Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the guard outside the door say: "Hey, Fourth Young Master, the Young Madam is inside."

A slightly deep male voice said: "It's nothing, I'll go in and have a look."

The door creaked and was pushed open, and Jiang Ruan looked at the person coming quietly. The visitor came suddenly, and Ben was also a little curious about the rumored young lady. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a young girl sitting in front of the desk, looking at her quietly against the light. Her appearance was a bit unreal due to the sunlight, only a pair of clear and wise eyes, which seemed to contain some kind of mockery of reality, stared at him calmly and indifferently.

I couldn't help being looked at by those eyes, someone touched his nose, coughed and said, "Sister-in-law San? I'm Qi Si, brother San called me here."

Jiang Ruan's eyes flickered, and he also looked at the person opposite. This is also a young man in his twenties, dressed in a purple robe embroidered with lotus, and he is considered handsome and handsome, but for some reason he has a beard around his mouth and chin. It was as if a beautiful young man had been ruined by someone, which was a bit abrupt. However, he has a gentle smile, and a pair of long eyes, which seem to be peach blossom eyes, but there is no frivolity in his eyes, and he looks upright.

This is Xiao Shao's fellow apprentice brother Qi Feng, who is ranked fourth, and learned court tricks in Mount Canaan. It's a pity that he has learned this skill well but can't show it to others easily. Over the years, he has been secretly helping Xiao Shao to assist Jin Yiwei. It was a surprise that Xiao Shao recalled him to Beijing now.

Qi Si took a serious look at Jiang Ruan, and suddenly smiled and said, "The third sister-in-law is really beautiful. At first, I thought that it would be too much for the third brother to call Xia Wu and me back to Beijing to protect the third sister-in-law. Now it seems that it is the fourth brother's blessing."

A small butterfly flapping its wings in the capital city can only fan a tiny gust of invisible wind. Whether the inexhaustible wind gathers together can become an irresistible storm tens of thousands of miles away, no one knows. Learned. But at this moment, the subtle changes that have taken place in the capital during this period of time do not seem to have spread to the battlefield thousands of miles away.

This is a vast and boundless desert, and there are dots of grass growing in the desert. The vegetation here is not rich, so there are not many cattle and sheep grazing here. At a glance, it was just a tent set up for marching and fighting. These tents are covered with thick felt jars to keep people from freezing at night.

In the innermost part of these tents that are arranged in a unique formation, there is a tent that is very strange. This tent looks very gorgeous, with thick tassels on it, but there are ten guards guarding it outside. These people Her clothes are slightly different from Da Jin's, and she looks like a foreigner.

A girl in an emerald green dress walked in with a basket in her hand. The guards outside saw this and let her go. The girl lowered her head all the way, and after entering the tent, she silently put the food basket in her hand. On the table, plates of food were brought out from inside. After everything was arranged, she whispered: "Vice General Jiang, the slave girl, Jin'er, is a new girl serving you, it's time for you to eat."

The man sitting on the chair in the tent raised his head, revealing a handsome face. His expression was a little pale, with a green stubble growing on his chin, but he didn't look embarrassed, on the contrary, he had a kind of unrestrained and unrestrained chic. . He was slightly taken aback when he heard the girl's voice, and then said after a while: "You can speak official language, are you from Dajin City?"

The girl lowered her head and said in a low voice: "The slaves are people from the capital of the Dajin Dynasty, who were captured by the Dongyi people. Those people wanted to find someone to serve the master, so they sent the slaves here."

Jiang Xinzhi slowly set his eyes on the girl. The girl is not very old, she is about sixteen or seventeen years old, her skin is delicate, her eyes are big and lively, but there is an obvious burn scar on her left cheek, which abruptly destroys the beauty of her entire face, making her feel uneasy. The face looked terrible. Thinking about it, it was precisely because of this face that she was sent here to serve him as a prisoner. Otherwise, she would have been replaced by a flowery girl, and there would be no bone scum left that was eaten by the soldiers here long ago. .

Jiang Xinzhi narrowed his eyes: "You are from the capital, how could you be taken captive here?"

Jin'er was stunned for a moment, then said: "The slaves are girls who wash clothes in the army of the Dajin Dynasty. A few days ago, I went out with a few sisters at night, and happened to meet a pair of stragglers, so I took the slaves back .”

There is no flaw in this statement, there will indeed be a group of female relatives with the army, who will be used for daily use during the march, mending and cleaning. These female family members usually live in other places, and Jiang Xinzhi naturally couldn't see them one by one. As for traveling at night and encountering stragglers, it is not impossible.

It's just that Jiang Xinzhi always felt that something was wrong when he heard the girl's words. He couldn't say it, so he could only frown slowly. It has been several months since he was arrested here, and he doesn't know what happened outside. These people grabbed him but treated him politely, lured him with high-ranking officials and generous salary, and spent every day in his tea restaurant. It made him unable to use all his strength, but he didn't kill him. He didn't know what these people wanted to do, but he was thinking of ways to escape every day.

He said: "Since you were arrested here a few days ago, you should know how the battle is going on outside?"

His captors isolated him from the outside world, and he had no way of knowing the specifics of the current battle situation. I don't know what the army of the Dajin Dynasty is like now. When he was captured, Guan Lianghan was also shot by an arrow. There cannot be no generals in the army for a day, and the war is precarious.

"General Guan is seriously injured and can no longer lead troops to go out." Jin'er whispered: "Now that the Dajin is retreating steadily, the Tianjin Kingdom is pressing harder and harder, and the Dajin army has been pushed to the Heiguan Cliff area. But Jiang You don’t have to worry about the vice general, I heard from my superiors that day that the imperial court has sent reinforcements, and King Jinying is leading one hundred thousand Jinyi guards on their way.”

Jiang Xinzhi frowned deeply when he heard the last sentence, but he couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard the last sentence: "King Jinying?" How tense the battle situation is now. Xiao Shao is the power hidden in the depths of the Da Jin Dynasty. It seems to be born to fight against a certain power, and it is hidden in the dark on weekdays. There may be some reasons for the emperor's tolerance towards Xiao Shao. Jiang Xinzhi is not a fool, and he can always guess something during the days when he fought with Guan Lianghan. However, this hidden power of the Great Jin Dynasty is now majestically appearing in the eyes of everyone, and it is even going to be brought into the battlefield. There will be a fierce battle with the Jin Kingdom in the sky. What happened in it?

He was thinking hard, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Jin'er secretly looking at him without blinking. Meeting his gaze, Jin'er was like a thief caught in the act, blushing and hastily lowered her head, not looking at him anymore.

Jiang Xinzhi keenly discovered that although this young girl had an ugly face, she also wore very ordinary clothes, and even kept saying that she was a slave. But that way of doing things is not a servant who is used to serving others. On the contrary, it even brings a bit of imperceptible nobility. Some people don't need to put on a demeanor, especially those who are raised in high-ranking families. Their behavior has been influenced by the family since they were young, and they will naturally show aristocratic air. The young girl in front of her didn't look like a servant, but a young lady. Compared with the young lady, she was a little less arrogant, like a pure and natural ordinary woman. But...it is not normal for an ordinary woman to appear in the enemy camp.

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