The Rebirth Magister of Online Games

Chapter 856 Chaos attacks

A Chaos Emperor wearing heavy armor appeared next to Lin Mo. His appearance cannot be clearly seen because it is obscured by a helmet. So the only thing that could be seen was the Chaos Emperor's glowing blue eyes.

The Emperor of Chaos holds a huge black iron shield in his hand. The black iron shield here is not a piece of black iron level equipment. In fact, the defensive power of this shield can completely match the identity of a level 200 boss.

So at this time, Lin Mo began to manipulate the Chaos Emperor. Because he had experience in controlling the Chaos Emperor, Lin Mo seemed to be very familiar with it this time.

Without Lin Mo's request, Akhtar also used his magic to increase the three main attributes of the Chaos Emperor.

It was at this time that Lin Mo controlled him and walked slowly towards the underground floor of the church. Taking this opportunity, Lin Mo also became familiar with the Chaos Emperor's skills. This unit only has one skill called "Servant of Chaos".

Lin Mo hissed softly and then said: "Why is this skill so similar to the skill of Corrupt Spider..."

If the Chaos Emperor can successfully kill the opponent within ten seconds after using this skill, he can get a unit called "Chaos Attendant"...and as long as this unit is not destroyed, it can exist permanently. .

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I just don't know how strong the Chaos Servant is. The strength of this permanent unit should be weaker than I thought."

At this time, Lin Mo focused on the road ahead. So at this time, the Chaos Emperor came into contact with a burly monster. Because although the Emperor of Chaos has received increases in three main attributes, his speed is still very slow.

So at this time, avoidance becomes impossible. In other words, at this time, the Chaos Emperor must kill the burly monster in front of him...

Under Lin Mo's control, the Chaos Emperor began to inject a large amount of magic power into the shield in his hand. Then black flames rose up, turning the thick shield in the hands of the Chaos Emperor into a shuttle-shaped offensive weapon.

Lin Mo then asked him to charge, raising the weapon in his hand high while charging.

The burly monster had also raised its claws at this time, preparing to attack the Chaos Emperor. The burly monster's claws had already become huge at this time, because the black magic flame adhered and burned. Then the burly monster began to attack the Chaos Emperor at this time.

At this time, the burly monster shot out the black magic flame in his hand, and the black magic flame shaped like a giant claw hit the shield raised by the Chaos Emperor. The two black flames were entangled and eroding each other.

Although both flames are black, it is not difficult to see the difference between them. The black magic flame belonging to the monster looks very violent, like a wild snake dancing wildly. The black flames from the Chaos Emperor appear peaceful and thick.

At this time, the Chaos Emperor has a great advantage in this situation. In other words, at this time, the black flames from the Chaos Emperor have gradually eroded the magic flames from the monsters, and have formed a defensive trend.

The Chaos Emperor raised the shield in his hand high, and the black chain from the monster was completely swallowed up. The Emperor of Chaos had already arrived at the side of the burly monster.

The Chaos Emperor's shield struck directly on the burly monster's body with a horizontal blow. This attack only knocked out about 10% of the monster's durability. Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, because with Akhtar's help, the Chaos Emperor's attack power at this time was completely incompatible with the positioning of his warriors...

Lin Mo shook his head. Although Lin Mo was not satisfied with the damage effect, it did not affect Lin Mo's control of the Chaos Emperor. The Emperor of Chaos struck the shield on the monster again. At this time, the durability of the burly monster was only less than 80%.

The burly monster fell into a state of rage, and its claws were strengthened again. At this time, the burly monster struck the Chaos Emperor's shield hard with its claws, and the thick black flame was pulled out with a tear.

But despite this, the Chaos Emperor has completely defended himself against the monster's attack, which means that he successfully blocked the attack from the monster. The Emperor of Chaos repeated the previous actions, namely two normal attacks and one defense. In this way, the monster's durability was successfully suppressed to less than ten percent.

Lin Mo said: "It's time to use this skill." As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo asked the Chaos Emperor to use the "Chaos Attendant" skill. I saw a black beam flying out from the shield, and then shot at the body of the burly monster.

The durability of the burly monster was instantly cleared, and at this moment a black figure came out of the body of the burly monster. At first, only a human figure could be vaguely seen in the black shadow, but as time passed, the black figure gradually became thicker. A black spear also appeared in the black figure's hand.

Soon the black figure transformed into a burly warrior. The black warrior suddenly opened his eyes, and the color inside was blue. Then the burly warrior set his sights on the Chaos Emperor.

The attendants of Chaos automatically came behind the Emperor of Chaos, ready to attack the target chosen by the Emperor of Chaos at any time.

Then the Chaos Emperor immediately rushed to his destination, which was the place where the Chaos Emperor fell.

After walking for a few minutes, Lin Mo encountered three thief-assassin type monsters. Lin Mo smiled slightly. His current purpose was very simple, which was to use these three monsters to create three more Chaos servants.

So at this time, the Chaos Emperor holding the shield launched a charge in the direction of the three monsters, and then struck the weapon hard on the body of one of the monsters.

The attendant of Chaos also struck the selected monster with his spear. Because they are only attendants of the Chaos Emperor, the attack power of the Chaos Attendants cannot be said to be very high. They only knock out about 3% of the monster's durability.

The Emperor of Chaos received a counterattack from the monsters. Now these three monsters maintain a certain degree of coordination. They all retreated violently at this time, and then each fired three arrows.

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