The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 334 Selfishness (2)

The person sent to search for Jiang Susu has not been able to find it for a long time. Jiang Chao is more anxious than Jiang Quan. Jiang Chao and Jiang Susu are brothers and sisters of the same mother. Although annoyed that Jiang Susu was so impulsive, he still asked Ye Li for help and sent a group of people to search for Jiang Susu's whereabouts. Now he can be considered useful to Ye Li, and Ye Li has always been able to act as a wise gentleman of the corporal, so he will help him with all his strength.

Ye Li's people are indeed much more useful than the servants of the Jiang family. At least the people sent by Jiang Quan have not found out the whereabouts. Ye Li's men have already reported to Jiang Chao: "Young master, we have found the whereabouts of Miss Jiang. .”

At that time, Jiang Chao was practicing calligraphy in the study, and he couldn't calm down no matter what, his handwriting was crooked. Hearing this, his hands trembled immediately, and a large drop of ink fell on the snow-white rice paper, forming large ink flowers. He raised his head and asked eagerly, "Where is she?"

"This..." The guard looked a little embarrassed, and he didn't look at the opening for a long time. A bad premonition suddenly rose in Jiang Chao's heart, and he couldn't care about anything else. He grabbed his collar and shouted: "What's the matter?" Already!"

"Return to your son." The guard was taken aback by Jiang Chao's appearance, and he didn't dare to hide any more, saying: "The spies came to report and found out that the second lady was kidnapped and taken to a den of thieves. It's been a few days... It's day."

With a "snap", Jiang Chao could no longer hold the pen in his hand, and the fine white jade penny fell to the ground with a crisp sound, which was very clear in the silent room. The guard felt that the surrounding atmosphere was frighteningly stagnant, and he lowered his head motionless, not daring to look at Jiang Chao's expression.

I don't know how long the terrible silence passed before I heard Jiang Chao's gnashing of teeth: "Prepare the horse."

"Young Master?" The guard was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but stare at Jiang Chao. I saw that those slightly gloomy eyes were filled with deep hatred and madness at the moment, and there was almost no doubt that he would destroy everything in the next moment. With those terrifying eyes, the expression was very calm, to the point of being distorted. He said: "Come on, come with me to save Second Miss."


The sunlight in the deep mountains seems to be covered by the dense shade of the trees, and only a few spots of sunlight shine down. The dilapidated village is like an abandoned bead embedded in the mountains. It has been worn and blackened, but it still stubbornly stays where it is.

The door opened with a "squeak". A woman came out of it.

The woman was wearing a coarse linen jacket that was cut down from a man's clothes. The trouser legs were too long and pulled half way, revealing a pair of fair calves, but the white calves were covered with spots of bruises. The same goes for the arms and neck—the clothes are too big, and even if they are made smaller, they still won't fit. She has a very beautiful appearance, she has a bit of a fairy appearance, but because of too much haggardness, she looks a bit old, and there are thick blue and black eyes, which greatly reduces the beauty of her appearance. She has fair skin and a slender figure. If she wears beautiful clothes and dresses up a bit, she will be able to overwhelm everyone. Unfortunately, this woman is just a haggard looking peasant woman.

With a basket in her hand, she went out the door, walked to a stream not far from the village and squatted down, took out clothes that smelled of alcohol from the basket, and began to scrub slowly. . She washed very slowly, her green and white hands were worn out from such activities, and her hands were red and swollen from going deep into the cold river water. It was obvious that she was not used to doing these things before, even so, she was still scrubbing slowly. This woman is none other than Jiang Susu.

Around her, there are many women like her washing clothes by the river, all of them are wearing naked clothes, some are beautiful, some are a little mediocre, but everyone has the same expression, Showing a kind of ashes-like numbness, his eyes are dull, and he seems to be used to this kind of life.

The sun rose from the east, but it brought no warmth. Jiang Susu washed very seriously, her eyes no longer had the disdain and sarcasm of the previous few days, showing a kind of numb obedience.

In the past few days, she lived a life like hell. The women in this village are all men's appendages, tools for them to vent their anger. They also wash, cook, and mend their clothes on weekdays. Robbers never show mercy. It doesn't matter if you are a lady or a girl from a small family, if you don't satisfy them, you will fight with each other. Every woman here has been beaten.

This is not the most painful thing, the most painful thing is that once it is night, you have to serve several men at the same time, which is worse than the women in the brothel. If a woman in a brothel is a red card, she probably still has to carry some, but here, women have no dignity at all. At night, these beasts only want to vent their animal desires. Women's lifespan here is not long, and no one can accept such a long life. The toss of time.

It's not that they haven't thought about running away, but the people here have their own way of dealing with women who run away. They catch them back and beat them severely, and then lock them up and repeat the nightmare they had at night. But in a few days, Jiang Susu didn't have a good spot on her body anymore. Among this group of women, she has the best appearance and the most delicate skin, and she is a newcomer. Almost every man is full of interest in her. Therefore, her life was extremely miserable.

In such a place, those so-called charms are useless, and it is very useful to deal with the sons of noble families. But in this barren mountain, there is nothing to do except to arouse more men's animal desires. It's just because these bandits and thieves don't know how to be compassionate and cherish jade at all, and they only have tyranny and plunder in their bones. Therefore, in a short period of time, Jiang Susu has almost changed into another person.

After she finished washing her clothes, she was about to go back to the house to collect firewood and make a fire for cooking. She didn't think she was halfway there when she heard a lot of horseshoes rolling in. The leader stopped the horse in front of her, rolled over and called out. One voice: "Sister!"

Jiang Susu raised her head sluggishly, it seemed that it took her a long time to see the person in front of her clearly, she was taken aback for a moment, and called out: "Brother."

Jiang Chao looked at Jiang Susu in disbelief. In his heart, Jiang Susu had always been spotless and beautiful, and there was never a speck of dust on his body. Who is this dirty, haggard, smelly woman now? Is it his younger sister who is Yanguan Jingcheng?

Jiang Susu looked at Jiang Chao, blinked her eyes, suddenly her eyes turned red, and two lines of tears rolled down her eyes, she couldn't care about anything else, she hugged Jiang Chao tightly, and cried, "Brother, why are you here now! "

When Jiang Chao was hugged by Jiang Susu, a disgusting stench immediately filled the tip of his nose. The siblings have always lived a pampered and affluent life in the Chiang Mansion. They look down on the poor from the bottom of their hearts and think they are superior to others. Jiang Chao was startled when he saw Jiang Susu in such a state of embarrassment. When Jiang Susu hugged him like this, he subconsciously stretched out his hand and pushed Jiang Susu away, but when he stretched out his hand, he was stunned, looking at the red marks on Jiang Susu's neck.

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