The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 356 Lost power (2)

Qi Feng was shocked by Jiang Ruan's words, she had already figured out Ye Li thoroughly, her understanding of Ye Li was even deeper than that of Jin Yiwei, which made people have to doubt her identity. But right now, it seems that Jiang Ruan's hatred towards Ye Li is more like a deep hatred through a sea of ​​blood. He suddenly has a feeling that as long as Jiang Ruan is around, she will do everything possible to stop Ye Li's great cause, Ye Li's great cause , will never succeed.

This woman's mind is tactful and delicate, her means are outrageous, her appearance is charming and charming, but her heart is barren, it seems that nothing can enter her eyes, and nothing can make her look good. There is a sense of mystery all over her body, but people can't help being attracted to her.

Jiang Ruan didn't notice Qi Feng's gaze, but his thoughts drifted to the distance. In the previous life, Ye Li's secret path was never used so early. At that time, it was already in the late stage of seizing the throne, the prince had already died, the fifth prince was in prison, and the great cause of the world was just around the corner. He used this secret way to send news to the outside of the palace. This secret way is the most precious bargaining chip, and he is used to planning ahead People always have to leave a way out for themselves. This is his trump card. When Jiang Ruan accidentally found out about this secret way, Ye Li got angry at her for the first time, only then she apologized and said repeatedly that she would not tell anyone about it, so Ye Li forgave her. It was only later that two more maidservants were sent to her palace. At first she thought it was Ye Li who cared for her, but now that she thought about it, those two servant girls were just sent by Ye Li to watch her. Ye Li is very suspicious. He doesn't allow anyone to know his trump card. He saved Jiang Ruan's life and didn't silence her, so he was showing mercy. It's just that when I think about the past now, I always feel that every scene is ironic.

Qi Feng sensitively noticed the change in Jiang Ruan's gaze, which seemed to contain mockery and self-loathing towards something, and also a deep coolness. After gathering his composure, he asked: "So that's the case. No one would have thought that he would hide his military salary in a secret passage."

"That's right," Jiang Ruan came back to his senses, slowly lowered his head and said, "He wants to protect this secret road, so he will never help the Xia family. Once it is revealed that the burned food is Chen Liang, and the military salary is still there, then , His secret can no longer be kept. Once the secret way is exposed, the emperor will know his intention of treason. Therefore, he dare not bet that he will not save him. If he wants to protect himself, he must sacrifice the Xia family. "

Qi Feng suddenly realized.

Now everyone in the capital is staring at the matter of food and grass, if Ye Li tried to find a way to tell the emperor that everything was just a misunderstanding, Xia Jun and Jiang Chao were burning old food, so where did the military salary go? With so many eyes staring at him, it was impossible to ship back the general's salary intact. Once Ye Li's secret way is exposed, the emperor will be aware of his rebellious intentions, and he will definitely suppress it vigorously, so Ye Li's great career path will come to an end.

He couldn't help, and even wanted to avoid suspicion and protect the secret of the Secret Way, so he was doomed to sacrifice the Xia family, and the strength of the Xia family was exactly what he needed. In this way, at least Ye Li's efforts in the past few years will be wiped out. Qi Feng almost wanted to laugh, Jiang Ruan's move was too ruthless, Ye Liqian could hardly retreat, he had to goug out a piece of raw flesh on his body, I am afraid that now is the time to jump in anger.

"Then what should we do now? Find a way to inform His Majesty Ye Li's secret way?" Qi Feng asked.

"If you tell it now, Ye Li will have a hundred ways to prove that the secret way has nothing to do with him. Besides, if His Majesty finds out after you tell it, it will inevitably implicate the Jinying Palace. The status of the Jinying Palace is already embarrassing. In this matter, there will be a hundred harms and no benefit." Jiang Ruan said.

"Then what should we do?" Seeing that she unquestionably rejected the suggestion, Qi Feng knew that she must have other ideas in her mind, and asked, "Sister-in-law San has a good idea?"

"I said, this time, I want them to knock out their teeth and swallow their blood. After suffering a huge loss, they dare not say it." A trace of hostility flashed in her eyes: "The 800-car military salary Xiao Shao still needs Yes, I also want to thank Ye Li for shipping them out intact, I want this batch of military pay!"

"You..." Qi Feng looked at her in surprise, and after a while, he suddenly burst out laughing, laughing very freely, and said while laughing: "Sister-in-law, you are really cheerful, you are also courageous, and your ideas are even better , if this happens, if I were Ye Li, I would be so angry that I would be bedridden, you are really - high!"

Jiang Ruan was noncommittal, at this moment, Luzhu opened the door and walked in, seeing Qi Feng was there, after saluting, she came forward to hand in a letter, and whispered: "Girl, Master has a letter."

Jiang Ruan took the letter and didn't care about Qi Feng's presence. She took out the letter and read it in a short time. After reading it, she didn't have any emotions, so she handed the letter paper to Luzhu: "Take it out and burn it."

Luzhu went out as she said, Qi Feng looked at her: "What happened to the third sister-in-law?"

"It's nothing, it's just that my father thinks that my second brother is in prison, and my younger sister should also do my part to rescue her." Her words were not without irony. Qi Feng felt harsh when he heard it, and couldn't help saying: "What kind of reason is this? As a father, even if he wants to fight for Jiang Chao, it shouldn't be you. You, a boudoir, how can you be involved in this? Jiang Quan Are you crazy?"

"He's just a little naive." Jiang Ruan sneered: "Save him? I just want to watch him, step by step and never turn back. He's lived long enough. This time, I want his life."


In Nanhua Garden, the emperor waved his hand, and the eunuchs who were about to speak fell silent. Eunuch Li drove them all out. When the emperor stepped into the door, he immediately saw the young man who was practicing calligraphy in the room.

It's a little early to say that he is a boy, but he looks more like a child, with a very delicate appearance, it seems that every time he sees him, he is more stable and restrained than before. The emperor stepped lightly, and after walking a little, he saw the child's snow-white rice paper writing: A person who loves and desires is like a torch. If you walk against the wind, you will definitely burn your hands.

His handwriting is very good, as delicate as others, without the slightest sharpness, but this does not mean that this young man is really as harmless as his handwriting. In fact, everyone has a temper. When they were young, they judged people by their words, but in this young man's handwriting, his heart could not be clearly seen at all.

The emperor looked around and remembered that Eunuch Li had reported that the side hall where Ye Pei lived was the most remote hall in the palace, and it was not even comparable to the residence of a seventh-rank official. Later, he vacated the Nanhua Garden where the fourth prince lived. Gave it to Ye Pei. The fourth prince was also quite favored at the beginning, but for the accident that happened later, I don't know what the situation is now. The emperor's move immediately aroused the suspicion of the courtiers, and those with a little discernment began to inquire about the thirteenth highness, who seemed to have nothing to rely on.

Although he is favored by the emperor, Ye Pei doesn't have a powerful mother's family, so people don't think much of him in the palace. But even so, now that Nanhua Garden is well-organized, well-arranged and not extravagant, one knows that Ye Pei is a man with means and ideas. The emperor looked at him, a child who didn't value him, and a complicated feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

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