The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 304 Personal trial (2)

"Is King Jinying here?" Concubine Shu put down her teacup and asked in a sinister tone. After all, it all started with this man.

"Go back to your mother, King Jinying has gone first." The maid replied.

Concubine Shu slowly clenched her fists. Concubine Shu didn't know how Princess He Yi died, but she knew that everything was caused by Xiao Shao. Since Princess Heyi lost her life for Xiao Shao, Jiang Ruan, as Xiao Shao's sweetheart, must pay for Princess Heyi no matter what. So what if you have a lot of power in the court? Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xiao Shao may not be able to resist the decree? Looking at the tragic death of her sweetheart like this, as long as she thinks of Xiao Shao's angry eyes and Jiang Ruan's desperate appearance, Concubine Shu feels a deep pleasure in her heart.


Jiang Dan has already entered the palace with the new show girls and lives in the small courtyard where the show girls live together. The courtyard is full of a group of twenty-eight girls like flowers and jade, Yingying Yanyan, very lively. Or a concubine daughter from a high-ranking family, or a daughter-in-law from a small family, sent her daughter to the palace, nothing more than hoping that one day she would make a fortune and pull her natal family. Such things have not been rare since ancient times. It's just that these girls still don't know the dangers in the palace, and their innocent appearance almost dazzles people's eyes.

Jiang Dan sat quietly in the front hall of the house, watching the lively and excited girls talking happily, with a lively and somewhat shy smile on her face all the time. There are very few words that can be plugged in, and it does not prevent these girls from quickly considering her as one of their own.

Among them, the concubine of the servant's family said: "Hey, sisters, I don't know if you have heard of it, but today is the public trial of the case of Princess Hong'an and the daughter of the Jiang family who killed Princess Heyi."

"Ah, that's right. Now that I've said that, I think about it, but it's not today." Another woman echoed after hearing the words: "It's a pity that we can't go out here, but we can't go and see what's going on. .”

Hearing her tone, I feel regretful. This group of women are all young and curious, and they are also full of interest in these things. For a while, they were all a little disappointed and full of interest.

Jiang Dan looked at everything in front of him with a smile, as usual, as if he hadn't heard the news.

"It's just a murder case, what's there to look at." The woman's father who spoke works in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and he knows something about it on weekdays. He nodded and said, "I heard from my father that the case of Princess Heyi is almost nothing. It's time for a trial. The testimonials have also been examined, and there are witnesses like the Fourth Highness, so there is almost nothing to retract. Even if Princess Hong'an is quite favored by the Queen Mother, so what? Murdering a royal heir is a serious crime of beheading, and no one can guarantee it he."

"Princess Hong'an is so courageous, I didn't expect that he would dare to kill people." One person seemed to have remembered something, and looked at Jiang Dan: "Hey, isn't she your sister-in-law? Just look at how this happened thing?"

Jiang Dan was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know much about this matter. I'm just a concubine, so how can I have the right to intervene in these matters?"

"Then she is also so fierce in the mansion?" Someone asked curiously: "Have you ever been beaten and scolded by her?"

Jiang Dan shook his head, but a look of panic flashed across his eyes: "No, Big Sister has never hit me."

The more she said that, the more suspicious the evasive look in her eyes became. Seeing her timid appearance, everyone seemed to be talking about Jiang Ruan, and they immediately understood. For a while, it was Jiang Ruan who was chattering about whether it was Jiang Ruan's fault or not. She was a little jealous because she was a woman. Over the years, Jiang Ruan had a good appearance and luck was even better. A God of War brother already aroused people's envy, but now that he fell into the water, these jealous people would naturally come up and step on him mercilessly.

In an inconspicuous corner of the house, there is still one person sitting quietly at this moment. She looks delicate and beautiful, but her expression is a bit indifferent, even a bit disdainful, listening to everyone talking about Jiang Ruan, there is a bit of disgust on her face. This person is none other than Dong Yinger.

In the end, she still entered the palace, but now it seems that Dong Yinger feels that the things that were extremely repulsive before are not so difficult now. With so many beauties in the palace, I am afraid that the emperor would have to be lucky to remember her, so why bother to say that she is favored. If the emperor never noticed her, even if she died safely in the palace, it might not be a bad thing.

Dong Ying'er had heard about Jiang Ruan's killing of Princess Heyi before, and she didn't believe that Jiang Ruan would kill Princess Heyi. It's not because of anything else, it's just because she feels that even if Jiang Ruan wants to kill someone, she won't be so stupid as to be in front of the Fourth Prince. Jing Zhaoyin is a smart person, and Dong Yinger heard a thing or two when analyzing the pros and cons, but this is something beyond her reach.

Sitting here now, listening to these people's belittling of Jiang Ruan and Jiang Dan's pretentious slander, Dong Yinger only felt a surge of discomfort in her stomach. If she followed her usual temperament and her friendship with Jiang Ruan, she would naturally go forward It's theoretical. But now he is just sitting on the sidelines, paying no attention to the discussions of the audience, and not stepping forward.

What came to mind was that when she was about to be sent to the palace, when she cried and begged Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan said what to do with her.

Things in the world are generally impermanent, and for some reason, Dong Yinger felt a little joy in her heart. For example, at this moment, Jiang Ruan was imprisoned and was slandered and killed the princess of Hong'an. What is she doing?


However, how the facts in the palace have changed, the public trial in the palace will continue.

The emperor was dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, standing aloft, looking at the civil and military officials who were watching the trial, he had a demeanor of not being angry and self-imposing.

Today's public trial before the imperial court is not so much to let civil and military officials come to watch the trial to show justice, it is better to say that it is to kill chickens to scare monkeys. These days, some forces in the imperial court couldn't help but ready to move, so the emperor saw it. It also needs to be beaten, those who are still waiting to see the wind, today the emperor will use the matter of trial to kill their prestige, let the world see, who is in charge of this country!

Eunuch Li kept his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, and sat quietly by the side, waving his whisk. Captain Luo Ting stood aside instead, and had already ordered someone to bring the guilty minister up, when he heard someone shouting outside: "The guilty minister is here—"

Jiang Ruan was dressed in snow-white prison clothes and was escorted in by a group of soldiers. But I don't know if someone explained it, or because she didn't struggle but had a good attitude. The soldiers didn't hold her back, but just followed her. Unexpectedly, she came to the Golden Luan Hall step by step, feeling like a lotus flower step by step, with a smile on her face and a calm look on her face, as if she didn't come to participate in a life-and-death thrilling imperial trial, even with a bit of leisure, so , it seems to take two young men out to play.

Seeing this, Concubine Shu, who was sitting next to her, couldn't help but flicker slightly, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, and she slowly tightened the handkerchief in her sleeve.

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