Jiang Xinzhi said slowly: "Since you are here to serve me, I will tell you that there have been three girls who served me in this tent before you came, and they all died in the end."

Jin'er was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him puzzled.

Jiang Xinzhi watched her expression closely, and continued to say unhurriedly: "Because they are all spies sent by these people, trying to deceive my trust, and want to get information from me. But I found out, I tried to expose them. They failed in their mission, so they were dragged out and killed by those people. Their death conditions were also very miserable, for example, before you came, I only cleaned up a corpse in my tent." His voice There is a kind of heavy depression, and there is also a kind of sharpness of the sword tip coming out of the sheath. The golden light suddenly bursts through the sky from the billowing dark clouds. He said: "Miss Jin'er, do you still want to stay by my side?"

Jin'er was taken aback by his sudden words, but after a while, she smiled and said, "The maidservant is only here to serve Vice General Jiang, so naturally she has to stay by Vice General Jiang's side. It's okay, Vice General Jiang should eat something first."

Jiang Xinzhi was taken aback for a moment, and when he met Shang Jin'er's eyes, he found that these eyes seemed a little familiar, but they were clear and crystal clear. What he just said is not false, but it is not necessarily true. Some of the servant girls are spies sent by the local government, and some of them are really Dajin people, and they are even willing to rescue him because he is in danger. It's a pity that they all died in the hands of these people in the end.

Just as he was talking, a person walked in from outside the tent, took a look at Jin'er, but didn't tell her to back down, obviously he ignored her as nothing. The man laughed when he saw Jiang Xinzhi's frown: "Vice General Jiang doesn't seem to be in a very happy mood today. Why, do you think it's boring here?"

This person was wearing a gray robe from top to bottom, covering his whole body tightly, only revealing a smooth and thin chin, and his thin lips looked very beautiful. The voice was that of a young man, with a gorgeous charm in his voice, but he didn't know why. He said, "Vice General Jiang, haven't you considered it yet?"

"You don't have to worry too much about me." Jiang Xinzhi smiled slightly: "I don't have what you want in me."

The man in gray approached him, slowly approaching Jiang Xinzhi, but his voice contained a hint of a faint smile, like a gorgeous tail string on a piano string, with some itchy arcs, but inexplicable It is frightening, for fear that the strings will be broken by the high-pitched voice in the next moment. The man in gray said: "Vice General Jiang, why do you have to hide anything at this time? I just want to know who gave you that letter of yours?"

"That letter" refers to the letter Jiang Ruansai sent to him when they parted a few years ago. Some raids, and even battles won and lost that will take place in the next few years. This letter gave Jiang Xinzhi a lot of help. In the past few years, he has been studying this letter from time to time, relying on this letter to either use his tricks or lure the king into the urn, perfectly destroying the enemy's sneak attacks time and time again. Won victory after victory.

However, there was a traitor in the army, and the traitor was actually Guan Lianghan's closest subordinate. The news came too suddenly. What's more, the subordinate knew the secret of this letter and even secretly exchanged with these people. The wind, this time, was calculated by the other party, on the one hand, personal safety, and on the other hand, the 100,000 army. With desperation, Jiang Xinzhi was forced to be captured, and Guan Lianghan was seriously injured.

And the content of this letter is indeed enough to make the enemy go crazy. A month ago, they tried some terrible ways to torture Jiang Xinzhi, but Jiang Xinzhi didn't let go. Later, they changed their minds and made offerings to Jiang Xinzhi's good life, promising high officials and rich salary, but Jiang Xinzhi still didn't let go.

Jiang Xinzhi is a person who doesn't stick to hard and soft, and these people must have become very familiar with Jiang Xinzhi's temper during the few months of getting along. But they still chose this method, there must be some other purpose, Jiang Xinzhi can't think of it for the time being. But there is one thing, he absolutely cannot give out Jiang Ruan's name.

Sometimes Jiang Xinzhi himself doubts how Jiang Ruan knew what might happen in the future. It seems that since Jiang Ruan was taken back to the capital from Zhuangzi many years ago, he has had some strange feelings. In front of him, Jiang Ruan was just a girl with a little indifference, maybe she was a little smart, but she could not predict the power of the prophet. Looking at the contents of the letter and recalling the past, such as the incident at the Bochang Reservoir, it was really puzzling. But in any case, whether Jiang Ruan is a demon or a ghost, that is his sister, and he will never do anything to hurt his sister. Once these people know that the letter was written by Jiang Ruan, they will definitely think about it. Fazi captured Jiang Ruan. Even if there are traitors around Guan Lianghan, there may not be ambushes in the capital. He wants to protect Jiang Ruan.

"I've said it many times." Jiang Xinzhi stretched out his index finger to support his head, with a stubborn look: "It's just picked up at random on the road, maybe it's God's will. You must ask, why not Go ask the sky. Maybe the sky thinks that you are nearing the end of your Jin Jin, so it sent a decree to help me Dajin. If this is the case, for the sake of treating me with sincerity these days, let me also remind you, You might as well follow the destiny, everyone will live comfortably, right?"

He is such a calm and introverted person, but now he talks nonsense in a serious manner and puts on a slovenly appearance, but this appearance is not only not annoying, but it is extremely interesting, and he wants to approach unconsciously. . Jin'er lowered her head, covering the faint smile on her lips.

The gray-clothed man was not angry, but stood with his hands behind his back, nodded, and said, "I agree with your Excellency's statement that destiny belongs, but destiny is not written by heaven. Even if God gave Da Jinchao a warning, But this warning prophecy finally fell into our hands, what kind of destiny is this?"

Jiang Xinzhi was silent for a long while before he opened his mouth and said, "You are not from the Tianjin Kingdom, you are from the Dongyi Kingdom."

These people never talk about the affairs of the Tianjin Kingdom. The soldiers stationed here on weekdays are not soldiers of the Tianjin Kingdom. The discovery was not entirely true, but it reminded people of the rumored Dongyi Kingdom. When the first emperor was alive, the Dongyi country invaded the Central Plains, and almost took the entire Central Plains as his own. Later, the first emperor personally conquered the Dongyi country, and the Dongyi country was destroyed. The remaining Dongyi kingdom was expelled to Dajin Towards the edge of the desolation settled.

Jiang Xinzhi lived in the capital since he was born, and he never had the opportunity to see the remnants of Dongyi Kingdom, but now it seems that he has faint suspicions in his heart.

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