The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 326 Unbearable (1)

Hongying's cheeks flushed with anger when she heard the words. This person is so unreasonable, and it doesn't make sense to reason. However, she must not let this person take Jiang Susu away casually today. If Jiang Susu was taken away, if someone knew Jiang Susu, it would be rumored that there would be no place for the Jiang family in the capital. As for Jiang Quan, knowing what happened to his most beloved second daughter, he will definitely blame her for all the faults, and then she will have nothing good to eat.

It's just that Hongying has forgotten that even though Jiang Susu has not been taken away now, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, paper can never wrap fire, and this matter will eventually be spread. It hasn't been exposed right now because everyone can't connect this glamorous woman with the fairy second lady of the Shangshu Mansion. But the capital is so big, there are always a few people I know. And Jiang Susu had such an experience at the gate of Li Shangshu Mansion today, and her reputation was ruined. What is the end of this life? For a woman, this life is better than death. How to let it go?

Hongying forced a smile: "This official, she is not a woman from a brothel and Chuguan, she is a girl from a decent family, I am afraid that she will not be able to fulfill the official's wish."

"What a serious woman." The rich businessman was also a little displeased: "Is it possible that the master has no eyes? What are you trying to do with such an excuse? Come and bring back the seventeenth aunt of the master." This man is not reasonable at all. He planned to snatch people back just like that. Forget it, he looked at Hongying and smiled: "Little lady, don't be ignorant of flattery."

"You—" Hongying had never encountered such a scoundrel before, and in a moment of urgency, she said, "How dare you! Do you know who she is?"

"Who is it?" The man said with a half-smile: "Could it be that there are some golden branches and jade leaves?"

Hongying choked, not daring to say Jiang Susu's name. At this moment, I saw a man dressed as a guard running from a distance, and said loudly: "Auntie, the princess asked the subordinates to help find the whereabouts of the second lady. Is there any news?"

Hongying's brain exploded, she felt her eyes darkened, and she almost passed out. There is only one thought in my heart, it's over, I'm afraid that today's matter will not end well.

The guard rushed in front of the people anxiously and squeezed to Hongying's side. He was shocked when he saw Jiang Susu's collapsed appearance in the room and said, "It turned out to be here. Who made the second lady look like this? Live!" Tired of being crooked? The princess will definitely not let the culprit go if she finds out!"

The people around were originally intent on watching the excitement, but they didn't want to be interrupted suddenly. Seeing that the guard kept saying that he was the princess, and seeing that the guard didn't look like an ordinary person, he also murmured in his heart. Even the wealthy businessman was shocked by the appearance of the guards, he hesitated for a while before asking: "My little brother, who is the princess you are talking about? What is the identity of this lady on the ground?"

Hongying hurriedly said, "Don't worry about it, she is a member of our family anyway, so we have to take her away now."

But someone in the crowd shouted loudly: "Oh, just now, didn't the old man want to bring this young lady back to his house to be the seventeenth concubine? Why don't you do it now?"

When the guard heard this, before Hongying could speak again, he yelled loudly: "Bold! How dare you insult the lady. Open your dog eyes and see clearly, this is the second lady from the Jiang family's Shangshu mansion in the capital, the daughter of the current princess Hong'an !"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar all around.

Jiang Susu almost stuck her nails into her palms, her lips trembled non-stop, and her whole body felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. This person is very good at singing and reciting, one can tell at a glance that Jiang Ruan deliberately made people do this, in order to expose her identity in the public and embarrass her. This made her feel more uncomfortable than killing her, just because her reputation would no longer have a place to hide, and her life would be ruined just like that!

Hongying's face turned pale, and she wished she could rub that guard and throw it out of the sky. Looking at everyone's appreciating eyes, Hongying wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip in. More importantly, a fear suddenly rose in her heart that such a big thing happened to Jiang Susu under her care. Among the three daughters of the Jiang family, only Jiang Susu was truly loved by Jiang Quan. Such a precious daughter made such a big joke, even if she vented her anger, Jiang Quan would kill her!

The root of it all lies with Jiang Ruan. Hongying couldn't help resenting Jiang Ruan's cruelty. She not only wanted to humiliate Jiang Susu, but also ruined Jiang Susu's reputation, and even made Jiang Susu unable to hold her head up again. This is a huge blow to Jiang Fu and Jiang Quan, Jiang Ruan is so disrespectful of brotherhood. However, Hongying forgot, when she and Jiang Susu conspired against Jiang Ruan, why did she ever consider the slightest brotherhood? The so-called harming others will eventually harm oneself, so don't blame it.

The crowd watching the theater had already talked a lot, and even the rich businessman who was clamoring for Jiang Susu to go back to be the Seventeenth Aunt also shut up and looked Jiang Susu up and down. There was disbelief in everyone's eyes, and someone in the crowd said: "I just said that this young lady looks 90% like the second young lady of Jiang's family, but you still don't believe me."

"Who would have thought that," another person replied, "but the rumored Second Miss Jiang is not a fairy. How did she fall into such a situation? She was killed by someone, right?"

"Why was she harmed? Look at her demeanor. The smell on her body is unbearable. Which decent girl would be so charming? Let me see, this Second Miss Jiang has already ……hey-hey……"

"That's right, hey, she looks like a fairy. She doesn't act like a serious girl. No wonder people think it's a red card from the Chu Pavilion brothel."

There were endless discussions like this, and every sentence hit Jiang Susu's heart, almost making her feel ashamed and indignant. However, what people said is correct, the eyes of the common people in the market are the most poisonous. After Jiang Susu practiced the charm technique, her gestures became full of charm, even if she was pure and beautiful, she couldn't hide her fragrance, and this charm was different from Jiang Ruan's charming appearance, and it was more of a temptation to pick and choose. Ordinary men are well-informed, so they can naturally distinguish the meaning. Besides, which girl would have such a graceful appearance, not to mention that she is wearing such a variety of styles today.

Jin Er winked at Jin San, who was mingling in the crowd to guide people's rumors, and almost felt complacent. He just roared so loudly because of the emergency, but now he heard everything that should be heard and shouldn't be heard around. Jinsan also raised his voice, and said unintentionally: "Hey, since she is the second lady of the Shangshu Mansion, and now she is being watched by these people, shouldn't brothers also be held accountable, she is innocent Ms. Zhengzheng, how could she be taken advantage of for nothing."

As soon as the words fell, there was another discussion, and Jiang Susu and Hongying were already stunned. And some of the people who watched the excitement around came back to their senses and shouted: "It's very true, the young lady was seen by me, Xiaosheng is willing to take responsibility, married the young lady and went home to be his wife!"

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