Lin Butler was startled by the ruthlessness in Jiang Ruan's words, and immediately replied: "Yes!"

Butler Lin's movements were really fast, and in less than half a stick of incense, everyone had already gathered in the front hall of Prince Jinying's mansion. Jiang Ruan stood in the courtyard of the front hall, in front of everyone, butler Lin stood aside, and Jin Er and several hidden guards followed behind Jiang Ruan without saying a word. All eyes are on the future young lady of Prince Jinying's mansion. The situation is dangerous tonight, but this woman refuses to escape alone. This action has already won the favor of the people of Prince Jinying's mansion. Yes, it is admirable to have such courage. But if there is courage and no strategy, it will not bring good luck to the Jinying Palace, so everyone wants to see what tricks Jiang Ruan can come up with.

Jiang Ruan was standing in front of everyone. The darker the night, the more beautiful her face was. In such a dangerous situation, her eyes were shining like menacingly, and there was a faint smile on her lips. But people felt the faint murderous intent on her body. She said: "Everyone, I don't need to say anything more. Someone is going to break into the Jinying Palace tonight. I don't know what their purpose is. It's always because the people who came here are not good. You are all from the Jinying Palace. Now, someone wants to break into the palace. Entering your yard, may kill your relatives, rob your treasures, and maybe even plant an assassin's hat on you."

She said it indifferently, as if she was talking about what would happen in other people's homes, but everyone was surprised when they heard it. It's another thing to guess what might be going on and the truth to actually come out of someone else's mouth. The eyes of everyone changed slightly.

"Your master entrusted King Jinying's mansion to me before he left, and I promised to protect its stability. Every plant in this mansion may be closely related to the future of the mansion, so don't take it lightly. So, I am the same tonight, I To fulfill my promise to your master, I will not leave this palace and leave. I am with you. The robbers have come in. If you have not left, I will not leave either. I will stay here until the last moment. "

Everyone stared at her blankly, some people might be puzzled, how could Jiang Ruan, as a golden concubine and the mistress of the entire palace, stay here willingly. Knowing that it was a conspiracy but refused to back down, there was clearly a look in those beautiful eyes that only hungry wolves had, lonely courage and extreme indifference, she was ignoring her own life.

Tianzhu stood beside Jiang Ruan quietly. From the moment she followed Jiang Ruan, she knew that the master she was following was in some respects the same as Jin Yiwei. No matter how the outside world changed, her heart would always be strong and strong.

Jiang Ruan ordered coldly: "Now, as the princess of Jinying, I order you, all the servants and servants, go back to your own room and find a place to hide. All the guards of the palace, you gather Here, focus on guarding Xiao Shao's study and bedroom. If anyone breaks in, they will all be killed. Jin Er, you find a way to get out of the palace. It would be better if there is a secret passage, and set all the houses around Jinying's mansion on fire. Jin San Jin Si, the two of you set off signal flares, Jin Yiwei can't come forward, Zhao family can come forward." Her eyes were extremely cold, and her tone was unfathomable: "If you want to step in here, you have to see if you have that Ability. Weighing the depth of the Jinying Palace, I will let them come and go!"

Everyone was terrified by the almost cursed words, and couldn't help but look up at the beautiful hostess. She was charming and bright, and her crimson dress blew red flowers in the wind of the cold night, but her tone was cruel. Bitter, like a ghost crawling out of hell. The sarcasm that flowed from the end of his eyes naturally contained a kind of contempt engraved in his bones, and everyone was a little confused. Lin Butler's palms trembled. He didn't know why. He felt that Jiang Ruan at this time was very similar to Xiao Shao. He was strong and tenacious from the bottom of his heart. In front of his eyes, he also has the courage to calmly order his servants to make arrangements.

"Now, act now!" she ordered.

After all, the servants of King Jinying's mansion were well-trained, and Jiang Ruan ordered them to scatter like birds and beasts. The servants and maidservants with low martial arts all found places to hide. Guards with martial arts were in ambush in Xiao Shao's study and bedroom.

Jiang Ruan sat in the main hall with a heavy expression, surrounded by a dozen guards, butler Lin anxiously said: "Young Madam, if you really don't want to leave, at least you have to find a place to hide. Don't be here. Keep it here, what will we do when those people come in later?"

"If I find a place to hide, and those people come in to find me, they will inevitably hurt the innocent again. Why waste a few lives for nothing. I can see clearly what they are trying to do, which is to kill me. , or come to Jinying Palace for other purposes." Jiang Ruan shook his head.

"This is really too dangerous." Lin Butler was a little helpless, Jiang Ruan had the same temperament as Xiao Shao, and the nine cows couldn't pull back the things that had been decided. What's more, anyone who cherishes life would not do this method of taking personal risks. Jiang Ruan completely disregarded life and death. This is not a big righteousness, butler Lin has lived for so many years, and he can judge people very accurately. Jiang Ruan clearly never cared about his own safety. Her methods are fierce and her heart is cruel. If she has enough bargaining chips to achieve her goal, her life can be traded. But now that Jiang Ruan has made up his mind, it is impossible to change it. Steward Lin sighed, and had no choice but to ask: "What is the reason for what Young Madam said just now? How could someone burn down the houses around Prince Jinying's mansion?"

"It's late at night, so there are still people around. If there is no movement, wouldn't it be a silent ambush? These people seem to be bold, but they still only dare to do it at night, presumably to deceive people's eyes and ears. Since I am using the guise of an official, I will not expose him politely. The houses on this street are on fire, which will surely startle everyone, and more and more people will be there. Some people became suspicious. Killing and arson at night is not a trivial matter. There are not many guards in a house, but there are also many guards in every house on a street. Although it may not be possible to deal with those people, it is impossible to silence them one by one. Yes. They are flustered, so they will naturally have scruples, as long as they have scruples, we can find the exit."

Lin Butler suddenly realized, and said: "Wang Hao has a good idea, but if people ask about it the next day, what about the fire? Burning people's houses is harmful to morality."

"What does the fire have to do with us?" Jiang Ruan asked back, butler Lin was taken aback, only listening to Jiang Ruan's understatement: "Anyway, it's those people who pretended to be officials who made the noise, and we are also victims. As for Yinde..." She smiled slightly : "I haven't finished my life yet, worry about what to do after death, we are not the ones who will die tonight." Speaking of the last sentence, her tone has turned cold, with a faint sense of sternness.

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