The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 850 Crisis is everywhere

Lin Mo said: "Are you serious?" His tone was not serious, because Lin Mo and Abil had concluded an alliance oath. If Abil really has such strong combat power, then Lin Mo will undoubtedly benefit from it. beneficial. So Lin Mo showed some interest in Akhtar's words.

Akhtar just smiled slightly at this time. She said to Lin Mo: "Actually, I don't have any basis... I just said it casually." At this time, Akhtar's eyes fell on Abil, and then she looked away again.

Lin Mo said: "Okay..." Then he coughed and said: "You can tell me when you are sure."

Akhtar nodded to Lin Mo and said, "Okay, I understand." She was silent for a moment and said, "You should walk in front of me, so that I can respond quickly when you encounter danger."

Lin Mo nodded and said, "You're right..." So at this moment he began to move towards the church. Abil and Storm Spirit were at the front, Akhtar at the rear. So Lin Mo was standing in the safest position.

At this time, Lin Mo's level was only level 70, which was the result of the bloody battle of the Chaos Emperor. Now Lin Mo no longer looks down on the attribute improvement brought about by this level increase, because the increase in the sage's equipment is really terrible...

Lin Mo, Storm Spirit and other beings walked to the edge of the church. The moment the Storm Spirit pushed open the church door, Lin Mo saw a black figure rushing out of the church.

The Storm Spirit calmly stretched out his palm, and then the black figure's spear attacked. Storm Spirit caught the black spear with his palm, and a blue arc of electricity appeared on his hand. After these arcs were formed, they began to erode the black spears.

The black spear emits particles of black light dust, which is a sign that it is being consumed. Storm Spirit shook his head, not very satisfied with this situation. Then the blue arc in his hand surged and wrapped directly around the black spear.

So the black spear could no longer hold up, and it was shattered and returned to nothingness. This whole process was completed in one or two breaths, so the black figure did not have time to use other means, and the storm spirit neutralized his attack.

So the black figure retreated violently at this time, and then in the process of retreating, the black figure actually shot three short arrows. These arrows are gray and translucent.

Although the speed of these arrows is very fast, they are still too slow in the eyes of Storm Spirit. So at this moment, the storm spirit transformed into a sharp lightning, easily getting rid of the attacks of those short arrows.

The figure of Storm Spirit appeared behind the black shadow, and then he directly pushed his palm away. This seemingly gentle but actually devastating palm hit the black figure directly. As a result, this black shadow was defeated and disintegrated.

Then, the moment the Storm Spirit shattered the black figure, a pair of red eyes lit up and appeared in Lin Mo's field of vision. At this time, the owner of the pair of red eyes used a magic on the storm spirit.

I saw thorn-like thorns growing and attacking silently. Lin Mo said: "Watch your back!"

When he finished saying this, those black ground thorns were already very close to the Storm Spirit. Storm Spirit smiled slightly and did not make any evasive movements. So the ground thorn hit him smoothly...

But the next moment Lin Mo discovered something was wrong. That is, the black ground thorn penetrated into Storm Spirit's body very smoothly, but Storm Spirit's body became transparent.

"This is an afterimage produced at an extremely fast speed." Akhtar's voice rang out at this time. After Lin Mo nodded to express his understanding, he watched the next development and changes of the matter.

At this time, the Storm Spirit landed steadily with its back to Lin Mo. Then it turned into a streak of blue lightning and flew towards the mage-type monster that showed traces. Then Storm Spirit raised his palm, and a spinning blue electric ball appeared in his palm.

Then the blue electric ball was pressed on the body of the mage monster by the storm spirit. At this time, the Storm Spirit said: "Explode!" With the Storm Spirit's soft drink, Lin Mo saw the strong light escape.

The mage-type monster was unable to withstand the attack of the Storm Spirit, so in an instant, its body was completely destroyed by the Storm Spirit's magical attack.

Storm Spirit's body became illusory and transparent again. Because at this time, the Storm Spirit moved again. The destination of this displacement was the position next to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded and said: "It's really powerful... use your strong skills to destroy enemy units at the minimum cost."

Storm Spirit said to Lin Mo: "This mage-type monster is three times more powerful than the black figure we encountered before." He sighed slightly and then said: "Do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Mo nodded and said, "The worst possibility is that the deeper you go into this church, the stronger the enemies you will encounter."

"And this is very possible." Storm Spirit looked serious.

At this time, Abiel looked nonchalant. He said: "We have just met two enemies, and you are just thinking nonsense here. Can't you learn from me and wait until you get conclusive evidence before making inferences?"

After saying this, a pair of red eyes appeared behind Abiel...

Lin Mo didn't say anything, and just used the skill "Doomsday Ice Rose" on the enemy with red eyes. This controlling magic took effect in an instant, directly controlling a burly figure. And this burly figure is the owner of those red eyes.

At this time, Abeer pulled his hat and moved towards Lin Mo. He said as he ran away: "This is a sneak attack! A sneak attack!"

Lin Mo sighed helplessly, and then his eyes fell on Storm Spirit. Storm Spirit's eyes met Lin Mo's, so he nodded and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me." Then his body became transparent again.

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