The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 303 Personal trial (1)

Couldn't help being lost in thought, Xiao Shao saw her like this, so he reached out and rubbed her hair: "Concentrate."

Jiang Ruan is not used to such intimate gestures, so don't start: "Tianzhu should have told you about this, I already have a claim, you don't need to intervene."

"I know." Xiao Shao whispered: "You just let go and do it, I'm here."

The words are reassuring, Jiang Ruan lowered his head: "Thank you."

Xiao Shao said: "If you can ask me for help, I will actually be happier." Tian Zhu is right, Jiang Ruan is used to solving everything by himself, and does not easily ask for help from others. Even if they seek help, they are in the attitude of a businessman who takes advantage of each other, and will not accept favors in vain. This is actually because she isolates herself from others, and she puts an end to all kindness and affection that may be received.

Xiao Shao looked down at her, he couldn't find Jiang Ruan's secret, and Jiang Ruan would not take the initiative to tell it, but it is very difficult for a person to close his heart and go in. Since Jiang Ruan is his now, Xiao Shao hopes that Jiang Ruan will not have the idea of ​​fighting alone in any matter, at least the Jinying Palace still has the ability to protect her comprehensively. Xiao Shao's people can only be protected by him alone.

"No need," Jiang Ruan really refused him: "The back house is a women's battlefield. Like my elder brother, he is invincible on the battlefield. I naturally have my own way. place of defeat."

Xiao Shao stretched out his hand, and finally patted her on the shoulder, saying: "I said, if there is any trouble, I will definitely help you."


Wu Ming, the oldest official in the palace, sighed deeply at the body of Princess Hong'an, then took off the cloth cover on his hand, and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "My lord, this He Yi The princess was stabbed in the abdomen and died of excessive blood loss, and Shi Chen and the Fourth Highness were right."

Lord Tingwei Luo, who was in charge of the criminal department, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and told the people around him: "You go and write the results of the examination in the case file, and I will go to the scene again with the rest."

The emperor has issued a death order, and the trial will start three days later. Unfortunately, this time it is not an ordinary case. The case of Princess Hong'an seems to be just a murder case among the royal family, but in fact there are many forces involved behind it. A careless judgment is wrong. , causing an imbalance of power between the DPRK and China, and he and he are endless disasters.

What's more, in the case of Princess Hong'an, the emperor, concubine Shu, and the four princes are on one side, and the Queen Mother Yide, Zhao Guang, and Xiao Shao are on the other. I couldn't help but sigh, thinking heavily in my heart.

At the Eighth Prince's residence, Ye Li was playing with the white porcelain wine glass in his hand, shaking the wine in the glass lightly, and said with a smile: "How is the matter going?"

The people below hurriedly replied respectfully: "Return to Your Highness, everything has been done, and the work has also been inspected, there is no problem."

Ye Li has been grasping the direction of the wind in the palace for many years, and he is not without skills. Every place has more or less placed his own people. It is not impossible to do something on the body of Princess Heyi, and it is even a breeze for him. As long as some cover-ups are used to hide it from Wu Zuo, no one will believe his words. Wu Zuo's autopsy is the physical evidence, and with Ye Lang as the witness, it will not be difficult to convict him of the crime.

The most intolerable thing in the world is not getting what he wants, and not getting what he wants, and one day he will get it. The person he fell in love with couldn't get it, but it was just a woman, and if he couldn't get it, he abandoned it and killed her. Non-toxic and not a husband, since Xiao Shao wants to rob him, it is better to destroy Jiang Ruan.

But for some reason, a slight unease suddenly flashed in Ye Li's heart. This feeling was so subtle that he almost ignored it. He collected himself, tried his best to make himself ignore the strange feeling, and slowly clenched his hands He took a sip from his wine cup.

"I'm really sorry, princess."

Three days later.

The sun was very good on this day, even though it was late autumn, it was also a rare good weather. The lazy sunlight sprinkled on the charming petals of some large cosmos flowers that had not yet faded, making them more colorful and beautiful. In Shufang Palace, the beautiful woman is dressed in a gorgeous dress, standing high above the sky. The exotic atmosphere of the past seems to have been swept away in an instant, leaving only a naked murderous look.

The maid beside her handed over the tea: "Your Majesty, after drinking the tea, it's time to go to watch the public trial in the palace."

Concubine Shu took a sip of the tea from the maid's hand. She had also been well-dressed today, and she looked more and more beautiful and picturesque. Correspondingly, she also had an aggressive aura. A red dress undoubtedly made her even more imposing. . The death of Princess Heyi was a huge blow to Concubine Shu.

For so many years, Concubine Shu has never given birth to a son except Princess He Yi in the palace, and the matter of seizing the heirloom has been no longer thought about these years, relying on the emperor's favor. Although the emperor didn't love her as much as Concubine Chen at the beginning, but because she gave birth to a daughter, Princess He Yi did not pose a threat to Jiangshan, so the emperor was not wary of her.

Although Princess Heyi is domineering and domineering on weekdays, it is still the meat that fell from her belly. She has been pampered by rich clothes and food for so many years, but for some reason, she ended up in a tragic end. Concubine Shu is an extremely arrogant and impulsive person, knowing that Ye Lang confirmed that it was Jiang Ruan who killed Princess Heyi, she wished she could rush out and tear Jiang Ruan to pieces. However, Jiang Ruan had already been imprisoned by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so it was difficult for her to start.

However, there has never been anyone in the world that Concubine Shu can't beat. She won a place among the four concubines in the palace by virtue of her scheming and beauty, so she is naturally not a soft persimmon. Even Concubine Chen Gui, who has been fighting her all her life, is not at a disadvantage now. Jiang Ruan is nothing but the daughter of a petty official. Killing Princess Heyi is a sin she can never afford to pay in her entire life. After Concubine Shu calmed down, she was not in a hurry.

The case involved a lot, she went to the emperor and cried a lot, and the emperor also promised to be the master of Princess Heyi. After so many years of husband and wife, the emperor's emotions can be grasped by concubine Shu. Naturally, it can be seen , the emperor already had a dislike for Jiang Ruan. What's more, with all the witnesses and material evidence, Concubine Shu didn't even need to take care of herself, but she could still make Jiang Ruan die without a place to bury her.

It is precisely because the people involved in this case are members of the royal family, and even the Empress Dowager Yide intervened, the emperor agreed to the imperial trial. Since the founding of the country, there have been only one or two incidents in the imperial trial, and they all involved the former founding elders This is the first time that such a royal entanglement has been tried before the imperial court for a major event in the court. Concubine Shu knew that apart from Zhao Guang's family and Queen Mother Yide, King Jinying Xiao Shao, Crown Prince Tai Fu Liu Min and the young son Gu Yi of Mr. Zongbing's mansion were among those who pleaded for Jiang Ruan. Every time she thinks about it, Concubine Shu grits her teeth with hatred.

When Princess Heyi was in the palace, because she was quite favored by the emperor, she also made friends with a group of princes, brothers and sisters. Now that Princess Heyi died tragically, no one stood up to speak for her, even those who were close friends in the past , also made a shrinking turtle. It is true that this may have been a warning from others, but it can also be seen that the people who associate with Princess Yi are just a group of wine and meat friends. On the other hand, Jiang Ruan is just the daughter of an official, and not a real relative of the emperor. There are so many people rushing to protect her, she is really a vicious girl at such a young age!

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