The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 321: Misfortune (1)

Lin Lang didn't speak all the way, but just buried her head in leading the way, so she also ignored Xiao Shao's gaze. He looked calm, but he had already looked at this place without making a fuss. This is not the first time for Xiao Shao to enter Jiang's Mansion. He had the opportunity to come here a few times before, and he almost found out the details of Jiang's Mansion. What's more, Jin Er Jin San stared at him, and he had also seen the map of Jiang's mansion presented, so he naturally knew this teahouse.

This teahouse is not used to entertain guests on weekdays. On the contrary, although the environment is quiet, but because it is too far away from the courtyards of the female relatives, since Xia Yan left, few people drink tea here.

Hongying arranged for him to meet Jiang Ruan at this place.

Lin Lang brought Xiao Shao to the front and back of the door, and said with a smile: "This is the teahouse, the servants are going to prepare some tea and snacks, the prince will go in and have a rest first, and the eldest lady will come over soon."

Xiao Shao didn't say anything, Lin Lang saluted and walked away. Before leaving, he glanced at the carved door before leaving with his skirt in hand. After Lin Lang left, Xiao Shao thought for a while before stretching out his hand to open the door.

Fang pushed open the door, and the room was filled with a faint sweet fragrance. The fragrance was very light, not strong, and Fang Yi only thought it was the fragrance of a young girl. It is light and faint, but there is a faint sweetness, which makes people feel an inexplicable heat in their hearts for no reason.

Not like incense, but like body fragrance. Xiao Shao's eyes moved, and he sat down at the table. In front of the table is an exquisite sapphire jug with two or three jade cups on it. There is a plate of crystal clear purple grapes, each plump and round, like crystal beads.

The hospitality here is so thoughtful, where is the need for what Lin Lang said, "to prepare some tea and snacks"?

Not only that, the room is divided into two by an emerald screen, the screen is huge, and the emerald green is about to drip, and four beautiful pictures are engraved on it, women or dances or poems and paintings, all are lifelike. Behind the invisible screen, there was a thin, rippling sound.

The voice was extremely small, if Xiao Shao hadn't been a martial artist with internal strength, he would not have been able to hear it. Now it seems that something has stirred up a shallow splash of water, and the splash of water falls gently, bringing out a bit of a beautiful crisp sound, which makes people think infinitely.

Xiao Shao was unmoved, and only looked down at the white jade whistle on his fingertips, not knowing what he was thinking. He stood still, and the time in the house passed quietly, and Jiang Ruan's arrival was not seen for a long time. But at this moment, the water splash behind the screen suddenly became bigger, and there was another rustling sound, Xiao Shao's eyes moved, and then, a slender figure disappeared from behind the screen.

That is a beautiful woman.

It is clearly a plain white dress, and there is not much decoration on the clothes. There is only a wide blue belt wrapped around the wide waist of the robe, which makes the waist not full, and the movements are tender. Liu Fufeng is charming everywhere. There is a vixen in every move, but people can't help but be attracted to her. Even with the drops of water on her body after bathing, the crystal clear drops of water rolled across her sharp chin and slowly rolled into her chest, and then covered by her robe, making her even more itchy.

Looking up, it is clearly a beautiful and refined face. The facial features are exquisite, the eyebrows are full, like a pure fairy in the fairyland in the sky, who is born without knowing what fireworks are. Such a fairy face, but paired with a seductive behavior like a brothel girl, is a fatal temptation for every man.

It was Jiang Susu.

When Jiang Susu saw Xiao Shao, she was shocked at first, with a look of panic on her face, and then she forced herself to be calm and said: "Prince Xiao."

Xiao Shao only glanced at her, then lowered his eyes, neither looking at her nor speaking. Jiang Susu's body froze. Since practicing "Thousand Faces Charm", men's eyes have always been on her, and she has never been ignored like this. Then she smiled slightly, and turned around to sit on the chair next to Xiao Shao. With every move she made, a familiar sweet fragrance came out, which coincided with the fragrance in the room. It really was her scent. smell.

Jiang Susu turned her head to look at the person in the seat. The man was dressed in brocade clothes, with only a touch of luxuriance on the sleeves, but it seemed even more expensive. The side face is sharp and angular, not feminine at all. Thin lips and starry eyes, with an indifferent look, possesses elegance and nobility. This is a young man with outstanding demeanor, even without the aura of Prince Jinying's mansion on his body, this skin and demeanor are enough to make women tempted.

For example, at this moment, Jiang Susu was jealous of how Jiang Ruan had such good luck to marry the man in front of her.

"Just now Susu was taking a bath. I didn't want someone to come in suddenly. Take a look, it's Prince Xiao." Jiang Susu's voice tickled his heart with a hint of seduction: "If that's the case, why don't you be with the prince?" Let's have a drink."

Lonely man and widow, little drunk in the teahouse, just finished bathing alone, wearing only loose robes. What's more, this person is still a stunning beauty, and he is also very active in every move. Even if all the men in the world saw this scene, it would be very difficult for them not to be tempted.

Xiao Shao remained silent, and the cold expression between his brows never froze. Seeing this, Jiang Susu got up and walked to him, stretched out her hand to pour a glass of wine and handed it to Xiao Shao, squatting down enchantingly, almost to Xiao Shao's knee. As she stared at Xiao Shao like this, those watery eyes were filled with an indescribable charm. It is exactly the same as the vaguely sweet fragrance on her body. I just feel that people see a soft and boneless white flower trembling on the deep valley. That flower was torn apart, wanting to see how the flower was abused.

Seeing that Xiao Shao didn't move, Jiang Susu moved closer, her lips brushed against Xiao Shao's ear faintly, and said softly: "My lord—" she exhaled like blue.

Xiao Shao's face darkened, and before Jiang Susu could make any other movements, he only saw the corner of his robe move slightly, and he didn't know when the hand with the wrist guard moved. The white jade cup on the table fell in response, and hit Jiang Susu's abdomen straight, but a small jade cup seemed like some kind of vicious hidden weapon. With a plop, Jiang Susu flew out, and hit the back straight The jade screen in the room, lying on the ground like a kite with a broken string, immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Xiao Shao's voice containing anger sounded faintly.

The sudden movement in the room stunned Jiang Susu, she struggled to get up, Xiao Shao's hand only used about three points of strength, but she was almost overwhelmed. What surprised her even more was that Xiao Shao had been indifferent to her until now.

No man in the world can resist her charm, and the charm she practiced will make even the most ascetic monk fall for her. Not to mention that Xiao Shao is a young man, but any young man would not be tempted to see her. In particular, today she deliberately washed and dressed, and appeared in front of Xiao Shao with the most irresistible posture of a man.

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