Ye Li shook his head: "This is your fault. You only saw Jiang Shangshu sending Jiang Dan into the palace, but you didn't see how much Jiang Dan did in it? Do you think that Jiang Dan and his father The encounter with the emperor was really just like what others said, it was just a coincidence, Jiang Dan was lucky?"

Jiang Chao didn't speak, it's not like he didn't have doubts, but Jiang Dan was so useless in his heart, so useless that he couldn't doubt her at all. With Jiang Dan's temperament and skills, how can he calculate the king of a country?

"Look, it's your fault." Ye Li sighed: "I think Jiang Shangshu is quite good at raising daughters. Both the young lady and the fourth lady of the Jiang family are really one in a million." He He glanced at Jiang Chao with a half-smile: "You, fourth sister, are a poisonous snake. I'm afraid you know how to forbear and hibernate better than you. Look—" He nodded towards Jiang Dan.

Jiang Chao followed his gaze and saw that Jiang Dan was laughing with all the court ladies, seeing that there was no airs of a palace beauty, no airs, his heart moved, and he saw Jiang Dan walking slowly behind Jiang Dan. figure.

It is the emperor.

The emperor just passed by the garden casually today, but he heard the woman's laughter from a long distance away, the voice was as clear as a silver bell, and it seemed as if he could be infected by the happiness in it. With a thought in his mind, he deliberately walked around in a circle, wanting to see who it was.

I was a little dazed when I saw this, and I saw a woman standing among the maids, holding a flower basket in one hand and a whole begonia that had just fallen from a branch in the other, with a slight smile on her face, and her eyes were full of smiles. The crescent moon is shining, very cute. She was wearing a peach-colored embroidered skirt and a small emerald gown on top, which was bright and attractive, and possessed a unique charm of youth. Her appearance can only be regarded as delicate and beautiful, but her every move seems to have a unique charm, which is charming but not artificial, natural and full of vitality. Even among a crowd of court ladies, people can notice her at a glance.

The emperor stepped forward and said, "What's your name?"

The woman seemed startled, turned around, and blushed the moment she saw the emperor, she must have been laughing for a long time, and there were some glistening beads of sweat on her forehead, she really looked very cute. She lowered her head, seemed a little at a loss and flustered, paused, and then said: "Chenqie...Chenqie calls Jiang Dan."

"It's you—" when she spoke, the emperor had already recognized her face: "The person who talked with me all night was you."

The emperor has a lot of things to do every day. He has seen too many beauties on weekdays. Therefore, it is difficult for someone to leave traces in his heart. And the girl with a simple nature that night was just a glimpse in the emperor's heart, and he forgot about her when he promoted her rank. The sudden meeting today gave him another feeling of astonishment. sense. It was very difficult for the emperor not to pay attention to Jiang Dan at this time. If the previous time was just a prelude, then the current Jiang Dan has already left a unique impression among the emperors. This impression is completely different from Wang Meiren and Mu Meiren. The emperor, who is used to seeing language flowers and ice beauties, will start to be fresh from this cluster of delicate vitality at this moment.

He smiled and said, "Get up and walk with me."

In the distance, Ye Li raised his eyebrows: "Did you see it? This is your fourth sister's method."

Jiang Chao stared in disbelief at Jiang Dan who was walking side by side with the emperor in the distance. Just at that moment, she smiled so cutely and cutely that even he couldn't help being shocked. This fourth younger sister has only one expression in the mansion, that is panic and timidity. But just now he was so confused by looking at it, he almost thought that it was not the same Jiang Dan he usually saw.

"It's not that she doesn't fight for it, it's that she's planning it." Ye Li smiled and said, "She's good at dormant, and she won't do things that can't be perfect. Just watch, this beauty Jiang will soon be favored. "

"But," Jiang Chao suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked, "How could she cooperate with us?"

"She has ambition in her eyes," Ye Li said, "A person with ambition will not be shy. Jiang Chao, when you have time, you should walk around with your fourth sister. She will definitely be tempted. Because she wants to sit in a higher position. And we also need someone who can speak in front of the father."

When Concubine Chen Gui was around, he was omnipotent. Because as long as Chen Guifei blows the pillow, the emperor will feel pity for him. But now that the imperial concubine has lost power, it is impossible for the remaining empress and concubine De to speak well of him. The emperor's attitude towards him is becoming more and more distant. Ye Li, who has always acted calmly, already feels anxious in his heart.

"Yes, Your Highness." Jiang Chao lowered his head: "King Jinying and Zhao Guang have been away for more than two months, and they should have arrived at the battlefield by now. The spies in front reported yesterday that the battle situation has been brought under control. If this continues..." He didn't say anything Going on, the smoother the battle situation ahead, the more unfavorable it will be for them. They can't hand over this great feat to King Jinying. Now Xiao Shao has almost made it clear that he will not stand by their side. Such a person cannot be used, only destroyed.

"Don't worry," Ye Li said lightly: "They can't win this battle, they will lose, what should they pay attention to?" A murderous look flashed across his eyes, and he stroked his cuff: "Notify Xia Cheng, you can Let's do it."

"Your Highness?" Jiang Chao was surprised: "So fast?"

"Night has long dreams." Ye Li sneered.


In Prince Jinying's mansion, Jiang Ruan is sitting in Xiao Shao's study, reading a book.

She has lived in Jinying Prince's Mansion for two months, and the servants here have tried their best to make her live comfortably. Perhaps it is so comfortable that she almost got used to the life here unconsciously. In the past two months, she went back to the mansion to wear filial piety for Xia Yan and Jiang Susu, and also met the new wife of Jiang's mansion, Xia Yue, a beautiful woman with a smiling face. But now she doesn't live in Jiang's mansion, and these things have nothing to do with her.

Xiao Shao's study is like a treasure, with all kinds of books. The place where Jiang Ruan stayed the longest was Xiao Shao's study. She read the notes written by Xiao Shao, and the more she looked at them, the more surprised she became, and some clues gradually surfaced about the things she had suspected before. But she didn't continue to speculate, everyone has their own secrets, and Xiao Shao also has them. What she cares more about now is the war in Tianjin Kingdom.

At this time in her previous life, she was in the midst of fierce battles in the palace, and she didn't pay much attention to the battles in the Tianjin Kingdom. In the letter to Jiang Xinzhi, she can already recall all the things that can help Jiang Xinzhi. Otherwise, she is really powerless.

But one thing that is certain now is that Ye Li will definitely make a move at this time. Now that the Zhao family is single and weak, and Xiao Shao is not in the capital, with Ye Li's temperament of taking advantage of others, he will not let this good moment go. The court structure is at a sensitive time, as long as a small move will lead to earth-shaking changes. What Ye Li is going to do, she can probably guess a thing or two.

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