The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 327 Unbearable (2)

What he said was high-sounding, but looking at that person, he looked like a street gangster. Everyone knew in their hearts that Jiang Susu was not alone when she was looked at by the public, but anyone with a bit of reputation would not marry her back as a regular wife for others to laugh at after dinner. But those hooligans in the market are not the same. After all, the Shangshufu is also an official family, and Jiang Susu is also born well. Thinking about it this way, more and more people are willing to "responsible". In the dispute, Qiqi actually wanted to go to the Jiang's mansion to propose a marriage.

Hongying couldn't stand it anymore, but the crowd was getting more and more crowded. Jin Er said loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about?" Looking at the servants, he said, "Why are you still standing there, quickly help Second Miss back to the house. These trivial things Talk about it later!"

He didn't say anything to death, so half of what he said and half of it made those gangsters more confident. From their point of view, if such a scandal happened to a rich family, the young lady would generally die, either committing suicide or finding a temple to have her hair cut and become a sister-in-law. It's just that Jiang Shangshu's love for his second daughter is well known in the capital, and Jiang Quan certainly can't bear the heart of a well-behaved daughter to commit suicide or live a miserable life of Qingxiu. If this big family doesn't marry Jiang Susu, then it's their turn, these little shrimps. Thinking of this, those gangsters became even more excited, and there was even a scene in front of them that they were dressed in a red robe and became the son-in-law of the Jiang family riding a dragon.

Because of the identities of Shangshu Mansion and Jiang Ruan Hongan County Lord, these people dare not use force. When Jin Er ordered his servant to help Jiang Susu into the carriage and go back to the mansion, a large group of young people followed behind him. It is a person with lofty ideals who is willing to "responsible" for Jiang Susu's innocence—although he can't use force, but the best of the street gangsters is to tease people, and use some dirty tricks to disturb people's lives.

And those who didn't intend to be responsible but had already watched the excitement stood at the side with their arms folded and discussed, thinking that coming to Jiang's mansion would definitely cause another storm in the capital.


Jiang Quanfang learned the news of Jiang Susu's accident when he went to the court, and his mind went blank all the way. When he returned to the house, as soon as he entered Hongying's courtyard, he watched Jiang Susu sitting on the bed in a daze and weeping. Hongying was also in a daze look like.

Hearing his footsteps, the two looked back at the same time. Jiang Susu glanced at Jiang Quan, and cried out: "Father!" She couldn't help it any longer, and tears rolled down her face.

If Jiang Susu cried like this in the usual way, Jiang Quan must feel distressed. But what happened today is no small matter. There was Xia Yan’s shameless adultery with others before, and now Jiang Susu’s incident happened again, it was like adding a pinch of salt to Jiang Quan’s most taboo thing, and it immediately reminded him of some things. Bad things. Immediately, the pity in Jiang Quan's heart dissipated, and he walked up to Jiang Susu in a few steps, raised his hand viciously without saying a word, and gave Jiang Susu a slap with a "slap".

Jiang Susu was a little bewildered by Jiang Quan's slap. Jiang Quan had never touched her before. Even if this matter happened today, although she realized that the matter was of great importance, she also thought that as long as she cried, Jiang Quan would definitely solve it for her. Unexpectedly, Jiang Quan gave her a slap without saying a word, no matter how stupid Jiang Susu was in ordinary times, seeing Jiang Quan's attitude was wrong, she panicked, knowing that something was wrong, she quickly cried again: "Father! "

After Jiang Quan slapped her down, he also regretted a little. Jiang Susu was the daughter he raised in his hands, not to mention beating her, and he never said anything serious since he was a child. Even though Xia Yan did such filthy things, she treated Jiang Susu the same as before. He looked at Jiang Susu covering his face and only cared about crying, his heart softened, his anger subsided a little before, and he said coldly: "What happened? You have lost the Jiang family's face!"

This is true, it is only a few years since Shangshu Mansion's reputation from the Qingliu House to the present is in a mess. And all kinds of deeds happened to Xia Yan, mother and son. After Xia Yan's incident, they finally stopped for a while, and then such things were exposed again. Now the whole capital is making jokes about this incident. From the beginning to the present, the whole capital has already spread the news of today's incident. Thinking of this incident, Jiang Quan felt depressed.

Jiang Susu's heart skipped a beat, thinking that things have become like this, the only way out is to put everything on Jiang Ruan. Then he lowered his head and said in a resentful tone: "Father, my daughter was made into such a state by someone! Father, you want to avenge your daughter!"

Hongying also understood at this moment, and hurriedly said: "Exactly, the second lady is innocent, and she fell into such a situation today, all because of being framed. The life of the second lady is really hard. No calamity."

Jiang Quan didn't know that there was such a thing. Hearing Jiang Susu and Hongying's harmony, he immediately said angrily: "Who has the courage to act wildly in the Shangshu Mansion? How dare you plot against my daughter of the Jiang family?"

That Jiang Susu is his jewel-like daughter, she was extremely angry just now, but now that she heard that she was framed, it seemed that all the anger in her heart suddenly had an outlet, and now Jiang Quan only wanted to find out the person who framed Jiang Susu Torn into pieces.

"Yes... Big Sister..." Jiang Susu uttered a few words with great difficulty, covering her face and sobbing as if she couldn't bear it: "It was Big Sister who knocked me unconscious and sent me there, and King Jinying , he is also supporting the big sister."

Jiang Susu put all the responsibility on Jiang Ruan and Xiao Shao, but she didn't know that Hongying's face changed and she cursed a fool secretly. Speaking of it, although Jiang Susu is a little clever, in the end they are all petty tricks that are not on the table. Compared with Xia Yan, she is still far behind. It is also because Xia Yan protected her so well that she didn't need to worry about other things since she was a child. Jiang Susu really has no brains. She can only deceive people with the appearance of a fairy, just like her current The reason, full of loopholes, is really not very clever.

Jiang Quan was still listening to Jiang Susu wholeheartedly, but after Jiang Susu finished speaking, his face darkened. He stared at this daughter as if he didn't know him. Jiang Susu waited for Jiang Quan to find trouble with Jiang Ruan in anger, and suddenly found that something was wrong. Jiang Quan's eyes made her feel a little scared, and whispered: "Father, what are you doing?" See me that way?"

"Naughty girl," Jiang Quan's voice was trembling, and seeing Jiang Susu's obviously stunned expression, he said coldly: "You said King Jinying and Jiang Ruan jointly harmed you, one of them is the princess, the other is the prince, Why come to frame you. But you, what's the matter with this clothes?"

Jiang Susu shrank back, her tone extremely aggrieved: "Father, you actually help outsiders, I'm your daughter!"

"I don't have such an unfaithful and lowly daughter like you!" Jiang Quanxu was furious and roared. Even Hongying was surprised when he heard such unsavory words. Jiang Quan treats this daughter with all his heart and loves her the most, but now he scolds her like this, obviously disappointed in Jiang Susu from the bottom of his heart.

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