The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 342 Emperor Ji (1)

The man in gray smiled slightly when he heard the words, and lifted his clean chin slightly, drawing a strange arc: "Yes, we are from Dongyi. So what? Everyone in the world will eventually become Dongyi Chinese people. This world will eventually become our world.”

Jiang Xinzhi shook his head: "Your Excellency wants to dream, I will not hinder you, but I have already answered your question. Now, if you have nothing to do, you can go out, I want to rest."

The man in gray was not annoyed by Jiang Xinzhi's words, he just smiled lightly, turned around and left the tent, but it was Jin'er who watched nervously as the man in gray went away.


After the man in gray got out of Jiang Xinzhi's tent, he went straight to another tent in the opposite direction. This tent didn't look gorgeous, and it wasn't even as bright as Jiang Xinzhi's from a distance. The whole body was snow-white. After walking in, I found that the tent was sewn with large pieces of snow fox fur. The top was white without any impurities. It looked like the top of a snow-capped mountain that had not been melted for a thousand years. Fascinating beauty.

There were no guards guarding the tent, the man in gray paused at the door before walking in.

There is a circle of amethyst curtains hanging in the tent. The fine crystal stones are crystal clear, shining bright and white brilliance, which almost dazzles the eyes of flower lovers. It looks like a Qionglou Yuyu from outside the sky. Once you step into it, it seems to be walking into a magnificent and majestic paradise.

In the curtain, a figure loomed faintly, seemingly dressed in red, sitting upright in front of the lyre, without stirring it. The man in gray walked up to the curtain and slowly bowed his body, revealing a kind of full respect in his demeanor.

"Emperor Ji." The man in gray said.

"What's the matter?" After a while, a charming female voice came from behind the curtain. This voice is very pleasant, like the first drop of snow water melted by the ten thousand year ice creek in the first moment when the spring sun shines in. It has the laziness and style of the thousand years, and also contains a kind of innocence that does not understand the world. People feel that they almost drown after listening to a sentence, and they can hardly help to lift the shiny curtain to see how beautiful and youthful people are inside.

"Yuan Chuan is incompetent, please punish Di Ji," the gray-clothed man said. In front of this woman, the man in gray lowered his noble chin, as if he was a devout believer, prostrate at the feet of his belief. He was loyal and humble, and said: "He never said the owner of that letter."

"It's nothing." The person behind the curtain said lazily, almost like Haitangchun, a sleeping beauty who has just stretched her waist, showing a cat-like coquettishness: "If he was recruited so easily, he would not be Da Jinchao." God of War."

"Emperor Ji, what should we do now? Or kill Jiang Xinzhi?" the man in gray asked.

"No, I want to keep him, the God of War of the Dajin Dynasty, such a heavy bargaining chip, is a gift from me." The woman's voice suddenly burst into uncontrollable joy, and the voice was already charming and clear. Immediately, a layer of sweet mist appeared, making it hard to see the real appearance.

The man in gray was slightly taken aback, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, he just bowed his head respectfully, as humble and obedient as ever.

"He must be very happy to see this gift I gave him." The voice in the curtain continued, as if all the laziness from before had awakened at this moment, and it sounded like a child who didn't know much about the world, innocent and innocent , extremely pure, welcoming the person he likes.

"Yuanchuan, he's coming soon." The woman seemed to be smiling.

"I've been waiting for him for so long, and finally I can see him again." She said.


The days passed day by day, and people far away at the border also brought good news. After the Jinyiwei led by Xiao Shao arrived at Heiguanya, they redeployed the army, changed the army formation, and withstood the siege of the Tianjin Kingdom. Pay attention to one bang. The Tianjin Kingdom took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but now that the reinforcements arrived, they suffered a big loss, but did not continue to attack for a while, and the two armies formed a confrontation. For the soldiers of the Great Jin Dynasty, it was a good opportunity to buy some time to rest and recuperate.

On the other hand, when the Xirong people on the other side learned that Zhao Guang led the Zhao family army, they also restrained themselves and retreated to the border, temporarily gaining peace.

These two incidents swept away the previous tense atmosphere in the capital, and restored the usual singing and dancing. On this day, Lin Zixiang and Wen Feifei went to the gate of King Jinying's mansion to visit Jiang Ruan.

Butler Lin was naturally happy again. When the old King Jinying and his wife were alive, Princess Jinying was kind and friendly, and she also made good friends with many official wives. There were many people who came to visit. The carriages of different families are parked in front of the mansion every day, which looks lively, but it is also a manifestation of the active relationship of the host family. After the old King Jinying and his wife left, Xiao Shao had a cold temper. Apart from a few maidservants, probably there were no females in King Jinying's mansion anymore. She has been silent for many years, but Jiang Ruan looks dull on the outside, but she is also very popular with others. Not long after she moved in, friends came to visit her. Wen Feifei and Lin Zixiang are also relatively well-known official ladies in Beijing. The butler ordered the whole house to treat him well.

After Wen Feifei and Lin Zixiang met Jiang Ruan, Wen Feifei wiped the sweat from her forehead and said: "Sister Ruan, the servants of Prince Jinying's mansion really obey you, if half of the servants in my mansion are here I am sensible, and I am grateful.”

Wen Feifei is also married now, and married into a well-established general's family, but the new daughter-in-law will always encounter some troubles when she enters the house. Wen Feifei is used to being careless and carefree, so she can't control others. Seeing the order of King Jinying's mansion and the respect for Jiang Ruan, he naturally became envious.

"She is very clever, and she has a lot of tricks to discipline people, and you can't learn it." Lin Zixiang interrupted her without hesitation, as straightforward as always: "Besides, she is beautiful, and King Jinying protects her. You only know how to practice martial arts, how could your husband protect you?"

Wen Feifei looked up at the sky, pretending not to hear Lin Zixiang's words.

Lin Zixiang turned to Jiang Ruan again, and said: "I thought that this marriage would ignore your wishes, and I was afraid that you would be wronged, but now it seems that you are willing to do so. Anyway, King Jinying is not in the mansion, you live alone Comfortable and avoid embarrassment."

Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, noncommittal. If we talk about Lin Zixiang's temperament, he is really a clear stream among noble girls. She speaks quickly, is frank and frank, and others can't tell whether she is stupid or smart, but she is a truly transparent person. Her upright personality is exactly the same as that of Lin Changshi. Everyone said that Lin Changshi, a talented civil servant, raised such a shocking daughter who didn't follow the three principles and five principles, but Jiang Ruan felt that Lin Changshi was the real one. A man of great wisdom, the daughter he raised is much more precious than those ladies in the capital.

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