The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 333 Selfishness (1)

She raised her head and looked at Ye Pei seriously again. But she was surprised to find that she really couldn't connect the young boy in front of her with the child in her memory. The child in front of him has not yet grown up in stature, but he already has the faint air of an emperor. Those eyes are as transparent as glass, but he can't see the bottom no matter what. There is always a bright smile on his face, even if he is reprimanded. Emotions and anger are not visible, is this child so silent?

Ye Pei noticed her eyes, and smiled slightly: "So, it's not that the hall doesn't spare you, it's really powerless." After finishing speaking, he turned around lightly, and the auspicious beast embroidered on the corner of his robe stretched its teeth and claws, and a dark light flashed across the night. His voice drifted over with the wind in the moonlight, full of immature cruelty.

"Stand dead."

The maid suddenly understood and screamed: "Your Highness, don't—no—" Immediately afterwards, she struggled and whimpered with her mouth gagged, and a few thick women picked up the maid and dragged her away. Everyone was silent, watching the immature Highness turn around and sit back on the chair at the door, looking calm and breezy.

The eunuchs and maids in this yard are mixed together, and there are few who have never bullied Ye Pei, but now they are watching their noses, noses, noses, and hearts, and dare not say a word. After seeing Ye Pei's tricks, how could they dare to have other thoughts, only timid.

Just now that maid was originally Ye Pei's personal maid, and she has been bullying the master for so many years, but she has a backer behind her, she can be regarded as an eyeliner, but she may feel that there is no future for the unknown thirteenth prince, so she acts Unscrupulous. Since testifying for Jiang Ruan last time, Ye Pei's actions have been a little unusual, but the palace maid has not noticed it yet, and she is still so arrogant. I don't want Ye Pei to be the first to take her under the knife, and just find a reason to stick her dead.

It's not that they didn't think about it before, but they just felt that the thirteenth prince is still a child under ten years old, and he is cautious and soft-hearted. What's more, although this close maid is a slave to bully the master, she can speak and coax her with her mouth. Ye Pei was so happy, it was inevitable that he would invite him if he couldn't read it. Who knew that this little master was so decisive, he made a decision without thinking at all. For a moment, the people in the courtyard couldn't help but think again, some were happy about it, and some were shocked and yelled that it was not good.

Ye Pei smiled and glanced at the people in the courtyard. Everyone was caught by those eyes. For some reason, they felt that the child was aggressive and dared not look directly at him, but they were shocked by his aura. Ye Pei said slowly: "One of them was killed, and you will take the place of the maid." He casually pointed to a maid in the crowd, who was assigned to Ye Pei's courtyard two days ago. , was still a third-class maid, but was suddenly promoted to a first-class maid, and she immediately bowed down and said: "My servant, Mingyue, thank Your Highness for your kindness."

The second-class maids in the courtyard originally looked at this opportunity and planned to express themselves, but they didn't want to be run away by a newcomer. They were all unhappy and wanted to say a few words. Facing Ye Pei's smiling expression, he couldn't help shivering. Thinking that this little master is no longer something he could fool at will, he could only suppress the unhappiness in his heart and hold it back.

Ye Pei waved his hand and looked at Mingyue: "You come in with the main hall, and everyone else retreats."

The servants looked at each other in blank dismay, and several maids gave Mingyue a glare before leaving one after another. Ye Pei turned around and entered the room, sat down at the desk in the room, Mingyue closed the door and walked in, standing still in front of Ye Pei. Only then did Ye Pei raise his head, looked at Mingyue and said, "King Jinying sent you here?"

Mingyue nodded.

Ye Pei frowned: "Mind your own business." The way he frowned was a bit childish only at this age, more like a child having a temper tantrum.

Mingyue thought for a while: "It was Princess Hong'an who said that His Highness lacked someone who knew kung fu, so the master sent the slaves here."

"It's her!" Ye Pei sat up straight all of a sudden, he is small now, and it looks a little funny when he sits on an oversized chair. However, she was in a very good mood, and said: "I knew that with King Jinying's temperament, it would be impossible to be so kind. It's because she has a good heart and thoughtful thoughts."

Putting this on Xiao Shao is meddling, but on Jiang Ruan it is kind and considerate, the difference is too big. Mingyue forced herself to hold back her laughter, and said: "Your Highness and the princess are also destined to come here, and their expressions and behaviors are 70% similar."

Hearing this, Ye Pei became even happier, squinted his eyes and smiled, and said: "Naturally, she is me..." His words stopped suddenly, and he continued: "I am the one who will help to testify."


Jiang Susu's disappearance for no reason was eventually revealed. The dozen or so guards who followed them didn't realize something was wrong until the dawn of the east the next day, and no one answered after calling a few times, only then did they realize that there was only one dead maid in the carriage, and there was no lady. figure.

After the dozen or so guards panicked and went back to Shangshu Mansion to report the matter to Jiang Quan, Jiang Quan was so angry that he almost fainted. However, the guards also made it clear that Jiang Susu killed the close maid and pretended to be a close maid and escaped by herself. She couldn't blame others. Other than that, I couldn't speak anymore. It's just that the lady of Tangtang Yifu escaped by herself and her whereabouts are unknown. It is not an innocent thing to say that she went out. The dozen or so guards must not be able to survive. Jiang Quan ordered these people to be dealt with. Maybe these guards knew they were wronged, and they didn't know what method they used to expose the matter before they died. For a while, the whole capital knew that Jiang Quan had lost his second lady.

Since these days, Shangshu Mansion has been on the cusp of the storm, walking in the streets and alleys, people talking about it everywhere has something to do with the Jiang family. Jiang Quan went mad with anger, but it was difficult for everyone to talk about it, and Jiang Ruan was brought back to the Jinying Palace by Xiao Shao, otherwise he would go to the palace to accompany Empress Dowager Yide. In this way, Jiang Quan vented his resentment on Xiaochan's Hongying even more. Hongying was already weak, and Jiang Quan beat and kicked her like this every day, intending to torture her to death. Hongying knew that there was no way out, so she swallowed gold and died in one night.

An aunt, who fell out of favor again, died as soon as she died. Jiang Quan didn't even ask someone to prepare a coffin for her, and asked his mother-in-law to roll up a broken mat and throw it into the mass grave. A generation of beauties passed away, but they couldn't tell whether it was embarrassing or pitiful.

So in the huge Jiang family, apart from Tongfang Lianye, who lives in seclusion, there is no concubine Ji anymore. Jiang Quan was hit hard because of this, and he often stood in the courtyard in a daze. The soft words of Yingying, Yanyan, and Yanyan in the past formed a stark contrast with the desolation, indifference and depression.

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