The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 319 Visiting the door (2)

"Oh my lord, this is very different." Lin Butler said anxiously: "Although the queen mother's order has come down, the princess is destined to be the mistress of our mansion. But this pomp cannot be ignored. If Madam If you are still alive, it is time to go to the Shangshu Mansion to see your wife and talk to your in-laws. But we can’t find such a person in our mansion now, so you better go there yourself, my lord."

Seeing Xiao Shao raised his eyes to look at him, Steward Lin spoke more forcefully: "If you go, what does that mean? It means that the prince values ​​the concubine. The concubine is now in the Shangshu mansion, and others will look at her high, and dare not take it lightly. Bully him. My lord, this old slave just said, this woman is meant to be coaxed. Does the lord think that the wangfei treats you not warm enough? This is your fault. Men, always take the initiative Yes, my lord, you are going here this time to support the wangfei. The wangfei must be moved when she sees you like this. Now, lord, if you take the opportunity to say a few words to please people, are you afraid that the wangfei will not give up on you?"

It can be said that Lin Butler's words went to Xiao Shao's heart. He raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the map in front of him silently, but seemed to be thinking about something else. After a while, he nodded and said lightly: "Reply, three days later, Xiao Shao will visit."

"Okay——" Lin Butler said beautiful words, and he was very pleased to see that his prince was so well-behaved, so he secretly said a few words that a child can teach, and then went out to find a good-looking post.

"Be more active?" He lowered his head and muttered to himself, with an intoxicating arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes seemed to be bent, and he smiled.


Jiang Ruan was completely unaware of the exchange of invitations between the Shangshu Mansion and the Jinying Prince's Mansion. In the past few days in Jiang's mansion, it is a rare leisure. I don't know if it was Jiang Quan's special order, but the servants seemed to completely ignore the news of her engagement to Xiao Shao. Neither came forward to congratulate her, nor greeted her, as if she was deliberately ignoring her.

Every time Zi Su and Forsythia mentioned this matter, they felt very angry. After all, Jiang Ruan is also the daughter of the Jiang family. It is really embarrassing for Jiang Quan to go so far. Lian Qiao combed Jiang Ruan's hair and said: "I heard that the second young lady has been running to Fifth Yiniang's yard every day for the past few days, sitting for the whole afternoon. I really don't know when the two of them had such a friendship The fifth aunt really crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and now she has turned her face and turned her back on her. The queen mother has been here for so long, and she has never come to ask her. I don’t know how to deal with the dowry and marriage. "

The etiquette of getting married was originally taken care of by the head mother herself. If Zhao Mei was alive, these days would have been busy with her chest stuck to her back. Hongying was at her leisure, and hadn't asked anything until now. The daughter who is about to get married can't ask these things by herself.

"What's wrong with her? She can say that she is just a concubine. It's not her turn to intervene in the marriage of the prostitute. Speaking of it, it's not wrong." Jiang Ruan said: "What's the matter, the Queen Mother will not stand by. She is sure Knowing this, I deliberately didn’t ask.”

Anyway, with Empress Dowager Yide taking care of it, Hongying probably didn't want to do thankless things. Now that the power of the family in the mansion is in Hongying's hands, if Hongying really wants to give her money from her father-in-law as a dowry, Hongying is also unwilling. How could she let go of power easily after having tasted the taste of power? Hongying is used to the feeling of being superior in the mansion, how can she be happy when facing a daughter-in-law who is of a higher rank than herself?

"In short, this fifth aunt is not kind, and she doesn't think about it. If it wasn't for the help of the young lady, would she be able to live in peace in the mansion, let alone live the life she is living now. I really thought I was pregnant..."

"Forsythia," Jiang Ruan interrupted her, "You talk too much."

Lianqiao was taken aback for a moment, knowing she had made a slip of the tongue, she hurriedly said: "The servant girl made a mistake."

Jiang Ruan shook his head: "It's nothing, just don't be overheard. You go to the palace and pick out a few pieces of material, and turn around to embroider some purses with Zisu. There are many people in the palace these days. Rewards cannot be neglected."

Since she bestowed the marriage order, the Empress Dowager Yide sent people to send some things here and there every now and then, but they were all jewelry materials. After thinking about it, she thought that her daughter's family was going to get married, so these things could be used. But Jiang Ruan himself didn't care about these things, if Zisu hadn't mentioned them from time to time, he might have just thrown them into the box and never seen the light of day.

Lianqiao stuck out her tongue and went to pick out the fabric as she said. Lu Zhu, who was doing embroidery work on the side, blinked and asked, "When does the girl plan to start embroidering the wedding dress?"

"Wedding dress?" Jiang Ruan was slightly taken aback.

"Of course it's the wedding gown," Luzhu looked at her with a smile on her chin. "Isn't it necessary to embroider the wedding gown before marriage? Even if the wedding date is next year, you can start embroidering the wedding gown from now on. Although Prince Xiao Maybe someone will send it, but don’t daughters like to embroider wedding dresses by themselves? Prince Xiao and the girl are both born so well, as long as the slaves think of wearing wedding dresses, they will dazzle the eyes of everyone in the capital son."

Her charming words made Jiang Ruan fall into deep thought. In her previous life, she was sent to the palace, so she had no chance of becoming a bride. It's not that she didn't think about her appearance in a phoenix crown and Xiapei when she was a girl, but she didn't wait for that moment in her previous life. She has never imagined the happiness of ordinary people. If Xiao Shao hadn't obtained such an edict in this life, she would never have thought about what it would be like to be married.

If she is marrying someone else, maybe she can still treat each other with a cold face, but the person becomes Xiao Shao, but she feels a little strange in her heart. The wedding dress is embroidered for the one she loves. Jiang Ruan herself has never thought about Xiao Shao's status in her heart. It's probably beyond friendship, not full of lovers, probably a little bit worse.

It's just that little bit, but there is a deep knot in her heart, and she doesn't know if it will be untied in this life. Thinking about it this way, I feel a little guilty towards Xiao Shao.

"Let's talk about it when we are free." She shook her head, but she was a little absent-minded. Luzhu saw her absent-mindedness, so she didn't ask any more questions, and obediently continued with her work.


Xiao Shao really came to Jiang's mansion three days later. Only him and Lin Butler, Xiao Shao was wearing a black jacquard sheath brocade jacket, with thin cyan bamboo leaf rolling lace embroidered on the collar. There is still a silver bat with its teeth and claws hooked on the cuff wristband, which looks extremely mighty. When he entered the gate of the mansion, his expression was indifferent, cold and oppressive, so that people dared not look at him, only felt that there was a biting cold on his body, domineering and restrained, but low-key in the dark.

The servant girl leading the way blushed but did not dare to look up at the man's handsome facial features. From the beginning to the end, she lowered her head and led the way without saying a word. All the way forward, after all, the passing maids and maids looked at him a little absent-minded. Lin Butler was naturally very proud, he straightened his body with pride.

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