The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 368 Night Attack (3)

"You——" Qi Feng really wanted to beat up this weak-hearted junior. In a blink of an eye, he saw Jiang Ruan's thoughtful appearance, and his movements slowed down.

Jiang Ruan is thinking at the moment, and in a blink of an eye it will be the time when she is going to marry Xiao Shao. In this life, she is unwilling to repeat the mistakes of her previous life, so she tries to avoid following the path of her previous life in every move. In her previous life, she hadn't been able to be an upright wife in the end. The concubine looked beautiful on the surface, but she was actually not a concubine of the emperor. Becoming the young lady of King Jinying's mansion is of course equivalent to having a solid backer. Xiao Shao's power can make many things much easier for her, but the most important thing is that she can completely get rid of Ye Li's shadow. In this life, she finally cut off the last entanglement with Ye Li in terms of love. From now on, she will be a woman of the Xiao family, not the Ye family.

She came back to her senses, looked at Qi Feng and Xia Qing, and said with a slight smile: "In short, Xiao Shao is coming back, and my eldest brother is coming back, and the originally stable situation in the capital may change soon. Take it lightly, Mr. Qi, I am not worried, but Mr. Xia..."

Xia Qing was unconvinced: "What's wrong with me? Why do you treat Sister-in-law differently?"

"You are kind-hearted and gentle, so you will inevitably be used by others." Jiang Ruan smiled: "It's better to be careful. Before Xiao Shao and the others return to Beijing, be careful."

Xia Qing and Qi Feng looked at each other, shrugged, and said, "Okay, the elder sister-in-law is like a mother, I will listen to the third sister-in-law."

Luzhu secretly laughed on the side.


It was windy at night, and Zisu got up to close the window, and unexpectedly found that it had started to rain sporadicly outside. It was already very cold in the cold winter night, and when the rain fell on people, they immediately felt chilly. Zisu closed the window, looked at Jiang Ruan who was still sitting at the table reading a book, and said, "Miss, let's take a rest earlier, when it rains heavily later, take care of the wind and cold."

Jiang Ruan nodded, closed the book, and when he walked to the door, he heard a sound from outside, which seemed to be the sound of something exploding. She frowned. At this hour, there are no firecrackers. She has always had an unexpected intuition for danger, so she immediately put on a coat and stood up, about to walk out of the yard to have a look.

Zisu saw that Jiang Ruan had an idea, so she didn't try to stop it, anyway, there were hidden guards outside to protect her, so there wouldn't be any big trouble. When Jiang Ruanfang walked into the yard, he saw a young servant rushing in from outside, and said anxiously: "Princess, a group of people came outside, claiming to be officials to arrest assassins, the young ones dare not open the door, come here to ask the princess the meaning of."

The servants of Prince Jinying's Mansion were all carefully selected, and they were not stupid. It is really strange to know the officers and soldiers who came to arrest the assassin so suddenly at such a late hour, it is wise to keep an eye out. Jiang Ruan smiled and said: "It's nothing, the official seal and token are required to capture the assassin, since you refuse to open the door, it means that they didn't take out these two tokens, since they don't have these two tokens, they can't prove their identities. Prince Jinying's Mansion is not a small family, even if it is a small family, you can't just break in, these people just don't care, you've done a good job."

After being praised by Jiang Ruan, the boy blushed a little, but immediately changed into a worried expression: "What the princess said is true, but those people are menacing, and I heard from the door that the situation is not small. If you refuse to open the door I'm afraid I won't let it go."

As soon as the words fell, as if to confirm what he said, the guards at the gate rushed over again: "Princess, it's not good, those people have already started to force their way into the palace. The subordinates took a look, and their men are too late. There are a lot of them, and they all brought bows and arrows, and those who come are not kind, so I'm afraid it will be very dangerous."

Butler Lin also came from the outside yard, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Jiang Ruan. Now, everyone in the Jinying Palace regards Jiang Ruan as a serious mistress. If something happens, as long as Jiang Ruan is around, they will go over Butler Lin. Report to Jiang Ruan directly. Butler Lin put away all his usual smiles, and said seriously: "Princess, this place is too dangerous, and I will let the royal guards left behind by the master protect you and leave this place. The token of the master is still there, and you can always get it." protect you."

If the Jinying Palace has become the target of public criticism, and the other party dares to be so rampant tonight, they must have made excellent preparations. It is not safe for Jiang Ruan to stay here. No matter what, the princess of the Jinying Palace always comes first.

Jiang Ruan pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "No."

Everyone was startled by her words, and Luzhu was a little anxious: "Girl, this is not the time to show off. Since those people dared to break into the palace at night, they must have some tricks. What if something goes wrong?"

Generally speaking, Prince Jinying's mansion is like a fortified wall, no one would think of coming to forcefully break into Prince Jinying's mansion. At this juncture, Xiao Shao brought his troops here when he was about to return to court. It was still in the formation of the army, and the outside was already surrounded, and there was no one who could deliver letters to other places. The opponent used such an obvious method to obtain two things, one is to save lives, and the other is to obtain other things in the Jinying Palace.

Human life is not difficult to explain, and now there is only one more woman in the Jinying Palace. As for other things... Jiang Ruan looked at Steward Lin: "How many guards are there in total in this mansion?"

"There are a total of 180 guards. The servants and maidservants, every servant has some martial arts," Lin Guanjia said: "But these are like a mantis arm to the people outside, and they use bows and arrows, and the horses and horses are very different." Regularity, it is like using the army to attack our palace. Wangfei, this place is really dangerous, the prince should leave a token before leaving, if the princess must stay, how about calling the royal guards to protect the princess?"

"No." Jiang Ruan flatly refused: "Since these people dare to come so arrogantly, they may not have other intentions. I'm afraid they want to test the depth of Jin Yiwei. Is there any secret in this palace?"

Lin Butler was taken aback, and looked up at Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan stared at him closely, there was a bit of sharpness in his always smiling and charming eyes, Lin Butler was shocked by those eyes, and he didn't dare to hide anymore, He opened the mouth and said: "Yes. The prince handles official documents in the palace, and some secret matters are also discussed in the palace. Although the old slave is not very clear, he also knows that there should be many important things in the palace. Although it is well protected, it is inevitable. Get caught."

Jiang Ruan's heart sank, and he said coldly: "It really is a good strategy to kill a few birds with one stone."

"What's the explanation?" Lin Butler asked.

Jiang Ruan quickly turned around and walked towards the main hall of the palace: "The seemingly reckless action happened at this time. If Jin Yiwei is recruited, the real strength of Jinying Palace can be discovered. If you abandon the palace and escape , maybe you can find out the secrets in the palace, and if you want to take someone's life, it's even easier. He's a robber, but he's a smart one." Ye Li, it really wasn't that easy to dismiss. Now it's so aggressive when you make a move. She walked fast without stopping, and her long fox fur cloak drew a gorgeous arc in the night: "It's not too late, Lao Lin, call everyone in the mansion to gather in the front hall, tonight, no one is allowed to leave the brocade One step to the King's Palace!"

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