The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 357: Losing Power (3)

Ye Pei seemed to sense his coming, looked back, was slightly startled, and then saluted: "I have seen my father."

"Excuse me." The emperor waved his hand: "I'm here to see you." His brows could not hide the look of tiredness. Such a big incident happened in the capital. Jiang Chao and Xia Jun set fire to the granary, almost killing everyone in the world. When he got angry, he was also furious, and what made people even more angry was that the Xia family's contempt for the imperial power, and the Xia family's private army dared to attack the army led by the city guard, it was really courageous. Xia Cheng originally begged for mercy, but he was thrown into prison together. Although his behavior seemed reckless, the Xia family had already committed the anger of the world, and it would be difficult to quell the anger of the world if they were not arrested. What's more, this country is still his Ye family's country after all. When will it be time for people from the Xia family to point fingers, as the emperor, everyone in the world must know that if he wants to kill a Xia family, it is like trying to kill a Xia family. Easy as an ant.

It's not like he doesn't know that the Xia family has been scrambling in the dark for so many years. It's just that they don't want to break the balance. Now it seems that some things can't be tolerated and passed. He has taken the initiative to pierce this layer of leather, so naturally he should spare no effort to suppress it.

Dealing with a Xia family is not enough to make the emperor worry, but what is worried about is how to pay for the army. The war has put a strain on the treasury, and it was not long before the people collected food from the people last time. Thinking of this, the emperor slowly frowned again.

Seeing this, Ye Pei thought for a while: "Father is worried about the granary?"

The emperor suddenly looked at Ye Pei, this son's intuition is sometimes too sharp, especially now that he is only eight or nine years old, how could he have the feeling of facing an adult man? Slowly, he said: "Thirteen, what do you think about this matter?"

"The Xia family disrespected the court and made mistakes, and their father will punish them." Ye Pei gently avoided this topic, and said: "I think that the most urgent task is not to deal with the Xia family and punish crimes, but to deal with the food problem of the border guards. .”

If he had doubts about what he and the Xia family had in mind before, Ye Pei's words were enough to dispel doubts. He didn't mention the punishment of Xia's family, but the issue of military pay. No matter where you are and what interests you consider, you will naturally pay attention to that aspect. For example, Ye Hua, after learning about this incident, all he mentioned was the crime of the Xia family, and he didn't think about the tension of the war at all. Ye Pei was able to think of this regardless of his own interests, perhaps because he is still young now, or he really has no intention of playing tricks.

The emperor's eyes softened, and his tone softened a bit, as if he was really an ordinary father treating his son, intending to test his son's homework. He said: "That's right, the military salaries at the border are all reduced to ashes, but the soldiers have to eat food, what do you think?"

"The soldiers of the Great Jin Dynasty threw their lives and blood in order to protect the father's country, but they were tricked by their own people like this. The Xia family was sorry for them, but the royal family could not be sorry for them. Otherwise, who will work for the father in the future, and who will guard the country? "Ye Pei's tone was still childish, but his eyes were extremely calm: "But now the frequent requisitions for grain don't care about the life and death of the people, ignore the public opinion, and cause civil unrest. But the treasury can't get the money out for a while. Qian Liang, we can only attack from other aspects." Ye Pei raised his head to look at the emperor, his eyes were already beautiful, but at this moment, he may have thought of some good idea, his eyes are shining brightly, and the hearts of those who see him will melt up. Like a child presenting treasures, he said with a smile: "I thought that the emperor could have copied the Xia Mansion. The Xia Mansion has been in the Great Jin Dynasty for so many years, so there must be a lot of savings. Take out all the money in the Xia Mansion. It's no problem to buy food from rich merchants and re-purchase a batch of military pay. As for the Xia family who have been officials in the court for many years, the emperor can spare them the death penalty and change the death penalty into exile. Give them a chance to redeem their crimes, and at the same time show the kindness of the royal family, what does Royal Father think?"

The emperor was silent for a while without speaking, but he concealed the deep meaning in his eyes. Ye Pei's method, he had also thought about it, but he couldn't make up his mind for a while. Now Ye Pei's words made him make up his mind. It's just...he looked at Ye Pei, and Ye Pei looked at him hopefully, as if he was a good son waiting for his father's praise. He slowly reached out and touched Ye Pei's head. Ye Pei's body froze, as if he was not used to such intimate contact, but he stood still. The emperor sighed and said: "You are very good, I think this idea is good."

The Xia family's influence in the court is too wide, and it will indeed scare the snakes and cause unnecessary troubles if they are wiped out all at once. Ye Pei's method is very advisable. It can show the benevolence of the royal family, and there is no need to temporarily shock the rest of the party. It also gave the Xia family a feeling that they don't need to push too hard. The Xia Mansion has amassed countless fortunes over the years, so naturally they can also raise a sum of military pay.

The emperor was amazed by Ye Pei's political acumen at a young age. Although his method for this matter was not perfect and had some loopholes, the general direction was correct. This is really good for a child.

He talked to Ye Pei again before leaving in a hurry. After the emperor left, Ye Pei stretched, looked at the words on the table for a while, and then ordered the little eunuch to take out the rice paper and throw it away. He sat down on the chair, played with the paperweight in his hand, and smiled.

The Xia family... has come to an end.


The incident of burning the granary caused an uproar in the court and the public in the capital. However, before the courtiers could discuss the reason, the emperor's decree came unexpectedly. First, Zhao Yi, the eldest grandson of the Zhao family, was sent to lead troops to confiscate the Xia Mansion, and all the countless silver from the Xia Mansion were poured into the treasury to prepare food and payment again. There were one hundred and eighty-three people in Xia's mansion, all of whom were exiled. Like Xia Jun, Jiang Chao was exiled to a desolate place in the northwest.

Committing such a big mistake, although the emperor's decree was carried out vigorously, it did not kill the Xia family. At least in the eyes of the common people, the royal family is benevolent. But the courtiers smelled something meaningful from the emperor's move, and they didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

Jiang Ruan was drinking tea in the room when he heard the news, he was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and whispered to himself: "How could it be so fast?"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Feng hurried in from the outside. Recently, in order to deal with the Xia family, he often comes here to discuss ideas with Jiang Ruan. Today's expression is a bit serious, and there is a bit of joy in the seriousness. Said: "Sister-in-law three, the matter is over."

"Thank you for your hard work this time." Jiang Ruan smiled: "With your help, things will go so smoothly."

"I was about to tell you about this." Qi Feng said in a low voice, looked around, and shook his head: "I haven't had time to do this, it's not me who blows the wind in front of the emperor, my people The plan has not yet started, and there is another person who prompted the emperor to issue an imperial edict."

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