The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 320 Visiting the door (3)

When we got to the main hall, we saw that Hongying and Tongfang Lianye were already waiting. With the support of her maidservant, Hongying bowed to Xiao Shao, with a friendly smile on her face: "I have met the prince personally. Madam is not in the mansion now, and the concubine is helping to take care of the internal affairs. I hope the prince will not dislike the concubine's abruptness." .”

Xiao Shao gave a faint "um" and sat down on the seat prepared for him. Lin Butler stood aside, and before Xiao Shao could speak, he had already smiled and said: "You don't have to be polite, Wu Yiniang, since she is the concubine's natal family, it's not an exaggeration. My prince doesn't have so many rules, just do whatever you want."

Lin Butler smiled kindly, but every word he said was not very kind. It is said that there are no rules, but in fact the spectrum is bigger than anything else. Tongfang Lianye stood on the side without saying a word, but the maids around saw that something was wrong, the master and servant of the Jinying Palace were not kind, and they were afraid that they came here specially to support the eldest lady, so they immediately lowered their heads It's a little deeper, just wanting not to attract people's attention.

The smile on Hongying's face froze. After all, she was born in the market, and she was better at dealing with people. But in just a moment, she returned to her kind and natural smile: "That would be great. The eldest lady is our The aunt in the house, the master is very distressed. Seeing how the prince loves the eldest lady, the master is very happy to know."

Xiao Shao didn't answer, but Housekeeper Lin said: "Ma'am, what you said is polite. Since the queen mother has issued a decree, the princess is the mistress of our house, and she must be loved by the prince. In addition to talking about this matter today, the prince also Order the old slave to bring the betrothal gift list. After the concubine passes through the door, the betrothal gift will be sent to the concubine along with the dowry. The empress dowager has also seen this before." After speaking, he took out a gold silk printed letter from his sleeve The gift list was handed over to Hongying.

Hongying was overjoyed when she heard Steward Lin's words at first, but her face turned green again when she heard the second half of his sentence. After opening the betrothal gift list, her complexion turned even redder and paler, which can be described as extremely wonderful. After a while, she closed the gift list, took a deep breath, forced a smile and said: "The prince really loves the eldest lady, this gift list is not unreasonable. Seeing this, I am sincerely happy for the eldest lady."

She spoke like this, but her subordinates used such force that they almost smashed the gift list into pieces. In fact, Hongying was born in a brothel. Where the brothel is, it is a gold-selling cave. She has never seen any kind of prodigal. Hongying has seen a lot of things like spending a lot of money to become a confidante, so she is not as shallow-sighted as Second Aunt when she treats things outside of her body such as gold, silver and jewelry. But now seeing the betrothal gift list sent by Prince Jinying's mansion, she couldn't help but gasp.

Exotic treasures, rare animals, houses and shops, gold and silver tickets. Countless wealth, countless jewels, just a small betrothal gift list, can let people see the tip of the iceberg of Jinying Prince's mansion. Rao Hongying is well-informed, she couldn't help but be dazzled by the wealth at this moment, secretly jealous and hated Jiang Ruan in her heart.

What's more, this hot wealth flew away before he got it. Butler Lin made it very clear that the dowry was to be handed over to Jiang Ruan, and Empress Dowager Yide knew it too. That meant that she didn't even have a chance to intervene. Originally, she wanted to get some benefits from Jiang Ruan's betrothal gift, but now she wants to watch this wealth slip away from her hands. You must know that this betrothal gift alone is worth several Shangshufu, how can she be willing? ?

The more unwilling she felt, the more determined Hongying was to send Jiang Susu to Jinying Palace. Jiang Ruan is difficult to grasp, but Jiang Susu can tell who is in charge of the Jiang family now. If Jiang Susu can be grasped, when Jiang Susu enters the Jinying Prince's Mansion, won't the wealth and wealth flow into the Shangshu Mansion continuously, and by then, the life of the Shangshu Mansion will become more and more moist.

Hongying made up her mind, her smile became a little more eager, but Steward Lin frowned, looked at the slightly deformed gift list held by Hongying, and said: "Auntie, be careful, this gift list is only available in the place except the empress dowager." If this one is damaged, it will be very troublesome.”

"It's my concubine's carelessness." Hongying smiled awkwardly. Butler Lin said again: "I don't know where the concubine is, I should come out to meet the prince."

Hongying smiled slightly: "Missy is going to come out, but my daughter's family is always shy, I'm afraid she is dressing up right now. My concubine has sent someone to notify me just now, and Missy will go to the teahouse in the garden later, Lin Lang, you take the prince there first, you young people always have something to say, and besides, the Empress Dowager gave you the marriage, so it's better to get acquainted earlier." Her words were shrewd and magnanimous,

It is completely different from those pedantic families. It's just that Xiao Shao didn't move, and still looked at her indifferently.

Facing such an expressionless person, even if you are eloquent, you will always feel powerless. Butler Lin seemed to be speaking for Xiao Shao today, and immediately smiled again, saying: "That's the best, please lead the way quickly." Now the Jinying Palace regards Xiao Shao's marriage as a top priority, His prince's skills in chasing his wife are not enough, so he naturally wants to help his servants. Butler Lin always wished that Xiao Shao and Jiang Ruan would not be able to be alone anytime and anywhere. Hongying was so knowledgeable, butler Lin was very satisfied.

"Steward Lin misunderstood." Hongying covered her lips and smiled: "I still have some marriage matters to discuss with Steward Lin. It seems that the prince also entrusted the marriage to Steward Lin, and I still want to discuss with Steward Lin. Discuss it carefully. If Housekeeper Lin doesn't mind, please stay here and talk to me." She looked at Xiao Shao, smiled and said: "As for the eldest lady and the prince, it is more convenient for two people to talk."

If he hadn't known that everyone in Jiang's mansion was full of good people, Lin Butler would almost have praised her for being a well-educated beauty. It would be best for these two to be alone. Steward Lin followed the old King Jinying when he was young, and he also learned a temperament that doesn't care about surprises, and doesn't pay attention to worldly etiquette at all. Therefore, any male and female defense of that family is just a cloud in his eyes, not to mention that now that Empress Dowager Yide has issued an order, then Jiang Ruan is the princess. There is nothing wrong with the concubine and the prince talking. When a man and a woman stay together, they want to be alone. A few more times alone will spark sparks, and maybe even get pregnant.

"That's not bad, look, my lord—" Lin Butler looked at Xiao Shao inquiringly, his eyes full of expectation.

Xiao Shao also lived up to Steward Lin's expectations, and nodded calmly: "Okay."

Hongying smiled more sincerely: "Lin Lang, hurry up and take the prince there."

Lin Lang walked over as she said, and gave Xiao Shao a blessing: "My lord, please come with your servants."


Xiao Shao followed Lin Lang all the way through the courtyard and flower beds of Jiang's mansion, bypassed the long corridor, and went straight to a teahouse in a garden. This teahouse is located in the middle of the jungle, hidden under the secluded trees, and the environment is quiet. If you are tired here, go in and take a rest, drink some tea and take a rest for a while, it is also an excellent place. Thinking about it, it should be an extremely exquisitely repaired place in Jiang's mansion, and the area is quite spacious. From a distance, one would think it is the yard where a daughter lives.

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