The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 354 Entering the Urn (2)

Jiang Quan grabbed Xia Yue: "Did you hear clearly, only the private army of Xia's mansion has nothing to do with the Jiang family?"

Xia Yue was even more contemptuous in her heart. At this time, Jiang Quan only thought of herself, for fear of implicating the Jiang family, it was really selfish enough. But after thinking about it, the relationship between the Xia Mansion and the Jiang Mansion was originally maintained through marriage, and Xia Yan even married herself after his death. They were originally together for the sake of profit, so how can there be any family affection?

"There is no private army of the Jiang family, master, please rest assured." Although thinking so, Xia Yue still smiled, but immediately frowned: "But master, do you want to go to the palace to intercede for the second son now?" ? This is no small matter."

Jiang Quan sat on the spot, his eyes changing undecidedly. If it was in the past, he would definitely try to rescue Jiang Chao without saying a word. But now the Jiang family is not as good as before, the reputation in the capital has been ruined, and the emperor has a lot of complaints about the Jiang family. This time, Jiang Chao has made such a big mess. This is really too big, and it is impossible for Jiang Chao Get out of the way. What is even more worrying is the emperor's attitude. If he enters the palace to intercede with Jiang Chao at this moment, will the emperor think that the Jiang family is also involved in this matter. Originally, he only suspected that the Xia family had the intention of treason, but now it will implicate the Jiang family, what should we do?

"No," after thinking for a long time, Jiang Quan made up his mind and said, "Now is not a good time. You can write a book for me and send it to Prince Jinying's mansion, and you want Jiang Ruan to go back to the mansion quickly. She has to find a way to save her second brother's life."

Xia Yue had already heard about Jiang Ruan's deeds before she came to Jiang's mansion, and she actually applauded Jiang Ruan's rectification of Xia's family and Jiang Quan. Hearing what Jiang Quan said now, I couldn't help feeling a tinge of contempt in my heart. Why did Jiang Quan say something so high-sounding that he didn't dare to come forward, but taught his daughter to do so. Jiang Ruan and Jiang Chao didn't get along at all, and Jiang Quan knew it well, how could Jiang Ruan be willing to help Jiang Chao get rid of the crime, and he didn't know if Jiang Quan was so confused because he was too impatient.


In the darkest cell in the sky prison, the two cells are closely adjacent to each other, separated by a thick iron fence. Not only did the faint firelight fail to bring a glimmer of light to the already gloomy cell, but it made it even more eerie.

On both sides of the iron fence, there were two people sitting against the wall, one with his head downcast and mournful, the other with cold eyes and a face so heavy that water dripped out.

Jiang Chao looked at Xia Jun, unable to hide his anxiety: "Cousin, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do?" Xia Jun sneered, "Man is a knife, I am a fish."

Seeing Xia Jun's indifferent appearance, Jiang Chao felt even more anxious, and said, "How did things turn out like this? Where did we go wrong? Damn it, how could the city guard rush to you at this time?" Come?"

Xia Jun lowered his head, his eyes flashed. The ominous premonition in his heart since last night has finally been confirmed now, and he feels that everything is going too smoothly, which makes people suspicious. Jiang Ruan did not stop it, which is really unreasonable. Now he finally understands where the inexplicable premonition came from, just because she has never lost since she plotted against Jiang Ruan a few years ago, as long as it was related to Jiang Ruan. She won't lose, how can they win so easily? All of this is just her calculation.

"We fell for it." After a long while, Xia Juncai said slowly: "This is a game that was set against us from the very beginning. The other party always knew what we were going to do, but they just gave it a push, and now it's time to close it." on the net."

Jiang Chao looked at him in surprise, his mind became more and more confused: "Cousin, what do you mean?"

"Last night, the fire in the granary was inexplicable. It was clear that someone deliberately set the fire on purpose to lead the charge to you and me. When the city guards came with their troops, I clearly ordered that private troops not be allowed to fight impulsively, but someone took the initiative. Drawing swords to face each other, now that I think about it, it is too suspicious, it is clear that someone is in the middle of it, deliberately disturbing the water in the pool."

That person mingled with the private army and provoked a conflict between the private army of the Xia Mansion and the soldiers led by the city guard, thus gaining the reputation of the Xia Mansion for injuring people and causing chaos. The crime of arson plus the crimes committed, is really a heinous crime, and it can be said that the intention of treason is obvious.

"But... how did they know about our plan to steal food and grass?" Jiang Chao was surprised that there were still people behind him, but only five people knew about the plan. Where did the news leak out? .

"It's strange, isn't it? I also find it very strange. It doesn't seem like we got the news that we were going to set the fire. Instead, it seems like we knew what we were going to do from the beginning, and even pushed it. Now think about it, Zhang The play that was sung in the court that day was really too perfect, I think, at that time, we had already fallen into someone else's trap and didn't know it." Xia Jun said.

Jiang Chao shook his head: "Cousin, what you said is really incredible. If what you said is true, who is that person? Who has such a great ability?"

"Who?" A charming and beautiful face appeared in front of Xia Jun's eyes, and the upturned winking eyes were slightly bent, as if mocking their pretentious cleverness. Is it her? Although it was too unbelievable, Xia Jun had an intuition that this must have something to do with her. There are no prophets in the world, but why, how did she know their plans? It's as if they have figured out all their thoughts. It's just too scary. She even let Zhao Yi who was on duty avoid last night's inspection. The city guard who caught them last night was another old official. Da Jinchao is notoriously ruthless. Zhao Yi did this during the holidays between his family and Xia's family, but changing the old official almost completely abandoned this possibility. Jiang Ruan even thought of this, and they had no chance of flipping.

"Do you know where the scariest place is?" Xia Jun sneered, and said, "We burned food and grass in the middle of the night, and if we were not careful, we would be accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason. Burn it all out. We can't make it up. There's only one way now."

"What way?" Jiang Chao asked hastily.

"Wait." Xia Jun said: "Wait until the eighth prince finds a reason to exchange all the food and grass that was exchanged out, and tell the emperor that we are burning moldy food instead of military pay, and the matter will be solved."

"That's good." Jiang Chao breathed a sigh of relief: "The eighth prince still needs you and me, and the Jiang family and the Xia family can't be lost, so naturally they won't just sit idly by."

"I hope so." Xia Jun looked at his hands, but... he secretly thought, did Jiang Ruan really only do this? That woman's shots were ruthless, if she was really in charge of all this, why would she pick it up heavily and drop it gently? Just to make them suffer so much? The faint uneasiness in Xia Jun's heart resurfaced again, he clenched his fists and stopped talking.

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