She continued: "As for Xia Yan's death, it was only provoked by Jiang Chao. My second brother is now a broken pot. He is so reckless, obviously he wants to give it a go. I'm afraid it will be soon. , is about to do something big.”

Hearing what Jiang Ruan said, Lu Zhu was startled, and said: "Then they are going to deal with the girl?"

"I'm afraid they didn't move." Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, but that smile was a little cold in Luzhu's eyes, and she said: "I also want to see, who is the winner in this match."

Luzhu didn't speak, but suddenly remembered something after a while, and said: "Girl, I heard from Jin Er that Prince Xiao will go to war in five days."

Jiang Ruan paused slightly, lowered her eyes, five days, is it so fast?


Xiao Shao was reading the booklet in the study, and the military information passed on by the frontier horse was full of crises, just looking at it made people feel the tension of the situation. Jiang Xin's whereabouts were unknown, Guan Lianghan was wounded again, and the morale of the army was low. The Jin army had somehow changed their tactics many times, and hit by surprise. If this continues, the remaining army will be wiped out.

On his left is a marching map, even if thousands of miles away, he must control the overall situation. Everyone in the world knows that King Jinying is a young hero who is in charge of hundreds of thousands of royal guards, but no one has seen his wisdom in strategizing for victory thousands of miles away. It will take more than a month to go back and forth from the capital to the border, and now I can only write down the defense method and send it to the border for the time being.

There was no sound in the room, and all Jin Yiwei retreated. He hadn't closed his eyes all night, carefully studied the enemy's formation and hadn't eaten anything until now.

The door was pushed open suddenly, Xiao Shao's heart moved, he smelled the aroma of food at the tip of his nose, but he was a little surprised to see someone coming, Jiang Ruan came by himself with snacks and porridge.

These days, although she lived in the Jinying Palace, the two of them strictly abided by the etiquette and never made any transgressive things. What's more, Xiao Shao usually sees the head and sees the dragon, runs outside during the day, and comes back at night to study military formations, and the two rarely even meet each other. Jiang Ruan is even more desolate, and she can live comfortably in the Jinying Palace every day, but she doesn't even want to leave the courtyard.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ruan came in person now, Xiao Shao was stunned, Jiang Ruan had already walked to him, put down the snacks and porridge, and said: "I have tasted the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and chicken porridge made in the kitchen, and they taste very good , eat." She did all this very naturally, as if she had done it thousands of times. Xiao Shao glanced at her in surprise, but didn't move.

"You haven't eaten all day." Jiang Ruan said: "You want to starve to death in your own house?"

Jiang Ruan is always gentle with others, and always maintains a smile on her face, which makes her facial features look vivid and bright. However, when one looked carefully, the smile did not reach the bottom of the eyes, as if it was just a well-made mask, after all, it made people feel a little alienated. And she rarely leaked her emotions. Except for those close to her, even when she faced Jiang Xin, she mostly had a comforting expression, and never had any particularly unhappy expression.

In her bones, she is a person who can distinguish between likes and hates, but whether it is love or hate, it is hidden under a smiling expression. This makes her smile a bit intriguing. The same smile may have different meanings. For example, right now, she is clearly smiling, but the reproach and displeasure in that gaze was finally caught by someone.

Xiao Shao gave a "hmm", then took the spoon in Jiang Ruan's hand, took a sip of the porridge slowly and tasted it, only felt that today's porridge was particularly delicious, Xiao Shao quickly finished the porridge.

Jiang Ruan sat down opposite him and asked, "I heard you're leaving soon?"

She asked so bluntly, but Xiao Shao didn't feel anything wrong, and replied: "Not bad."

" careful." Jiang Ruan thought for a while, and then ordered. After all, I still want to marry this person in front of me in the future, no matter what he is, now it seems that Xiao Shao has been helping her unconditionally. In this life, she no longer trusts people easily, but Xiao Shao is an exception. She paused, and said: "I will guard the Jinying Palace for you."

Shocked by her words again, Xiao Shao couldn't help but look up at her.

Xiao Shao knows what kind of person Jiang Ruan is. Xiao Shao has seen it clearly since the first time he met her. This girl is calm and decisive, ruthless and full of hostility. She seems to have many secrets. His heart was stubbornly sealed in a corner. It looks like a heartless person, but in fact it is not. She risked everything for Jiang Xinzhi regardless of her life, and she also did not hesitate to alienate herself in order to preserve the Zhao family. Even Ye Pei, who had only met once in the palace, would help. She is actually a very protective person, but there are too few people who can be protected by her.

What she said today was actually a promise. This is a promise to him, she is saying that Jinying Palace will become part of her responsibility from now on. I will protect it for you...

The young girl in front of her has bright eyes and bright teeth. Her brows are picturesque, different from Jiang Susu's beauty, and her facial features have never been unsophisticated in her life. Now she is gradually shedding her childishness, and she already shows a bit of peerless beauty. Those eyes that are as moist as the clear springs of a mountain stream have faint hooks at the end of the eyes, forming an excellent charm on its own. And when she smiled shallowly, it seemed that the sunset clouds in the sky were reflected in her eyes.

Xiao Shao thought that he had seen countless beauties in his life, and at this moment, he couldn't help admitting that the girl in front of her could indeed bear the four words "disaster for the country and demon girl". If she had the ambition to do this, and seduced her carefully, and met the emperor who loves beauty, she might really overthrow the country because of her. So sometimes even he is not confident, as if this person will be snatched away at any time.

"You don't need to do this." Xiao Shao looked at her and said, "Prince Jinying's mansion will protect you, if you can't protect it, you don't have to bother about it."

Jiang Ruan is a protector at heart, and Xiao Shao is even more so. Back then, the Hundred Thousand Jinyi Guards had no leader, and Xiao Shao was still young, so the emperor didn't dare to hand over the power to him easily. Jin Yiwei became a hot potato. At that time, everyone said that such an elite team was only loyal to the Jinying Palace, and it was too difficult to truly subdue it. Everyone guessed that the emperor would disband this group of troops in the end. Rumors were rampant, and Jin Yiwei's life became extremely difficult. The army soldiers who were suppressed by them in the past beat them up one after another and made trouble. At that time, it was Xiao Shao who stood up and saved Jin Yiwei on the condition that he went deep into the Dongyi country to kill the leader of the rebel army. He can overthrow a palace for a small hidden guard in Jinyiwei, and he can also fight the powerful and powerful for the vain death of one of his own men. Xiao Shao's protection of shortcomings is well known, and because of this, Jin Yiwei respects him, loves him, and is willing to go through fire and water for him.

In a certain way, he and Jiang Ruan are actually very similar.

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