The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 98 92 Conclusion under the high wall

Chapter 98 92. Conclusion under the high wall

The two high lords watched the captain of the Imperial Fist leave, and finally the two began to move forward. This time, the High Lords' Council was held in the main council hall. Once this conference room is opened, it can directly seat nearly 500,000 people, so a meeting here may take a full half a month.

Usually, the meeting is held at the door No. 6 next to it, in a small room with 13 people, but it is not only quiet, but also more efficient.

At this time, someone may ask: The efficiency seems to be quite good, why is the human empire still so inefficient in Warhammer 40k? Because if there are only a dozen planets under management, this model is not a big problem, but if there are millions or even tens of millions of planets under management, then it is a big problem. Especially without the participation of artificial intelligence, it is simply a nightmare.

When the two high lords walked into the huge conference hall, they found that they were the first to arrive. Under the huge dome, the entire conference hall is distributed in a spiral shape like an ancient Colosseum. The 12 high lords who decided the human empire surrounded the innermost circle, and his officials continued to sit outside according to their ranks. The entire conference hall was enough to seat a full 500,000 people.

After the two high lords took their seats, they waited for the arrival of others. The third high lord was Augustin Dume, the Minister of Justice. He came over shortly after they started talking. The man with a mustache in gray European armor walked in with his bodyguards, holding the sword that symbolized his power tightly in his hand. When the Grand Inquisitor saw him coming in, he immediately nodded to him. After all, these were his only two real allies in the entire High Lords Council.

Half an hour later, the navigator representative Jean Philippe Gbamin came here with a young woman who was the latest member of the high lords, and the wandering trader representative Benzai Ma. The two women in gorgeous silk robes came here while talking.

Less than four minutes later, the Assassin's Court Grand Master, Ivan Ragusa, who was always alone and unusually silent, came here like a ghost. Because the Assassin's Court had once caused a bloody storm in the High Lords' Council, few people dared to interact with him. Moreover, this silent and terrifying man did not like to develop his interpersonal relationships. Only the Grand Inquisitor would occasionally communicate with him because of work issues.

After the Assassin's Court Ghost finished a cup of coffee, the fat and carefree Supreme Admiral Watt Farman and the Minister of the Interior Peter Perry walked into the sacred hall together. It was obvious that the Minister of the Interior met this talkative fat man on the road.

And from the expression of this adult, he did not want to talk about anything with the admiral of noble origin, because he had no interest in the aristocratic scandals he was talking about.

Although the Minister of the Interior's body was in the Supreme Hall of the High Lords' Council, his mind might have been thousands of light years away. The poor Minister of the Interior has no time for himself, because he needs to deal with almost all the important things in the entire empire. This also leads to the fact that although the Minister of the Interior has undergone various operations second only to the Forging General of the Mechanicus, his average life expectancy is less than 200 years.

Just as the Minister of the Interior and the Navy pulled out the gorgeous ivory-legged chair, the Mars Forging General came here with dozens of huge mechanical tentacles pulsating. Like most people before, he also came with others, but this time he was followed by Lucius's Forging General. Obviously, Lucius, Mars's relatively reliable ally, suffered huge losses in this expedition, and Lucius's Forging General's arrival must be for the expedition.

When the servitor used a crane to help the two Forging Generals to their seats, the most unpleasant person in the entire High Lord Council came, at least in the eyes of the Grand Inquisitor: that is the Astropath representative Hubert Rever. Because he really couldn't stand the way he and his fellow Riddlers spoke, every time it was his turn to speak, it could last more than two hours!

Following this annoying guy was Manyi Mohammed of the Astronomican Hall. This psychic was much better than his other neurotic compatriot in the High Lords' Council. After all, he had more practical things to do.

Finally, when there were four minutes left before the meeting, the Pope of the State Church, Aoife Dawi, and the Battle Sister, Sister Tida Russell, came here surrounded by a group of state church monks and a large group of little angels. According to the chattering Admiral Farman, these two might have an affair.

As for the last commander of the Imperial Guard? Well... maybe he is in the palace... autistic? God knows, anyway, these most loyal warriors of the Emperor have not left the palace for ten thousand years. In fact, no one knows what their status is in the palace. But in the eyes of the Grand Inquisitor, any group of people, no matter how loyal they are, may have some heretical thoughts if they are trapped in the palace for ten thousand years.

And other officials also came here at the same time as these adults entered one after another. When the ancient bell hanging in the parliament hall rang again, a dozen little angels flew across the sky dragging agarwood, moistening the air here.

Lord Guilliman (positional title), a good old man who has never been revealed, director of the Imperial General Archives, and one of the 12 high lord councilors, Barry Goode stood in the center of the entire venue. He gently stepped on the marble pedal under his feet, and the leader's seat quickly flew up under the action of the anti-gravity device.

"Everyone, we are gathered here to discuss the disastrous failure of the Second Damocles Expedition not long ago. We must analyze the reasons for our failure in this battle! At the same time, we must hold some characters accountable!"

After hearing what he said, the Grand Inquisitor exchanged glances with the Marshal of the Astra Militarum next to him, and pressed the anti-gravity button with understanding, causing his seat to float up.

The Grand Inquisitor was the first to say

"Everyone! According to the Inquisition's investigation during the battle, the expeditionary force represented by the Raven Guard Chapter made great contributions! They resisted the alien attack tenaciously and resolutely, but in the end they failed because the enemy was outnumbered."

"It's not because of their tactical mistakes, but because of the level of support in the local star region, which can be said to be almost non-existent!"

Hearing the words of the Grand Inquisitor, Chang immediately burst into an uproar and began to whisper. The Marshal of the Astra Militarum also immediately added fuel to the fire

"I also learned from the expeditionary force that the troops given to them by the local planetary governor and the sector government were all a bunch of guys who were trying to make up their numbers! Among them, some of them were civilians and even heinous criminals not long ago, but they were forcibly packed and given away. This not only seriously slowed down the expeditionary force, but also caused changes in a large number of planets.

I think those governors and officials who do bad things must be severely punished! "

The Minister of the Interior, who was silent below, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after hearing this. OK! You didn’t mention a single word about the navy’s standstill, but you revealed everything about the planet’s local government. And isn’t it common practice to recruit civilians and criminals as efficient mobilization troops in war stations? Why did it come to your place that it turned out to be just a fake?

As a result, the Minister of the Interior, without any intention of giving in, immediately started the anti-gravity engine and flew up.

"You two! What you said makes perfect sense, and I also got some news from the expeditionary force. The local navy has not joined the battle. Show me that the navy also needs to make some statement!"

When the fat admiral heard this, he giggled, lightly stamped his feet and flew up, and replied calmly.

"How could I not know these things? You can rest assured that the Minister of the Interior, the local negligent naval officers and even the fleet command have all been dealt with in accordance with the laws of the empire. If you don't believe me, you can ask the Minister of Justice. They are all on trial. They confessed to the Emperor under the supervision of the court."

The Minister of Justice below heard this and nodded, agreeing with what he said. But no one seemed to notice that when the Admiral said this, the expressions of the Ecclesiarch and the Battle Sister were a little wonderful.

The Forge General from Mars also speaks below

"Based on the combat experience of our first two expeditions, the enemy's threat level has risen from a "problem" to a "small-scale threat" and must be dealt with as soon as possible."

After these big people spoke, the relatively small people also started their own speeches. With the speeches of representatives from all parties, the Director of the Archives finally made a conclusion

"The High Lords Council has officially passed the agreement. In the future, troops will be drawn to form the third Damocles Gulf Expedition to conduct the third expedition. At the same time, the Tribunal will strengthen its penetration of the alien territory. The Assassin's Court will be responsible for the assassination of enemy leaders. The Adeptus Mechanicus forge world will compensate the damaged Astartes Chapter. At the same time, authorized by the Ministry of the Interior and dispatched by the Ministry of War, the four fortress worlds will be identified. , completely blocking the main subspace channels to the outside world to prevent the continued spread of enemy forces. "

This meeting is officially over. "

Finally the ancient sun once again disappeared from the horizon of Holy Terra, and the bill was officially signed.

A new war is brewing, but it remains to be seen whether this revenge can bear new fruits.

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