The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 328 Unbearable (3)

"Help you," Jiang Quan's face was gloomy and terrifying: "What kind of plan did you have? My Jiang family has such an ignorant daughter who wants to climb into King Jinying's bed! See clearly, what is King Jinying?" Man, if you want to die, my Jiang family can't afford to lose this person, and I can't afford to pay for this life!"

Jiang Quan has been immersed in the officialdom for many years, so he is not stupid. Jiang Susu's words are full of loopholes. Although Xiao Shao is cold and fierce, he is not a person who takes the initiative to provoke trouble. Such a person has pride in his bones, and if he hadn't been annoyed, he wouldn't take it easily. Jiang Susu must have annoyed him somewhere, and looking at Jiang Susu's attire, plus what happened later, Jiang Quan knew a little about his daughter, so he guessed why?

At this moment, Jiang Quan couldn't tell whether he was more disappointed or angry. He was angry that Xiao Shao and Jiang Ruan were so merciless, and also hated Jiang Susu's reckless actions, offending Xiao Shao without considering the consequences. Who is King Jinying? He is someone who even the emperor dares to refute. If he is annoyed, there will be no good fruit to eat.

What disappointed Jiang Quan even more was Jiang Susu's actions. If Jiang Quan had anything to be proud of in his life, Jiang Susu should be one of them. He has always been proud of his daughter. Jiang Susu is beautiful and refined, her talent spread far and wide, if it wasn't for Xia Yan's incident, the famous sons and daughters in the capital would be vying to chase after her. In Jiang Quan's heart, Jiang Susu is worthy of any man, and only the highest status can bring out the extraordinaryness of his daughter. But now this daughter is as self-sufficient as other brothel girls, and even tries to climb other people's bed by all means. At first, he still had a fluke mentality, thinking that if the eighth prince fell in love with Jiang Susu, it would be good to fight for Jiang Susu's future in the future. But now that this matter happened, the Eighth Prince's side would definitely be out of luck.

Jiang Susu had never seen Jiang Quan like this before, and she felt a little scared in her heart. She hugged Jiang Quan's legs and cried loudly: "Father, Susu knew she was wrong, and Susu was also dazed for a while. Susu saw that her eldest sister married so well, but she had such a reputation. I don't know what kind of family I will marry. Thinking that King Jinying values ​​his sister, Susu is willing to be a concubine, and she should have a good life under the protection of her eldest sister. But I didn't expect to become like this, Daddy, Susu knew it was wrong, Daddy, don't ignore Susu."

Jiang Quan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Jiang Susu's words stuck in his heart. Thinking of Xia Yan since the accident, this daughter has locked herself in the yard all day and never came out, thinking that she is a boudoir girl and has to pay the price for her mother's immorality. Worrying about whether she would be able to marry into a good family every day, it even made a daughter-in-law think of becoming a concubine herself. Jiang Quan felt a little guilty again, in the final analysis it was his father's fault. Once the balance in my heart is biased towards Jiang Susu, Jiang Quan is very unkind when looking at Jiang Ruan. After all, the blood of Jiang's family is flowing in his heart, and Jiang Ruan doesn't think about brotherhood at all. He didn't take his father seriously at all, did he really think that someone would support him?

Jiang Quan snorted: "Forget it, I'll think of a way to do this, you don't go out these few days, where is Jiang Ruan? Call her here!"

This is to ask the teacher to inquire about the crime. Hongying and Jiang Susu let go of their faces at the same time, and the disaster is diverted. Although Jiang Ruan has a good plan, he can't hold back Jiang Quan. Jiang Quan is the one who decides in the house. Naturally, if Jiang Ruan wants to call him father, he will not get any benefits in the house.

At this moment, a strange man dressed as a guard came in and clasped his fists at Jiang Quan: "Go back to Mr. Jiang, my master said that the young lady is not feeling well, so take the young lady back to the palace to be seen by Doctor Xia." gone."

When Jiang Quan heard this, his heart was even more blocked. Jiang Ruan's move is obviously a draw from the bottom of the pot, he can't ask for someone from the Jinying Palace, but Jiang Ruan's move is really too sinister. If it was Jiang Ruan's servant girl who came, Jiang Quan could still vent his anger, but this person is Xiao Shao's subordinate, he could not be beaten or scolded, Jiang Quan could only respond with an ugly face.

The guard scratched his head, and suddenly took a look at Hongying. Hongying was a little numb from that look, and the next moment, he heard the guard's voice full of concern: "By the way, the young lady also said that the mansion My aunt has been running around all day while pregnant, she is really tired, so I specially asked the prince to take the post to invite the imperial physician in the palace, and he will be here after a while, so I can take a good look at my aunt's body, so as not to hurt the baby in her belly brother."

Hongying's body froze, and her complexion turned a little pale. Subconsciously, she wanted to refuse, but her words stopped when she reached her mouth. If she refused at this moment, she would be guilty of a guilty conscience. With Xia Yan's lessons learned, Jiang Quan He must be more vigilant about these things, and once he finds any clues, he must investigate and find out. But if he obediently stayed where he was, after that... it would be another bloodbath.

Her body began to tremble uncontrollably. If something went wrong at this juncture when Jiang Quan was already in a bad mood, what would happen to her? Now it's hard to get off a tiger, and the two pillows stuffed into Hongying's belly suddenly weighed more than a thousand catties.

After the guard finished speaking, he punched Jiang Quan and retreated. Although Jiang Quan was very displeased with Jiang Ruan, not everyone could get an imperial doctor. Today, Hongying was running around all day because she was afraid of hurting the child in her stomach. If an imperial doctor came to see her, she would surely Much safer. He didn't think about what Xiao Shao would do to the imperial physician. Firstly, Xiao Shao's behavior was irrelevant, and secondly, Hongying was only pregnant. If there was any problem, he could ask another doctor. Looking at it, it is not so easy to fake this kind of thing.

Jiang Quan was relieved, but he didn't notice Hongying's stiff face. Just at this moment, suddenly heard another servant rushing in from outside, saying: "Master, it's not good!"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Quan was overwhelmed by all the things today, and felt a little overwhelmed. When he heard this again, he shouted impatiently.

The young man was taken aback, looked at Jiang Quan timidly, and then said in a low voice: "A lot of people came outside, all of them were beating gongs and drums. Second Miss's body is willing to become Second Miss's husband... In the future, he and the Jiang family will be in-laws."

"What—" Jiang Susu screamed before Jiang Quan could reply.


And at this moment, in the carriage following Xiao Shao back home, Luzhu asked: "Girl, will it be too cheap for Second Miss and Fifth Concubine? The master will definitely find a way to protect them. Isn't it a waste of time for the girl to do this?" G?"

"No." Jiang Ruan looked at the snacks and tea on the small table in the carriage, Xiao Shao had everything in the carriage, but he was very considerate and made people feel extremely comfortable. Even desserts are made according to her favorite taste.

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