by millions of Traitors and four Chaos Astartes Warbands.

"There's really a big mess this time!"

Jim Vanderhay, short and stocky, couldn't help complaining loudly as he walked forward quickly.

"The Astartes Chapter already has a very big opinion. Their brothers suffered heavy casualties at the hands of the aliens, but what they want to know more is why the Empire's reinforcements turned a blind eye to this?"

The strong Enterona touched the top of his head and a scar on it, and said in annoyance.

"No, when I went out this morning, the company commander of Gaoqiang came to me specifically and asked me to greet the Minister of Administration and the senior admiral of the Navy! I really don't understand what those idiots were thinking?"

"We must make it clear to the Space Marines. Everyone must understand that the relationship between mortals and demigods is already very tense!"

"That's right, especially when it comes to the maelstrom, you have to be extra vigilant."

The two powerful high lords were talking like this while moving towards the corridor hall. At this moment, they suddenly spotted a tall Astartes warrior standing next to the door.

Lysander took the lead in greeting the two high lords. The captain of the Imperial Fists seemed to appear here by chance, and happened to meet the two high lords at this moment. But nothing on Holy Terra is an absolute coincidence. Every word they say here will probably be transmitted accurately to the Phalanx above.

"Good day, Captain Lysander."

The Grand Inquisitor was the first to reply to the opponent, and the Supreme Commander of the Astra Militarum next to him also followed suit.

Lysander nodded slightly after hearing this and asked

"Everyone, you should already know what happened in the extreme star field."

Jim Vanderhei sighed and shook his head after hearing this, and said

"Captain Ke Wen was a rising star in the empire, but I didn't expect that he would fall like this in the alien war. This is a great loss to the empire."

"I think so too, but I would like to ask your opinions. Is this a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?"

Hasig Entero immediately realized what the Astartes meant and said without hesitation.

"It is certain that this matter is definitely due to the lack of the imperial administration. We, the Navy and the Astra Militarum are preparing to propose new plans to the entire High Lords Council of Terra to punish those who have failed in their duties."

Although they have various conflicts with the Adeptus Astartes, there is no doubt that they both belong to the armed system of the empire and share common interests. Obviously, this time the civilian officials of the Ministry of Interior have begun to touch the core interests of the military attachés, and they must pay some compensation.

After hearing this, the first company commander nodded slightly and replied

"The Raven Guard want the guilty to be punished, and they also want revenge."

"That's natural, Captain Lysander, and I swear to you, the aliens will be punished."

"In this case, the imperial heroes who died in the battle will probably be able to get a little bit of comfort. You two, I take my leave."

"Goodbye, First Company Commander."

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