The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 302 Vinegar King (2)

Hearing Jiang Ruan's words, Liu Min's expression brightened again, and he said: "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to rescue you."

Jiang Ruan was slightly surprised, although the purpose of helping Liu Min in the past was to allow him to pave the way for her in the future, but the behavior of this young Tai Tuo now runs counter to her original intention. Such sincere feelings are undoubtedly a kind of pressure for her.

"Thank you, Taifu Liu." Jiang Ruan pondered for a while: "But I have my own opinion on this matter, and one day things will come to light, so you don't have to worry too much about Taifu Liu."

The disappointment in Liu Min's eyes was swept away: "You don't take me as a friend." Before Jiang Ruan could speak, he said again: "You helped me back then, and now it's time for me to repay you. If you want to help me once, you don’t need to say too much. As the old saying goes, the kindness of a drop of water will be repaid by the spring. You gave me such a great kindness back then, and my fate was rewritten because of you. If I, I don’t repay, then I will Who is Mincheng?"

After being silent for a while, Jiang Ruan shook his head and said: "Teacher Liu is sincere, I am willing to have a sincere relationship with him, but I do have an idea on this matter, it is not good for the Tutor to help rashly, if I am in trouble in the future, please ask Liu Grand Tutor makes a move, at that time Taifu Liu should not refuse."

"It's impossible for me to refuse." Liu Min said hastily. Under the dim light, Jiang Ruan's eyes were as bright as water, and his facial features were even more beautiful and flawless. With a twitch in his heart, he blurted out what he wanted to say without checking for a moment: "You, would you like to be protected by me?"

Jiang Ruan looked at him in astonishment.

Liu Min Qingjun's face seemed to be slightly flushed. After all, this was the first time he said these words to a girl. There was no trace of aloofness and arrogance in his eyes, but a clumsy shyness: "I, I have admired the princess for a long time. Now the princess The lord is struggling in the court. This incident shows that there are not a few people in the court who want to frame the princess. If the princess continues like this, it will be impossible to guard against. If the princess can marry into another family at this time, there will be a layer of protection after all. Liu Min is not talented, although he has no great achievements, he still wants to protect the princess for the rest of his life. I will do my best to protect the princess and not let the princess suffer any grievances."

Jiang Ruan looked at him, she didn't see what the end of Liu Min's last life was until the end, thinking that if Liu Min's talent could not be used by Ye Li, she should also die. It's just that in the previous life, she had personally witnessed him go from downfall to rise. Fate was erroneous, and after all, she gave this upright young man a chance to rise to the top, step by step, and finally lived up to his lifelong ambition.

However, the two people who had no intersection in the previous life met again by accident in this life. She just wanted to use him, but unintentionally won someone else's sincerity.

"I..." Jiang Ruan was about to speak, but only heard a familiar and indifferent voice from the front, which seemed to be slightly displeased.

"She doesn't need your protection, because she is mine."

A familiar figure came out from the dark place, and the corners of the dark blue robe swung, revealing some golden splendor in the dark place. Xiao Shao walked to the front of the prison door, glanced at Liu Min indifferently, then at Jiang Ruan, and passed the basket in his hand through the small window: "The snacks made by the chef of the palace, and some clothes, don't suffer from the cold at night. wind chill."

He seemed to be a little unhappy, and his tone was all blunt, but his actions and the things he handed were all expressing the meaning of her close relationship with Jiang Ruan. Liu Min had just been shocked by Xiao Shao's words "she is mine", but now when he saw his actions again, his expression changed immediately.

Jin San silently rolled his eyes at the back, the master's jealousy was too great, Jin Si turned his head and said that Tai Fu Liu had gone to the Imperial Study Room and then to the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Xiao Shao rushed over without stopping , This action is simply killing people. If it were Taifu Liu, she would have beaten Xiao Shao with one fist. Of course, she couldn't beat Xiao Shao, especially Liu Min, a weak scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Mr. Liu Taifu, who is a gentleman, really stood up, looked at Xiao Shao and frowned and said, "Prince Xiao, please take some responsibility for what you say." He looked a little angrily: "This will hurt the reputation of Princess Hong'an. "

"Ah Ruan." Xiao Shao didn't even look at Liu Min, but only looked at Jiang Ruan in the prison, and said in a soft tone that no one else had heard before: "There will be a public trial in three days, don't worry."

Jiang Ruan, who yelled "A Ruan", couldn't turn her eyes, she was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses, but she didn't know that Liu Min's behavior in a daze was acquiescence in Liu Min's eyes, thinking of Xiao Shao Liu Min's complexion turned pale immediately after they got so close to each other by address. Seeing his expression, Jiang Ruan's heart moved, and then she smiled at Xiao Shao: "Okay, with you here, I'm not afraid."

Jinsan looked at Taifu Liu sympathetically, obviously Taifu Liu was very hurt by the two people's blatant show of affection. If Xiao Shao's words just now had already dealt Liu Min a fatal blow, Jiang Ruan's reply with a smile on his face at this moment would be to make up for it again.

Liu Min moved her lips, and managed to squeeze out a few words: "So, princess, Liu Min will leave first." After finishing speaking, she left in a hurry without looking back, but no matter how she looked at her back, she could tell A little sad.

Jiang Ruan was still staring at Liu Min's back, unexpectedly Xiao Shao walked in front of her and blocked her view, Jiang Ruan raised his head, Xiao Shao looked down at her, and said: "Don't look, he's gone."

"..." Jiang Ruan stared at him. Xiao Shao has become more and more abnormal recently, as if he has changed into a different person. Sometimes he wonders if this is the cold-hearted King Jinying that the world said. Come on, Xiao Shao's actions are clearly childish, childish?

She took a deep breath: "Xiao Shao, what are you doing here?"

"If I don't come, you will become Mrs. Taifu." Xiao Shao reminded.


Jinsan couldn't help groaning again in the dark, what the master said was full of sorrow, he should have taught Lin Butler to take a look, and then he would understand what it means to be a jealous man is a fool!

"I will not enter the Taifu's residence." Jiang Ruan said: "If you really marry him, his official career will come to an end."

"You are always thinking of him, no wonder he misunderstood." Xiao Damei refused to let go.

"You came today uninvited, didn't you make him misunderstand?" Jiang Ruan said: "He will not misunderstand again in the future."

Xiao Shao's expression was a little displeased. He was originally handsome and heroic, but when his expression cooled down, he looked even more lonely and cold under the lights, and he also felt a little abstinence. After all, he still had feelings for Liu Min's affairs. Bad luck, it's not the first time Liu Min has shown affection to Jiang Ruan, so how can he be reconciled in his heart. After Jiang Ruan said so, he turned his head and said nonchalantly: "Well, you don't want to see him again."

How could this man be so overbearing! Annoyed, Jiang Ruan casually picked up the things he handed over just now. It really was some food and clothes, and everything was well stocked. In fact, Xiao Shao has also sent people to take care of it these few days, and the life in the prison is not much worse than in the mansion. Zhijiao was thin and out of shape.

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