"Dao——" Before the word Hui Fu could be said, there was a "dong" sound, something fell from the sky, hit the roof of the warehouse, and rolled down along the slope of the warehouse. Rolled in front of everyone. The guards were all taken aback, and protected Jiang Chao by taking a few steps back. Seeing that the thing didn't respond, they boldly stepped forward with a torch to investigate. Seeing this was disastrous, the guard suddenly sat down on the ground in shock, dropped the torch, and said with trembling lips, "My lord... my lord..."

Seeing that his appearance was different, Jiang Chao approached him strangely for a moment, and was shocked when he saw it. The person on the ground was none other than Zhang Ji, the leader of the supply troop. At this moment, his whole body was stiff, with a bloodstain on his throat, his eyes were wide open, and he was obviously dead.

Jiang Chao had been separated from him for only two hours, and when he didn't want to see him again, Zhang Ji had already turned into a dead body, and he couldn't help but turn pale with shock. Before he could react, he heard a few swishing sounds, and a few black shadows flashed by innately. No one saw how the warehouse door was opened, and no one saw how sparks were drawn into it. I only saw the sparks slammed into the old high when they touched the dry grass. Without any other incitement, they rose rapidly like a line of fire, but in a short while, the whole warehouse was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

The rumbling fire almost illuminated the entire street, brightly lit like daytime, and the fire was blood-colored, with an ominous aura faintly attached. No one expected such an accident, Jiang Chao and Xia Jun were stunned in place, the men in black came and went without a trace, and immediately disappeared again. Xia Jun's heart moved, and he was about to order to retreat when he heard someone shout: "It's flooded, it's not good, the warehouse is flooded!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of hooves of horses was heard from far away on the long street, accompanied by neat torches shining on the fire, a voice shouted: "Brave maniacs, how dare you set fire to the military pay, come here, kill them all!" Get it for me!"

Xia Jun was startled, thinking in his heart that something was wrong, but before he could speak, he heard someone in his team already showing a sword, and he shouted loudly: "Put down the knife!" Hack and kill.

The emotion of killing people with swords is contagious, like a signal, people around them light up their swords one after another and join the slashing team. The crowd was in chaos, and for a while, only the sound of swords facing each other was heard. Seeing this scene, the official sitting on the big horse was shocked and angry, and shouted: "Everyone listen to my order, take down these arsonists, and if they resist, they will be executed on the spot!"

As soon as these words came out, the people brought by Jiang Chao panicked even more, regardless of Xia Jun's stop, they fought harder and harder to resist. It's just that there are so many people who act at night, so they can't compare with the patrolling guards in the dynasty. In less than a stick of incense, Jiang Chao's men and horses had already been subdued, and the ground was in a mess. And the fire in the granary was unstoppable. At this moment, even if someone kept bringing up water to fight the fire, it would be like a drop in the bucket, and it would not help at all. He could only watch helplessly as the fire engulfed the entire granary, and hundreds of carts of military salaries were reduced to ashes.

The fire burned for a whole night, and the people in the capital of the Dajin Dynasty slept soundly that night, not knowing how many undercurrents occurred in it. No one knew how the granary caught fire until the early morning vendors went to open their shops and saw thick smoke billowing from the granary. What a good food.

Jiang Chao, the second son of Jiang's mansion, and Xia Jun, the second young master of Xia's mansion, set fire to the military pay in the granary at night, and the news spread throughout the capital on the first day. When Jiang Quan heard the news in the mansion, his hand trembled and almost turned the teacup over, and he glared at his new wife Xia Yue in disbelief: "What did you say?"

Xia Yue looked at Jiang Quan with some timidity. She was just a daughter of a distant cousin of the Xia Mansion, and she had her own childhood sweetheart, but in order to win over the Jiang Mansion, the Xia family prevented the relationship between the Jiang Mansion and the Xia Mansion after Xia Yan's death. If he refused, he married her over. Xia Yue is only seventeen or eighteen years old now, exactly the same age as Hua. Marrying Jiang Quan and being able to be like her father naturally resented her. Not long after she got married, something like this happened in Jiang's house, and Xia Yue felt even more resentful, but she had to bow her head under the eaves. Jiang Quan looked gentle on the surface, but it was frightening to get angry. She said: "Master, this is true, it has spread outside."

What she said was so swearing, even if Jiang Quan wanted to believe it, there was nothing he could do. He said angrily: "This scoundrel! You must destroy the Jiang family!"

"Master, don't worry about getting angry," Xia Yue looked down on Jiang Quan's behavior of only complaining about others when something happened, and covered the disdain in her eyes and said, "I heard that Lord Hou has already entered the palace to face the saint. It is no small matter, burning the military pay in the granary is a serious crime, and the 100,000 soldiers at the border are now waiting for the emergency food. It is inevitable that the Second Young Master will make such a move at this moment, which will inevitably make people suspicious."

Jiang Quan was startled, just now he was dizzy and only focused on angering Jiang Chao's audacity, but now he really felt a wave of fear. It's true that one hundred thousand soldiers are still waiting for emergency military pay at the border, but Jiang Chao and Xia Jun burned down the granary last night. In the middle of the night, if it was intentional, no one would believe it. If it was intentional, why would a good son of a government official make such a move. Today, the war between the Jin Kingdom and the Dajin Dynasty is where the emperor's nerves are most sensitive. Jiang Chao's stabbing at this time is not forcing the emperor to think about it, thinking about Jiang Chao's collusion with the enemy and treason. Otherwise, why would you rather destroy the granary, and put the soldiers of the Dajin Dynasty in danger of running out of ammunition and food!

Jiang Quan was fidgeting and felt a stream of cold sweat slipping down his neck and down his back. The emperor's suspicion was like a knife hanging over Jiang Fu's head. But now he only has this one son, and he can't ignore it.

He suddenly asked Xia Yue, "Why did Master Xia Hou want to enter the palace?" Although Xia Cheng only had one grandson, Xia Jun, he shouldn't have entered the palace so quickly to face the saint. Before everything is clear, Xia Cheng can't act rashly. Face to face in a hurry now, something important must have happened.

Xia Yue took a look at Jiang Quan, and said in a low voice: "I heard that when Second Young Master Xia appeared yesterday, he brought Xia's private army with him, and those soldiers fought with the city's garrison. Your Majesty was furious when he heard about it." , and put the Second Young Master Xia and the Second Young Master in prison."

When Jiang Quan heard this, he almost fainted. It is not a big deal for high-ranking officials in the capital to keep some private soldiers in each mansion. This private army is no different from the guards in the mansion, and the number is not very large. The emperor also acquiesced. However, the crimes of arson by two people and arson with a private army are quite different. If it is said that a single person set the fire alone, it can be said that it was Xia Jun and Jiang Chao's own idea, but once there is a private army, it will implicate the entire society. A major event in the mansion. In particular, this private army is still fighting with the city guards, isn't it clamoring at the feet of the emperor, what would the emperor think? It must be that they have already turned their backs!

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