But Xia Yan didn't think about it, if she really cared about her mother, why didn't she ask a question for such a long time. No matter how busy Jiang Chao is on weekdays, it would be good to send a boy over to check on the situation. Just like when Jiang Ruan was sent to Zhuangzi to be bullied, these people dared to act like this because of Jiang Chao's indifferent attitude towards Xia Yan. Jiang Chao is not that stupid yet, he naturally knows that Xia Yan is likely to be bullied when he is sent to Zhuangzi, but he is indifferent, the selfishness of this person has reached the extreme. Although Xia Yan is vicious, she is still a caring mother. Everything she does is paving the way for Jiang Chao's two brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, these two brothers and sisters are also self-serving, and they don't take this mother into their hearts.

Jiang Chao glanced at Xia Yan, and suddenly said: "Mother, my sister is dead."

Xia Yan was taken aback, and looked at Jiang Chao in shock.

But Jiang Chao continued: "She fell into someone else's trap and angered her father, who wanted to send her to be an aunt in the nunnery, but she refused, so she escaped at night and was caught in the den of thieves, insulted and killed herself. die."

He said every word calmly, but every single word stabbed Xia Yan in the heart. Xia Yan let out a scream from his throat, but could no longer speak. Only two lines of tears kept falling.

"Why... didn't you protect her well?" She asked with difficulty.

"I protect her?" Jiang Chao sneered: "How can I protect her? As the mother of my sister and me, shouldn't mother protect us? Do you know how my sister fell into someone else's trick? My sister wants to seduce Jinying The king is willing to be a concubine! Does mother know why my sister's dignified daughter-in-law wants to be a concubine? Because her mother's reputation is bad, no one has proposed marriage to her sister until now! That bitch Jiang Ruan has already been given a marriage by the queen mother to King Jinying. But the younger sister will be neglected because of the corruption of the mother's virtue, and the younger sister's death is caused by the mother alone!"

Xia Yan was shocked all over, and looked at Jiang Chao in disbelief. She was obviously being calculated about that matter back then, even if others doubted her virtue, Jiang Chao is her biological son, how could he say such a thing!

But she didn't know that Jiang Chao couldn't hold his head up in front of his colleagues because his reputation was ruined. Today, Jiang Chao accused Jiang Susu of dying because of her, but he was actually venting his resentment! He blames Xia Yan!

"No...it's not me..." Xia Yan said.

Jiang Chao shook his head: "It's not important, mother, it's just that I promised my sister to avenge her. Now that King Jinying and Jiang Ruan are both higher in rank than me, I can only avenge my sister if I improve my official career." Looking at Xia Yan, a strange light flashed in his eyes: "Mom, as long as you are here, I will have a reason to be criticized, and I will never be able to be promoted in a dignified manner."

It took Xia Yan a long while to understand the meaning of Jiang Chao's words. She stared at her son as if she didn't know him: "You...want me to die?"

"Since my mother loves my brothers and sisters so much, I want to fulfill my sister's wish. Now I really can't think of any other way." Jiang Chao's voice was low, but there was no trace of guilt: "Mother is a smart person, and she always doesn't want that bitch Jiang Ruan to crawl Go to your son."

"Niezi..." Xia Yan panted heavily, "Get lost!"

Jiang Chao shook his head: "The son came this time because blood is thicker than water and wanted to make his mother feel better. If the mother is so ungrateful, the son has to give up. It's just...some things, the process is not important, but the result is important, isn't it?" ?”

"You want to kill me?" Xia Yan's eyes widened.

"No, I believe my mother will figure it out, won't you?" He smiled slowly, showing his white teeth, but he no longer had the bright posture of the past, and looked like a crazy beast under the lights. He said: "The beams in this house are high enough, mother, if you trade your life for a clean reputation, mother knows what is the best deal?"

He walked out the door.


The weather is getting colder.

It rained all night, and the air was much fresher the next day. Zisu pushed open the window, and the branches in front of the window still had raindrops from yesterday's night rain, which were crystal clear, whirled and fell into the soil below. The room was immediately filled with a unique fragrance of soil after rain.

Jiang Ruan washed up and had breakfast before walking to the window, Luzhu hurried into the room, put the rose crisp tea in her hand on the table, blinked at Jiang Ruan, and suddenly said in a low voice: " Miss, the eldest lady is gone."

Jiang Ruan let out a "hmm" and sat down on the chair by the window. The rose cake brought back by the dew looked very delicious, with a little pink color, and under the morning sun, it looked more moist and lovely. She slowly twisted a piece, with the dessert in her snow-white fingertips, showing a little unique coquettishness.

Luzhu continued: "Second Miss is gone, and Fifth Aunt is gone too."

Three people died in succession, but Jiang Ruan's expression did not change at all, as if he had already expected the ending. It seemed that a trace of boredom flashed in his eyes very quickly, but this expression was too short to be noticed by anyone.

"The spies under the lord saw it with their own eyes." Luzhu was a little anxious about Jiang Ruan's reaction, and said quickly: "It was the second young master who took the team to find the second lady, but somehow killed the second lady. After returning to the mansion, he told the master It is said that the second young lady was kidnapped by bandits and killed herself. As for the fifth aunt, she swallowed the gold and died by herself." Luzhu thought for a while: "The eldest lady is a little strange, I heard that the second young master went to the Zhuangzi last night Visiting Madam, in the middle of the night, someone found that he had committed suicide with a piece of white silk. But for the time being, the master kept quiet about it, and I don’t know why.”

Jiang Ruan said indifferently: "It's not surprising, now three people died in the mansion, just Hongying, and there is only one aunt on the left. The rumors of the Jiang family are already in Beijing, my father is so cautious, so naturally he will not add fuel to the flames at this time."

Luzhu suddenly realized: "So that's the case. But why did the eldest lady commit suicide? And the second young master, who killed the second young lady just to free the second young lady, is really too much."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Jiang Ruan's eyes, and his tone was shockingly cold: "He didn't do this to let Jiang Susu get rid of him as soon as possible. He just didn't want Jiang Susu to become a stumbling block in his official career. Jiang Susu is alive One day, in the future, it may become evidence that he is criticized by others, and my second brother wants to climb up, so of course he will destroy this evidence with his own hands."

Luzhu gasped, she didn't expect so much. Because no matter how Jiang Chao and his sister treat Jiang Ruan, they always stand on the united front, and the relationship between brothers and sisters is not fake. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chao was able to abandon and kill his sister for his own selfish desires, which is really not terrible.

Although Luzhu was born in the market, her knowledge is wider than that of Zisu and Forsythia, but she is inherently kind. Unexpectedly, when it comes to these dark and dirty things, she always holds the view that human nature is inherently good. Jiang Ruan is different. To some extent, she is extremely skeptical of human nature and firmly believes that human nature is inherently evil. Things that are difficult for others to consider, come to her, she can think of them naturally.

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