The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 855 Self-destruction

Lin Mo realized two problems, that is, if this six-pointed star magic array successfully acts on the Emperor of Chaos, the consequences will definitely be very unhappy. Otherwise, this talking monster would not have appeared in person and used magic to control the Emperor of Chaos in place.

Another problem is that the chains that control the Emperor of Chaos are not something she can break free and break.

This meant that Lin Mo could only watch helplessly as the magic array had an unknown impact on the Emperor of Chaos. Then seven or eight seconds passed, and Lin Mo saw a pure white light covering the Chaos Emperor's body at this time. This is exactly the impact of the six-pointed star magic circle.

Then Lin Mo saw that his vision gradually became blurred, and he was actually losing control of the Chaos Emperor step by step.

And during this process, Lin Mo heard very clearly that the monster sighed and said to himself in the air: "This unit is a bit weak... This kind of magic was originally prepared for the Panda Sage. of."

Lin Mo's expression became serious after hearing these words. Then after going back for a few seconds, Lin Mo completely lost control of the Chaos Emperor. His vision automatically switched to the vision of the deity.

Lin Mo bit his lip, looking a little ugly. At this time, Lin Mo heard the voice of the Zerg Queen. I only heard Elf say: "Master... now the control of the Chaos Emperor has been taken away by the other party."

Lin Mo said, "I know." After saying this, Lin Mo let out a long sigh. Perhaps because of his long-lasting love, Lin Mo seemed a little uninterested in the loss of the Emperor of Chaos... It could even be said that he was a little disappointed.

Then at this time, Lin Mo heard the Queen of Zerg say: "Next, should we activate the Chaos Emperor's self-destruct system? Everything will follow your instructions."

"Self-destruction system?" Lin Mo was a little surprised when he heard this word. After a little taste, he understood the meaning of this system. He asked: "Let the Emperor of Chaos destroy himself without being controlled by the other side?"

The Zerg Queen affirmed Lin Mo's words. I only heard Aihuali say: "You are right, that's what you mean. We Zerg warriors would rather be broken into pieces... so this mechanism has evolved."

Lin Mo said: "Then let the Emperor of Chaos destroy himself." His tone revealed determination.

The insect queens were silent for a moment, and then said: "Yes, I will obey your will." Then Lin Mo heard a very terrifying explosion and... the angry roar of the talking monster.

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and then told the other three companions what he saw and heard. At this time, Akhtar said: "We have basically understood the situation...but what happened with the explosion just now?" Abil and Storm Spirit also nodded, expressing their curiosity about this issue.

Lin Mo said calmly: "It's nothing, this is just the Chaos Emperor's self-destruction." Although he looked calm, in fact only he knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Akhtar tilted her head slightly and glanced at Lin Mo. Then she coughed and continued: "What should we do next? Retreat or move on."

At this time, Abil said: "Lin Mo, have you signed a contract with the Zerg Queen?" His voice was soft, but he still ensured that Lin Mo could hear it clearly.

Lin Mo pondered for a while, and then said to them: "It is indeed as you said, I signed a contract with the Queen of Zerg."

Abil breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Then the next thing will be much simpler. Then just let the Zerg Queen create a unit that is not inferior to the Chaos Emperor?"

Lin Mo glanced at Abil and said, "You don't know how many resources it takes to make a unit of this."

Abil curled his lips and said: "Don't we just need some energy crystal mines..." After saying this, Abil snapped his fingers, and a lot of golden energy crystals appeared in Abil. in front of him.

So at this moment, Lin Mo heard the zerg queens exclaiming: "This is a gold energy mine, and there are so many of it!"

Lin Mo asked: "Is it okay to use these ores to create a unit like the Chaos Emperor?" Then Lin Mo waited for the Zerg Queen's answer.

After a brief silence, he received a reply from the Zerg Queens. That's enough ore to build three or so units like the Chaos Emperor. Elf said: "Master, please touch these ores now, so that we can use your body to purify and refine these gold deposits."

Lin Mo pointed to the gold mines and said, "No problem." Then he raised his head and said to Abil, "Can I use these ores?"

Abil waved his hand generously and said, "Of course."

So Lin Mo nodded and said, "Thank you then." After saying this, Lin Mo did not stop any longer, but approached the gold mines. Then Lin Mo asked, "Is this okay?" At this time, Lin Mo had already touched the gold mine with one hand.

The Zerg Queen replied: "No problem, we will absorb these gold ores immediately." A pale golden line appeared on Lin Mo's palm. Then you can see that the gold minerals are absorbed by the golden lines, and the whole process is like water flowing into the sea.

About half a minute later, Lin Mo had successfully absorbed the golden energy crystal. Lin Mo said: "How long does it take to make a unit like that?"

Zerg Queen Avary replied: "It will take about a minute." After saying this, the Zerg Queens fell into silence.

So Lin Mo began a short wait. After a while, the voice of the Zerg Queen rang again. They said in unison: "We have completed the construction of soldiers. Now there is a Chaos Emperor, a Tianyuan Emperor and a... Chaos Emperor on standby here."

Lin Mo said: "Let the Chaos Emperor appear now." What he said was echoed by the Zerg Queens. They said, "Yes, I understand."

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