Just as the Storm Spirit was about to speak, a red flame appeared in the bad weather. When the red flame stopped burning and went out, Lin Mo saw another panda with a similar appearance to the Storm Spirit appearing on the spot.

He raised his head and looked at Storm Spirit and said, "Come back soon." He only said four short words, but Storm Spirit seemed very moved. Storm Spirit said: "Brother, I didn't expect you to say so many words at once..."

Lin Mo coughed. Then Storm Spirit and his brother Flame Spirit set their sights on Lin Mo. Lin Mo saw that the flame spirit had no intention of leaving, so he said, "Do you have anything to tell us?"

The Flame Spirit nodded to Lin Mo without saying anything. Lin Mo said: "Is it related to the Storm Spirit?" After he said this, the Flame Spirit nodded again. So Lin Mo almost understood what the Flame Spirit meant, and he said: "Don't worry, we will do our best to complete the mission and return safely."

The Fire Spirit said: "I hope so." Then he glanced at the Emperor of Chaos. It was the Emperor of Chaos who broke the red shield created by the Fire Spirit, and he nodded slightly.

So at this moment, the Storm Spirit said to Lin Mo: "My brother recognized her strength." After he said this, he was glared hard by the Flame Spirit.

Lin Mo silently took the Emperor of Chaos back into the contract space.

Then the Fire Spirit's sight shifted to the Immortal Akhtar. This time he did not nod, even though Akhtar's strength was much higher than that of the Emperor of Chaos. I heard the flame spirit say: "Pu Za."

After saying this, the automatic translator "Storm Spirit" said: "My brother means that although this immortal is very powerful, the magic he has learned is not perfect, and it is difficult to exert his due power. .”

Akhtar's expression changed slightly when he heard this. After a few seconds of silence, Akhtar said: "Your strength is at the normal sage level... Do you want to compete with me?"

The Fire Spirit shook his head. I don’t know whether it was because I didn’t want to compete with Akhtar or because I felt that her words were not worth refuting. At this time, Akhtar didn't say anything. He just said "hum" and turned his attention to other positions.

The flame spirit glanced at Lin Mo calmly for the last time, and then was surrounded by red flames again. Soon as the flames faded, the body of the flame spirit also disappeared.

Lin Mo watched the flame spirit disappear, and then said to the storm spirit: "Get in the car, we are on our way." While saying this, Lin Mo equipped the sage's boots. . At this point, Lin Mo's attributes were enough to face and defeat three or five wizard-level beings.

When the storm spirit turned into a bolt of lightning and penetrated the road of the undead carriage, Lin Mo asked the storm spirit: "Which direction should we go next?"

The voice of Storm Spirit came from inside the carriage. I only heard him say: "Next, just move in the direction of true north."

Lin Mo nodded: "This is more convenient..." Then he turned around and looked towards the north. There was still a vast expanse of white, but it could not stop Lin Mo's determination to move forward.

After advancing for about half a day, when Lin Mo was about to decide to go offline to eat, he suddenly heard the voice of the Storm Spirit. I only heard him say: "It's right in front, where my brother last sent the message."

Lin Mo heard the anxiety and uneasiness in Storm Spirit's tone. He said secretly: "If I go offline now, it is very likely that he will get sick... Of course, whether he gets sick or not is secondary. The main thing is that if he acts alone, he will very likely disrupt us." rhythm."

After considering this, Lin Mo decided not to solve the problem of eating for the time being, but to prioritize the task at hand first.

After about three minutes, Lin Mo could clearly see the building standing in front of him. It was a church-like existence.

Although it is a church-like building, its workmanship is slightly rough, and it seems to be in line with the style of the orcs.

Lin Mo took a look at such a church, and then asked at this moment: "This should be a church, but I don't know who is enshrined..."

Akhtar shook his head and said: "I'm not very clear about this question, but it should be an unimportant question, right?"

Lin Mo smiled slightly and said, "I'm just asking." At this time, the undead carriage stopped, because Lin Mo had already arrived at the door of the church. At this time, Lin Mo, Akhtar, Abil and Storm Spirit all moved down from the undead carriage.

Faced with a dangerous place where even the sages had to be prepared, Lin Mo did not summon the Emperor of Chaos to explore the way. To create a Zerg unit like the Chaos Emperor requires a huge amount of resources. So if the Emperor of Chaos dies while exploring the path, Lin Mo will not be able to laugh anymore.

So Lin Mo asked sage-level combat powers like the Immortal Akhtar and Storm Spirit to follow him. Then he said to Abir: "It will be safer to stay with us."

Abil said: "You are right." Then he began to pull on Fei Storm Spirit's blue robe and followed him.

Storm Spirit had a question mark on his face. Then he said to Abil: "What kind of weird temper do you have... Hey, don't pull my clothes."

Abil said sincerely: "Brother, my little brother's strength is very limited, so he needs a strong person to protect him from the wind and rain. Are you going to watch me fall here?"

Storm Spirit said: "Then don't pull my clothes, otherwise we will probably end together."

Hearing Storm Spirit's words, Abil let go of his hand with a smile on his face. Then at this time, Lin Mo sighed slightly.

Akhtar's figure appeared next to Lin Mo. She said: "Is that guy always like this?"

"Yes." Lin Mo said. Then he heard Akhtar's serious words. She said: "Have you ever doubted... that he is actually stronger than us?"

Lin Mo was slightly startled and looked at Akhtar in disbelief.

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